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Everything posted by DonniePeverley

  1. If the law is amended and they are held responsible for any violations - it would soon stop. These people are to blame. Backhanders galore.
  2. Pretty much this. I saw a condo on the market. Brand new, amazing facilities. But the fear we had to make such a huge investment was that a few years down the line this will become an airbnb. How can you trust it will not? In all my time in Bangkok, only once were we not infested with airbnb short term renters - and it will bliss. We actually started to get to know a few people in the condo. The gym and pool area was lovely. The worst was a condo which was bang in the heart of tourism zone, and it was a rookie mistake. It was infested to the max. The worst was those renting the places were out were bringing their friends into the gym, sauna, pool area. Parties were going on, no care for facilties or anything. The management were basically in on it. Every morning leave the condo you'd have numerous families showing up with suitcases like a busy hotel. It was horrific.
  3. It was obvious he was going to back down on tarrifs. If there is any authority there i would check on anyone benefitting on short changing the dollar for gain. This is exhausting. 1 month in and he is doing my head in. Just blanket ban all news on him. Let us have a day off !
  4. Nonsense. Go look at Japan. Explain to me why Vietnams economy is surging, set to leave Thailand behind. Vietnam has a diversified economy. Hell there birth rate is also going up !
  5. Honestly i am now back a few days in the UK. I really am appreciating being back alot more. I am actually in praise of the order, even though i do enjoy the enjoy chaos in Thailand. But things like pavements, good air quaity, british women ! I remember walking around a park in Thialand close to my condo, and the dude was spraying herbicides onto the grass at such mass levels that there was no way it was safe. I was thinking to myself it may well be even hazardous to walk around parks here ! One of the highlights for me, is just getting into my car and driving around without the hellish Bangkok traffic, driving 10 seconds forward, only to be stopped by 4 minute traffic lights. It's been lovely. No doubt i'll get the Thai itch soon, but for now i am really enjoying spending time back.
  6. Is this a Thai special - few days crack down, then forget about it ?
  7. This really effects consumer confidence. Why on earth would you buy a high end condo for crazy figures, then a year down the line it's become a airbnb for masses of unruly short term visitors. No one would buy in those conditions. I've seen condos that set up originally and are pretty strict in the first few years. Then once all rooms are sold up, and developers move on, they deteriorate into airbnb. When i attended the meeting at one condo, i bought it up, and essentially i do have the feeling the condo management were allowing as they were been given some backhanders. There was simply no enforcement. It is very simple to enforce. Any entry into the condo should have finger prints, face recognition and active security keeping an eye.
  8. That's the crux Thailand cannot get out of. Each government wants quick fixes, don't have long term visions - so they will just take the quick fix. No chance to diversify the economy when the whole population is working in some way to service tourism. Parents won't send their kids into long term education, when they can get out there and earn money straight away. Thailand simply don't have to do things this way. But even now when their economy is sluggish, what do they do ? They open the door FOR EVEN MORE TOURISM.
  9. Thailand has been told many times by economic forums to diversify it's economy, and stop relying on tourism. Instead it constantly doubles down on mass tourism (now on steroids). This then addicts the work force into short term fixes as the population goes straight for the quick fix into working. Mass tourism is the problem. They need to bring the numbers down, push for quality tourism, then get Thai children into education. Go see Vietnam for how quick their economy is surging, because their economy is so diversified. If there is a war in the world, or some crisis effecting tourism Thailand will be in the dog poo again.
  10. When there were visas for India ... they needed to show proof of a hotel booking. I am not exagaurating when i say this - they are sharing masses into one room. Same with some Chinese. It was needless.
  11. I am going to assume you are going to make a racist comment ? Go on i'll bite ... what problems?
  12. The muslim population in the UK is 6% . Appalling racism.
  13. I had these headaches too when levels were red. I've never experienced symptoms like that before.
  14. Putin didn't bank on the resolve of the west to support Ukraine. They have. He's learnt a lesson. It's been pointless and caused needless suffering to his country. But he won't walk away if he can't save face. You have to let him keep something and show he wasted lives and money for something, so he can take it to the Russian population as a win (even if it is nothing). But he also has to know (and probably has) he can't do this <deleted> again.
  15. In April 1968, Joe Biden received a draft notice as he was about to graduate from law school; but after a medical examination he was reclassified by the Selective Service System as "1-Y", not available for service except in national emergency, due to having had asthma as a teenager. Don't think Zalesnki has served either. Neither has Putin or Trump. Makes you sick
  16. I was referring to the peace keeping army you said should be deployed into Ukraine. If Russia don't agree to it, then it's not really a peace keeping army is it? If they then drop a bomb on them, what then ? Do we then attack Russia? It's easy for this to esculate is my opinion.
  17. They tend to drink spirits. The British benidorm crew drink larger.
  18. What if Putin drops bombs on them ? What would we do then?
  19. What if Putin then drops a bomb on a UK city or French city. Are Nato then going to declare war on a nuclear power? Are they capable of doing that .... when it clearly looks like there is no American support. Personally they need to be careful. They've made their point - and probably hurt Russia enough now for them to not contemplate doing it again anywhere else. Personally no need for boots on ground. Ukraine isn't worth destroying the world over. Over the past few weeks i have had so many people come up to me from their experiences in Ukraine, describing how racist society was there for them before the invasion - that i am loosing my sympathy. One indian guy said when the war started and people were fleeing on the trains, him and other fellow Indians were told to get out of the trains and kicked out the train stations as it was for Ukrainians only - despite living there for generations. Heard stories before that too.
  20. Arrived back in the UK. Took a deep breath with clean fresh air. That first breath really feels good after a year in Thailand unable to properly breathe. For nearly a year now whenever i have been outside in Bangkok, walking the 'sidewalks', surrounded by some of the worst vehicle pollution i have ever known in the history of any country, black diesel emissions in your face, stationary traffic just blowing weird emissions out, red busses with smoke coming out of them like they on fire - clearly Thailand doesn't enforce emissions on their cars (something even India is very strict about). As a result i have developed a pattern of a bizarre slow breathing so i am not fully inhaling the emissions. Honestly, arrived back in the UK yesterday and felt i could finally breath again. The air is beautiful. Crisp. Clean. Amazing.
  21. Pollution is an awful problem here FROM VEHICLES. Too many vehicles. My business place was not too far from Wongwinyai, but you literally see motorbikes and cars passing you on the 'sidewalk' with black smoke coming out of them. Utterly horrific.
  22. THey need to raise prices of alcohol like Spain has done to keep the trash and Benidorm British crew away.
  23. As told, Trump saying compromise on tarrifs coming soon. All nonsense
  24. The worst is the left turn. Even with a red light, apparently you can turn left.
  25. What's to complain about - get yourself down to Nana Plaza for the evening.
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