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Everything posted by DonniePeverley

  1. What is astonishing is that India doesn't even let Thai nationals enter India without a tough visa !!!! An Indian cannot get into Congo, Ehiopa, Nigeria, South Sudan without a visa. But Thailand .. no problem. Absurd
  2. This is firmly due to the visa policies by previous PM and the current administration who have removed all visa controls to India (and basically most of the world). As a result you have a raft of cheap tourists entering the country ... well basically because it's the only country that lets them in. They have destroyed any hope of quality tourism by this one insane measure. It was a panic ridden decision after the pandemic to kick start tourism - there was simply no need for it, tourism numbers have returned to pre pandemic levels around the world. They let the Russians take over Phuket. Now have essentially let India takeover Pattaya. It's absolutely awful. You tell me how a quality tourist will want to go here?
  3. Who ? We saw alot of the Benidorm British crew around. Or the Russians ?
  4. It's usually the Russians that do this. Why? Why do they want loud noise ?
  5. Utterly ridiculous take. So the local Thai who works hard just to make ends meet, on around £7 a day is meant to just take a hike ?
  6. There's a British lass who is openly cash in hand doing fitness classes. She gives the gym owner a small percentage. Sometimes even does group routines. It's pretty open in some areas of Phuket.
  7. For research purposes where are these indian prositutes?
  8. Thailand is not a rich country, despite the glamour you may see. It has low wages, that simply cannot let it's workforce be taken advantage off. These laws are there to protect them. We are already seeing an erosion with living accomodation, with foreigners now having more rites, and able to stay longer term. The russians are effectively living in Phuket, and have pushed up rents, pricing locals Thai's out. We already seeing visas being introduced to allow foreigners to stay and takeover whole regions. You simply cannot let foreigners work here, unless on a pre prescribed short list. They have some protections in many countries . This is a disgrace. We all know in Phuket Russians are working there, doing tour guides, running shops, hair salons, the work . They are working. It should be taken down strictly. There is also the question of the 'fronts' who run the business, but employ Thai's to run it. I suppose you could say that is fair game.
  9. What is it you would like to say to them that you can't ? Or does it mean you don't want your 'rite' to be abusive, racist to be infringed upon? This is just about having a definition of what islamaphobia is, for it to be clear to everyone, including the courts There is a definition for Jews anti senitism. There is definition for racism too. There is a definition for homophobia. Definition for sexism in the work place. Nothing wrong here.
  10. The racists had already started stating the Swedish mass shooter was a muslim. Salivating they were. Bob in Pattaya, reading the daily mail with a British breakfast was growling with anti muslim rhetoric "they don't assimilate them", the media were sending reporters to Sweden from all over the world, X was going nuts with muslim bashing, even the richest guy in the world was mentioning it. Turns out it was a white guy. Cue story buried, never spoken of again. Mental health. No riots. No casitgating christiananity or white people. Posts quickly removed for fear of shame by some major celebrities / news reporters too. Shameful. RIP to all those who lost their lives. The media are scum and playing to racists.
  11. Media went mental when story first broke. Reporters were being sent to Sweden. X was going crazy with islam talk. The usual racists were salivating. Turned out though it was a white guy. Story gets buried. Mental health, loner cliche lines come out. No riots. No hysteria. No blaming christianity or all white people. RIP to all those who lost their lives. The media though are complicit in the rage around people. British men in Pattaya were already charged up ready to blame muslims for this. Now they gone quiet too, waiting for the next atrocitiy hoping it will fit their narrow minded thoughts.
  12. What about if the UK or Thailadn did not allow dual citizenship.... So let's say you wanted to become a Thai citizen, but lost your UK citizenship. I doubt anyone would become a Thai citizen in that case.
  13. You have no idea how UK voting representative system works. Farage on some very dodgy polls is doing well in very small samples, but when translated into seats it brings him up to 20 seats. People in the UK vote for constituencies. He has support in some regions, but to win seats and hold a majority you need to win seats around the country, run from the middle and for him he hasn't captured the centre vote. His flagship policy of Brexit was a disaster, and people will not trust him as much. Let's see how well he does at the local elections coming up, where usually a protest vote will kick in. The next UK election is in 4 and half years time. He has no chance of getting into power despite the nonsense you will be reading in twitter.
  14. In some Indian states there has been moves to protects Christians and Catholics - where it is a minority religion. It's just about protecting minorities. What's wrong with that? Your racism and xenophobia can go to hell. Not every muslim is a terrorist or an idiot. Every religion, race, colour creed has good and bad people in it. We have laws to protect the Jewish community, quite rightly. Very strict laws infact. Nothing wrong with protecting the muslim community too, especially when a few idiots amongst them tarnish their whole religion and allow racists to use it against them. Anytime there is an incident, a shooting, anything my muslim friends panic in fear that a random Bob from Pattaya will now start attacking them if it is some idiot being an idiot using their religion. Why should they live in fear like that of taking abuse when it is nothing to do with them? Bob from Pattaya never mentions the IRA, or other horrific regimes that went on. Infact he is known to do a Nazi salute despite their horrific crimes. Sorry if Bob sitting in a Pattaya bar feels it may infringe on his rites to be racist. Tell you what ... try attacking Budhism in Thailand, see how well it goes for you. Try saying something against the Jewish community. But you won't because you will get into a little bit of trouble.
  15. Oh dear .... no point arguing with these people.
  16. It's about protecting minorities. I welcome it. Why should we let skinheads and racists destroy the society we have in the UK. The muslim population are not going away. So it's best we harmonise and live together. There were a raft of laws, that quite rightly protected the Jewish community too. This is about time needed. If you are a racist i can see why it would annoy you. But tough, there was an election in which Labour talked about these measures. Vote Farage and his 5 MP's , including someone who beat his girlfriend up.
  17. So you are unhappy because you feel your ability to be racist or burn a holy book is being infringed upon ?
  18. If they want to achieve more money, and they are not going to attract more wealtheir tourists, they will simply open the flood gates and let in more dross. This place is over. It's becoming Benidorm.
  19. They will have to do this by letting in more cheap mass tourism. Hell on earth for any visitors though and any great experience. They will turn away high quality tourists. No sense of diversifying their economy like many economic think tanks have told Thailand. Any sort of war, trade war, dip in economy that hurts tourism is going to destroy the Thai economy due to an over reliance on cheap tourism. Ex Pm Sretta (who is still around it seems by the picture) decision to open up the borders to the word to anyone with a passport, to allow them to stay longer, be it criminals or very cheap tourists was a disgrace. Less is sometimes more.
  20. Red public busses with black smoke continue to ride around Bangkok. Utter nonsense.
  21. Seeing a few Canadian politicians saying the UK should stand with them Don't recall Canada coming to help the UK when we went through the self imposed barbarity that was Brexit.
  22. Someone explain this to me .... So the American company pay the tarriffs, not Canada. Why Canada so bothered then?
  23. London has been a playground for the rich of Saudi, UAE for years.
  24. Do Thailand still black list people? Never here of that anymore much. This guy should be banned. Phuket usually attracts the cheaper Arab nations like Kuwaitis. They live alter ego lives, very religious back home but then act awful in Thailand, total degenerate like behaviour.
  25. So can China buy Taiwan ? Also how much is Ukraine ? Whilst we at it, might as well some African countries. Sounds ridiculous doesn't it.
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