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Mark Nothing

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Everything posted by Mark Nothing

  1. Arthur Schopenhauer has some excellent insights into the games women play which describes exactly why men are now rejecting marriage. The basic gist is women are intellectual inferiors using emotional games to manipulate the work horse to make the money for them to spend it. Life experience indicates to me Schopenhauer is exactly right. So I have as little contact with women as possible. And life is much better for it.
  2. It is not a national past time in thailand to keep the security deposit, if you abide by the contract and maintain the condo. In my circle of friends they all get their deposit back, but they clean the unit, maintain it, and don't damage it. If you put out your cigarette butts on the sofa, pop off beer tabs on the countertops and wood tables, and damage the unit you are responsible and should reimburse the landlord via deductions from the deposit.
  3. Lazada sells a pvc/leather repair kit for fixing sofas. The creamy lotion can be applied by sponge or rag and hardens onto the sofa making cracks in the leather dissappear. My 25 year old leather sofa was cracking and looked horrible and it looked much better after application. You can see the cracks in the before picture and how they dissappear in the after picture. For a big rip in the sofa they have glue on patches. Like a bicycle intertube repair patch. Not a perfect solution, but better then looking at a hole. I also inquired my sofa repair shop how much to remove old pvc/leather sofa 3 seat and apply new and was quoted 40,000 baht.
  4. Because most suckers have been brainwashed into believing getting more junk equals more happiness. Which effectively enslaves them. Your nonphysical soul is immortal so it makes more sense to focus on perfecting that then to acquire more material junk. Death may be the greatest of all human blessings. Socrates
  5. Try to avoid crossing at any zebra crossing in Thailand. Motorscooters love shooting the gap at high speed between stopped cars. They could care less about pedestrians. Many have screamed at me as they run a red light while in a zebra crossing. One of my coffee shops was opposite a pedestrian zebra crossing. Literally every traffic light cycle multiple vehicles completely ignore the lights and just drive right through. One of the issues is the social hierarchy system here. A car driver or motorbike considers himself superior to a walker and therefore takes the right of way. Superiors don't wait for inferiors at a traffic light.
  6. I share the outraged netizens sentiment and am apalled too. How dare he waste such a valuable product. He should have poured out the rotgut whiskey bottle he was drinking from and urinated in the bottle. Reingesting this panacea is what the drunks and drug addicts are seeking but are too ignorant to figure it out because their science gods have hypnotized logic out of them.
  7. Dear Hatter, i have experienced a great deal of success in an unexpected way, by focusing on the primary mental aspects of health which precedes the secondary resulting physical outcomes. My supplement regimine consists of making a goal for health and vitality, thanking God via a simple prayer and then enjoying the results. It is important to focus on what you want rather than to be fearful of what you don't. Nikola Tesla reports the secret of the universe is frequency, vibration and energy. A prayer is an invisible signal attracting your objective.
  8. Scammers haven't tried pulling that one on me yet. The scam hitting me lately is the bait and switch. You order 1kg product and the half kg is shipped. It is made right but it is a nuisance to correct. Another scam happened to me is the shipping defective previously used returned items as brand new hoping you won't bother hassling with the return hassle. Overall most orders are correct and those not correct are eventually righted.
  9. I applaud the good samaratins common sense approach to protecting people from wid, unpredictable street dogs. They deserve a medal but the article appears to indicate they are breaking the law.
  10. I use my backpack as a shield when dog packs attack me, as they growl, bark and attempt to angrily bite at my legs. This usually confuses them just enough for me to get out of their territory. As a daily walker most dogs appear sleepy and docile. But out of the blue they will turn aggressive for no apparent reason. So now I know all the dog pack territories on my walk and give them a wide berth crossing to the opposite side of the street. When a new alpha dog takes over a pack they are especially aggressive protecting their new territory. By tbe police box on pratumnak hill a new alpha dog took over forcing all the knowing pedestrians to walk in the busy street. The new alpha dog has aggresively attacked me about 10 times in the last few months forcing me to arm myself with deadly weapons should he continue.
  11. Now we have doctors openly plotting to harm others. His contempt is sickening. He is actually telling you not to use doctor or hospital services. Which is what I did 5 years ago by learning how oldtimers stayed healthy.
  12. You are going to learn firsthand about maliscious prosecution and how it works. You have won the reverse lottery sweepstakes. It took me 5 years to get the maliscious prosecutors off my back. 100's of thousands of baht in lawyer fees to defend myself in multiple venues. Maliscious litigants had no interest mediating anything refusing all efforts at negotiation. Taking case to criminal court then appeals court, and then supreme court. 100,000 baht court guarantee money in my case. Returned if you win case. Confiscated if you don't show to trial or used to offset damages if you lose case. Lawyers and translators don't work on an empty stomach and expect restaurant food be paid by you after meetings and court hearings. And lots of translation cost(500 baht a page). To leave Thailand my lawyer scheduled a meeting with the judge who had to issue a court order to unfreeze my passport for me to leave thailand twice annually to visit family overseas. 5,000 baht each time. You will be an expert in the thai legal system by this time next year.
  13. As a daily walker, I have been attacked by street dogs about 20 times over the years. The last 5 years the dog problem has gotten exponentially greater. Before it was just 1 dog attacking me. Now they are packing in the attacks. One noodle seller actually woke up 7 street dogs and sicced them on me forcing me into on coming traffic. Once out of their territory they don't pursue. The pratumnak police station has a new alpha dog who has violently chased me into oncoming traffic many times the last 3 months with his pack. When he is violently snapping at me I place my backpack between him and me and run between moving cars to get away. These violent dogs are a real nuisance. Having to arm myself with weapons of violence is troubling.
  14. These drunk, homeless derelicts are all over the city and frequently panhandle. When you reject them some get a violent demeanor. The best route is to not engage them with "Get a job", as this guy likely did, and the thai drunk was forced to school the usa man where he ranks in the pecking order.
  15. We come into this world alone and we die alone. Why in life should we be any less alone? -Diogenes.
  16. Dear Bob, You are on the edge of making a life changing discovery, but you will need help to do it. The tone of your statement indicates you know money is not the answer. Reading some of Socrates quotes might be enough to snap you back onto the right path. "He is richest who is content with the least, for contentment is the wealth of nature."
  17. Those who tell the stories rule society. Plato I smell another lucrative tax scheme on the horizon.
  18. I have been waiting decades for the return on my investment to kick in on my cookiecutter condo which only seems to relentlessly depreciate. Last time I contacted a realtor to sell my condo he said he could maybe get half of what I paid for it. And in my 40 unit building 23 units were for sale many for more then a decade. Keep your money invested in your home coutry and pay rent with your profits in Thailand.
  19. The multiple year fiasco confirmed to me that those operating under the facade of caring for us are full of it. They don't care about us. The more they try to save us, the worse off we become. And the fact that there were no admissions of mistakes made, or corrective actions taken indicates more games are coming.
  20. My opinion is they make up these wild prepostorous virus theories to milk the gullible hypochondriacs of their money. Dogs packs are everywhere in Thailand, but I have never seen a rabid dog or known anyone to have rabies. We all have a special built in immune system to easily fix this problem. You just have to know how.
  21. Realizing the lion's share of your health results originate from the intangible world and filter down to the physical world is a big one. Your dreams, goals, and intellect are nonphysical wavelengths of energy. The law of attraction resonates bringing you whatever corresponding energy you are generating. My health strategy is to say a prayer with intention thanking God for health and vitality. By default it occurs effortlessly.
  22. I read an interesting book by a naturapath whose hypothesis was that excess inorganic mineral sediment from food and water that can't be naturally excreted by the human body is deposited around the body creating ailments. Gravity naturally pulls this concrete like sediment into the feet and it builds up creating the bunions. The author's solution is to clean up your diet with more natural foods and distilled water which helps deplete the mineral build up returning the foot back to original fully functioning settings. Also soaking your feet in urine 30 minutes daily will breakup the minerals in the foot quicker. Add in a simple prayer such as "Thank you for returning my feet to perfection." This energy change will eliminate the ailment.
  23. I quit drinking alcohol 7 years ago and sold all of my duty free bottles at the local auction. The main reason was health related and getting tired of the persistent price increases. It really made the drinking bunch uncomfortable being around a water drinker. It forced me to depart after the 2nd round and eventually quit interacting with any alcohol drinker. Health improved as did quality of conversation with remaining friends. A win win.
  24. I tried to keep an open mind for decades to the liberal ideas the media kept pushing on us. Now I just wholesale reject all liberal ideas as poison. One by one my liberal buddies dropped like flies as they could not carry on a pleasant conversation but just wanted to dictate why they were right. It got old being preached to by know-it-all liberal zombies. When confronted their face turned red and they started shaking. Self sufficiency free from tyranny is how I live my life.
  25. Once you realize you have absolute control of your health mostly via the nonphysical realm, then these physical body nuisances will disappear. Develop some mental toughness and your health will be reset to perfection. You appear to have placed the physical world medical profession theories in a superior ranking to God and you are experiencing the futility. I watched decades of this futility play out with family and friends. Here is how I did it. Set a goal of perfect health in the prostate and feel confident it will happen. Say a daily prayer such as "Thank you for a fully functioning prostate." God knows if you mean it or not and gives you your intention. You must be thinking about health problems too much. Let them go. Release them. And only think about good health. You are a perfect example of the necessity and importance of the first two commandments and the unecessary discomfort that results if you fail to follow. Once you have perfected the nonphysical objective, your diet, exercise, sleep regimine will automatically reset to achieve your perfect prostate health goal. Effortlessly. This method is applicable to all health issues.
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