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Mark Nothing

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Everything posted by Mark Nothing

  1. Renting a car is the best option here. It gives more flexibility and less hassle maintaining, registering, insuring. But if you want to buy, I would recommend buying a new car as used cars are expensive. For example I paid 724,000 baht for a honda jazz and sold it 8 years later for 450,000 baht to a Bangkok car dealer. He promptly posted it on his web site for 579,000 baht. Some of my friends have purchased el cheapo used cars for 50,000 baht and sold them years later for about the same. Luckily mechanics kept them running on a shoestring budget. But not very nice.
  2. After years of pushing stupefyingly obtuse theories on us, with not even the slightest hint of fact, they finally got one right. I wonder what trick is up their sleeve?
  3. Thank you for having an open mind and expressing an interest. I was shocked at first too when I read about urine therapy as it so radically differed from everything I was taught. It took months to research and take the plunge. The benefits have been all encompassing positives related to every aspect of my life. My excruciatingly painful arthritus cleared up, bph eliminated, herpes and genital warts dissappeared. Vision improved. Grey hair dissipated. My body balance and athletism returned. Much better sleep. Weight returned to ideal. Energy and vitality increased. Just an overall positive affect in every aspect of my life. The analysis indicates the cause of BPH is due to the impurities in a modern diet of food, water, and other items put in your mouth. By ingesting urine it sweeps through the system eliminating the deposits of impurities returning the body back to health and vitality. Being retired with plenty of time, but with limited resources to spend on heathcare I gave it a try, with success. My research indicates the placebo affect is not valid. It was a gift from devinity to ensure health and vitality. You just have to learn how to do it to experience the benefits. Whiz in a glass and drink.
  4. I periodically conduct a personal stress test to determine where problems may be and address them before it has a debilitating affect on health. The human body immune system turns off when under stress redirecting all energies to other areas. So it is imperative to keep it under control. Maybe you have an issue eating at you and don't even know it due to living your life. Common life issues involve change in marital status, work problems, unexpected change in finances, children goofing off, grand children, change in residence, among many others. Online self tests are available to see where the fire is. I hope you shake this unpleasantness off and you are feeling better soon.
  5. My Father and all his tennis buddies are in good shape and have been loyal customers for decades of all the bph latest and greatest procedures and tablets with intermittent benefit that slowly dissipate and the BPH returns. They have an excellent diet free of fast food and they all drink tap water. We have all seen the hard water deposits building up on glass shower doors. Some authors believe this is one of the main culprits of bph. The silver/gray cement like sediment remaining at the bottom of my water distiller machine is like concrete. There are 130 parts per million dissolved solids in the thai tap water. Bottled water varies from 100 to 1,000 total dissolved solids. A total dissolved solids meter can provide the readout. Drinking pure water free of any inorganic minerals was one key component in clearing up my bph. My gray hair also dissipated.
  6. I believe in cause affect, not unknown origin. Authors I have read, claim inorganic minerals contained in denatured food and tap or bottled water cause BPH. Over the course of a lifetime, the body is overwhelmed by the inorganic minerals and those that can not be eliminated are deposited throughout the body. Regarding bph, the inorganic minerals stick like concrete inside the bladder wall and it prevents normal expansion of the elasticity of the bladder leading to the urgent, frequent need to urinate. Also the lifetime of buildup in the prostate leads to prostate enlargement and flow and dribble problems. I tested the authors theory and used myself as a guinea pig with success. I quit adding excessive inorganic minerals into my diet and started drinking distilled water and eating more fruits and salads which contain organic minerals which more easily flush out the inorganic minerals, plus other protocols can too. It has been a real pleasure returning to normal prostate functioning.
  7. The symptoms of my prostate problem were flow and dribble problems. Hard to control stream. Multiple night time trips to the toilet. I completely resolved the problem a few years ago by changing my diet to more fruits and salads. Drinking distilled water. And an hour a day exercise, walking. And eliminated as many stresses and aggravations from my life as possible. And a few other things too. I did not consult doctors or have any experience with tablets or medical procedures. Good luck resolving it. It can be done.
  8. The objective of healthcare is to maximize profits using the facade of caring for the health and vitality of the patient. Disregard the test results as self serving nonsense. I threw my last physical results in the garbage. I no longer believe in the bogus test results, breakthrough discoveries, wild unfounded theories, tablets with side affects and other sales gimmicks designed to juice their bottom line profits. Instead I learned how to manage and maintain the human body and immune system at optimal levels with common sense. Most ailments result from what you are eating or what is eating at you. So quit poisoning yourself and control your mental state. Enjoy your life and don't take the test results too seriously.
  9. Thank you for posting this article about vaccine poisoning. Defering your health decisions to those with a vested interest in making you sicker is imprudent. I have read many books about vaccinations from those authors free from conflicts of interest. It has been a real eye opener. I disregard the opinions of those who benefit financially from their recommendations.
  10. Most of my contacts have not been vaccinated and only 1 got a mild cold. The ones who did get vaccinated have had a few colds over the last few years. I have focused on common sense health strategies, with success. I no longer trust the medical system and their strategies because we hold directly opposing objectives. My positive health and vitality guarantees no income for them.
  11. On porcelain tiles I clean up paint using a paint scraper or flat head screw driver being careful not to scratch the surface. A brillo pad, steel wool, fine grit sandpaper or even a sponge with dish soap water works. You have to be careful on other types of tiles to not damage the design. Latex paint doesn't adhere as strong as oil basd paint to tile so in my experience it comes up without requiring additional solvents.
  12. I have heard this story and its corollaries many times. Watch out for nut jobs like this entertainer. This is a scam. Plenty of them have told me about how they must have blood or bruising before police act. Then its a simple and easy payday. Tourists mostly payup to avoid hassles. Nothing is out of the question. The objective is to get the foreigner to injure the entertainer. She might violently attack him hoping in the ensuing melee she will be injured. Verbal screaming might be used to agitate a given situation until the breaking point where unintended events can occur. And if that fails. They just self inflict cuts, wounds, and bruising and make false claims. An entertainer's spoken word means nothing. All lies. By definition. The utterly absurd naivete of some posters is truely astounding. This is what the entertainers look for and prey on.
  13. I rented a motorscooter on Samui island one year and it was broken down, unsafe old pile of junk. But as a new tourist excited to enjoy my holiday, I just took it as is. Brakes were bad, mirrors broken, gears wouldn't shift smoothly. The hilly, blind roads on Samui were very dangerous for an inexperienced motorbike rider. Many times blind roads had speeding cars and motorscooters coming out of nowhere requiring immediate evasive action. Also I didn't know about road rules in Thailand. Bigger vehicles just taking the right of way at intersections turning right in front of you as if you weren't there, unlike back home. Samui is not an ideal location for an inexperienced tourist to ride a scooter. It is a good lesson to be safe, and I hope she recovers.
  14. My condo developer installed an el cheapo hot water heater that did not function. During the course of a ten minute shower the water intermittently fluctuated between hot and cold. After trying other products that were not much better, the solution was a Steibel Eltron German made hot water heater. Excellent product. Works correctly every time. Installed under sink in one bathroom and in ceiling in the other. 15 years and functioning flawlessly.
  15. I was a victim of a violent, crazed attack by a thai lady in my condo. Like a caged tiger trying to pounce and kill its prey. She had an 18 inch knife. I was able to flee to safety. Had fleeing not been possible it would have been a fight to the death to survive. A perfectly delightful lady most times. The change was unexpected. Unless you experience it, it is hard to comprehend the possibility of a cute, petite lady turning into a violent assailant. I don't believe the lady's story. Stay safe and hide your knives.
  16. Nice scam using fake medical tests to milk patient's insurance for unecessary procedures. Sound familiar? The list of high ranking government officials on Theranos Board of Directors was enlightening. 2 former US Secretary of State. Former US Secretary of Defense. Former Chairman of the US Armed Services Committee. Former Secretary of Defense. Former Director of the Center for Disease Control It appears citizens health and well being is a facade used by those masquerading as experts to trick people into unecessary procedures and restrictions.
  17. My Father, uncles, and all their friends went through this prostate issue for decades. I listened to the never ending stories and complaints. Like they were in a dark room looking for a light switch, but could never quite find it. So when it was my turn, I knew what not to do. My research uncovered the answer, the devinely created immune system. Your body creates the elixor of health and vitality, urine. I have been drinking my urine for years and magically all my ailments dissappeared. It tastes good, is free with no side affects. Just whiz in a glass and drink it. The omnipotent creator's bag of tricks work. The urine breaks down the impurities that have accumulated in the body resetting the body to perfect functioning. Lots of books are available. Just do an online search. The best are The Water of Life, by John Armstrong and Your Own Perfect Medicine by Martha Christie. Good luck handling the prostate problem.
  18. I have personally witnessed about 10 violent altercations during the course of my stay in Thailand. Typically thai against thai. Usually husband against wife. One agitated husband came into the bar we were sitting in and just started using waitress as a punching bag. Golf ball size welts accumulated on her face with each successive hit. A couple of Songkran thai biker fights were especially violent. The really nasty kicks to the head part begins once one side is knocked to the ground. There was a disco brawl where a drunk white guy dancing overzealously kept knocking into different groups of partygoers who warned him to stop. He kept doing it and a group of rough looking white tourists knocked him to the ground and started kicking him everywhere, but focusing on head shots. My group was in a corner watching from close range. My only personal experience of being attacked was by a knife wielding thai lady who came at me with an 18 inch Jason knife. I chose to flee the condo and 3 security guards extracted her afterwards. Unharmed.
  19. 5 years ago I poured all my alcohol down the toilet and was almost sickened by the toxic stench. I will not be contributing to the monopolist's coffers anymore.
  20. If your objective is to poison your body and mind, please drink the three beers. Otherwise, snap out of your stupor and find the elixor of life.
  21. I completely eliminated my excruciatingly painful joint pain a few years ago by analyzing what I was doing to cause it. And then quit doing what was causing it. The culprit to most ailments is either what you are eating or what is eating at you. In my case, I overwhelmed my body with inorganic mineral sediment in denatured food and water, which overwhelmed the elimination process causing the sediment to deposit to my joints causing pain. So I switched to drinking distilled water and a diet with more fruits and salads which led to losing weight which helped too.. Controlling your mental state is a critical part of a healthy body functioning, which becomes disabled when under emotional turmoil like stress, worry, anxiety, marital disharmony to name a few. Because of this the denatured food can not be eliminated as efficiently, and builds up leading to joint pain. So I reduced as many agitations as possible and developed hobbies to increase pleasure and harmony. This process worked for me. It has been years with no joint pain at all. Good luck fixing your joint pain.
  22. I have been using a countertop water distilling machine which eliminates all mineral solids and bacteria from the water. Each gallon can be tested with a <deleted> (total dissolved solids) meter to ensure 0 parts per million pure water. Interestingly enough the highest priced bottled mineral water leaves the most grayish concrete like sediment at the bottom of my distiller. The cheaper bottled waters much less. When I distill tap water the sediment is more blackish concrete like.
  23. I have been applying urine to all my cuts and wounds the last few years with excellent results, head and shoulders above the overpriced pretenders. Pain stops immediately. Healing time is much quicker without any hint of infection. Mlitary survival training introduced me to this procedure in which you simply apply urine to the wound. There are no side affects or lingering odor. A little mouthwash bottle can be filled up for convenient application when required. It also works on mosquito bites, burns, bee stings, sun burns.
  24. I have successfully implemented the 1 meal per day regimine and am back to my ideal body weight, ailment free, and lots of energy. On it about 5 years now. In addition to many other adjustments. My rational was based on maximizing vital human energy. As 80% of your energy is depleted digesting food. So if your stomach is always full of food being digested, there is very little energy remaining for the body to refresh itself. I have also conducted multiple 7 day fasts to allow the human body to reset to health and clean out the buildup of decades of self inflicted poisoning by ingesting denatured foods and water.
  25. I resolved the frequent night time urinations by not drinking liquids 4 hours prior to bedtime which results in 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep. If your mouth is dry swish with water, but don't swallow.
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