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Everything posted by DonniePeverley

  1. Don't think that happens anymore. Most of the ladies on my instagram are out there working in 'hospitality' are doing very well. It's the cream of the crop, no aunties or plus 40 bangers here. Viewing those pages purely for research of course.
  2. You make a good point. The middle east especially is a minefield for taking the best thai ladies.
  3. I'm sure in a population close to 30 millon prositution goes on. Like i say, the media hype it up to be some sort of hardcore police state with every citizen being watched by 10 men. It wasn't like that. Now granted, i'm sure as tourists we were being watched, and they are deeply suspicious. But like i said, we did leave areas to walk around and we got a feel of the capital city. And i caveat that with knowing the other cities may well be dumps, but again we took a coach journey and it seemed all very normal. The media hype and fascination with it is all made up.
  4. And the markets fall for it hook line and sinker everytime. Just watch it will be cancelled. It's in his thick book 'art of the deal' or whatever it was called. Act the crazy man. Push it to the limit. Then compromise rite at the end. He actively watches the stock market, so he's not going to watch it sink. If he was that serious he would have just gone ahead and did it last month. He's just playing the big guy and wanting to act clever. But it's doing harm to America's repuation around the world as a competent partner. Or the markets may well just look at it as trying to get through the next 4 years.
  5. Nothing is going to happen. He will cancel it at the last minute again,citing he got some concession. He does this literally all the time.
  6. The irony of all ironies ..... THAILAND allows Indians travellers to visit visa free - something no other country on this planet allows. India does not even let Thais enter their country without the horrific visa process, and even then it's not a given. Appalling.
  7. Same same a few days of headlines then back to normal. They simply cannot crack down on all the foreign business open these days since the visa relaxations.
  8. An abolute disgrace, but the country has become a colony.
  9. I've been to North Korea, on one of these organised tours before covid. Do not believe the media hype that the country is some bizarre closed off end of the world type living. It's not. It's certainly not a rich country, but by no means poverty you would associate with some African states - and i've seen real poverty in India too. Granted we were on a strict organised tour, but we also had moments we could just wander around. Don't believe the hype. North Korea, the capital Pyongang is a pretty normal metropolsis - certainly better than the dump of some cities in the UK. There were plenty of Chinese visitors there. Now here i was thinking North Korea was closed to the world - but nope plenty of Chinese making the crossing from the north into North Korea all the time, be it work, business or to see family. Of course the political system is crazy, but i've seen nut jobs political systems around the world. The people were very nice, very normal from what we saw. Of course the propoganda shows we were shown were a nonsense.
  10. Enough now. You've cluttered this topic up with person insults and repeating the same line over and over.
  11. The USA will want to be main players. If they walk away, then in the short term Europe can cobble together and arm Ukraine for a few more years. If Ukraine are buying arms from France and UK, that would put America out too. Would be the mother of all twists if China steps in to create peace. That would end American dominance.
  12. Nope. No one is tossed in jail for a 'mean tweet'. Usually those who end up going to jail for these headline sentences, have a litinay of previous offenses which go into the course of any sentencing, but that's never mentioned. You are more than open to talk about immigration, pros and negatives, you can protest to your hearts content on the streets, you can critisize your government without fear of being locked up. What you cannot do is abuse someone because of their colour of their skin and use that, or their sexuality, anti semitism, etc to cause hate - that is the illegal matter. Now again, tell me where the free speech is in America (when you can literally sue someone for saying something about you). And lets see the free speech in China, Russia, India, etc
  13. Utter nonsense. The sheer volume of litigation lawsuits in the USA for things people have said, would suggest there is no free speech there either. Trump himself tried to sue Bill Maher for calling him a orangatan - where was the free speech then? Go google that lawsuit. There is free speech in Europe, just not hate speech - eg, racism, anti semitism, homophobia, etc What they say when they want to free speech. what they actually mean is they want the right to be racist. Well sorry, but i rather live in a harmonious society than allow manipulated idiots to be racist. JD Vance doesn't really talk about free speech in Russia dose he ?
  14. Vance stirred it up. He loved it. I've seen guys like that love feeling clever. He's probably been feeling left out Musk has taken headlines. He's completely the wrong vice president to tame in Trump's nuttiness. Pence the previous Vice president did that, and reigned Trump in. Vance will just stir it some more. He plays the media game. Came to Europe lecturing about free speech, when his own boss has sued plenty of people for saying things about him, eg Bill Maher (go read up on it) - where was the free speech then ? Saying that Zalensky should have stayed quiet - as you cannot reason with idiots like this.
  15. I have seen it so many condos in Bangkok. They may have Photo entry, finger print entry are all accessible and available. They chose not to ... ask yourself why. Probably cos the juristiction get cut backs, including tips all round for staff.
  16. Here come the big chinese Casinos. Devastated cambodia. Cities left in ruins.
  17. You take it for granted, but you'll never give up your citizenship. Very lucky it allows dual citizenship, generous pensions even if you don't live there (try getting that in Thailand, India, etc). Free education, free health care, subsidized university fees for their citizens in some of the best universities on the planet, clean air, safe compared to the rest of the world with low crime rates, good strong economy in relative terms. (*free as in subsidized from the tax payer), and a powerful passport to allow you to travel anywhere. Before you <deleted> on the UK or your western country (like the TikTokers love to do - straight from the Tate coursebook) you should remember it's that economy that allows you the freedoms to come and stay / holiday in Thailand. These young entitled idiots all over social media feel as if the state owes them everything, then they <deleted> on it. Go ask Thai's, Indians, etc how bad the state is in their countries. In India, if you have no money you can't get treated by a doctor, pretty much no country (except Thailand) will let you in without you being a rich person., etc etc
  18. What's the point - when he leaves office, and Democrats get back in, they will undo all the work he did anyways. Got a feeling he doesn't really care that much on a deep level - but enjoys the bullying, big man, routine and celebrity, pomp and ceremony, power that comes with it.
  19. From India you can get a flight for around £70 one way to Bangkok.
  20. One month in - He's exhausting. Can he keep this crap up ? Take a holiday man
  21. 300 Baht will do nothing to stop the Benidorm Brits or Indians. 3000 would be better to kull the 7/11 cheese toastie brigade.
  22. They have 40 million tourists set to arrive this year, probably more. And they are subsidising domestic tourism?! Truly a collosus waste of money.
  23. The open border policy, allowing tourists to stay for such a long time is destroying Thailand. You do not see these type of visitors in Dubai, Malaysia, China, etc Would this tourist been so open in his behaviour in Dubai or China? Not a chance. Ask yourself why they feel embolded to behave this way in Thailand ? Thailand is attracting low quality cheap thick tourists.
  24. Quality tourist indeed. So we have : Draft dodging Russians Benidorm British chavs Sex pest Indians Now we have the enviromentally destroying Italian Stallions
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