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Hamus Yaigh

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Everything posted by Hamus Yaigh

  1. Here's the vdo tweeted by Barrow who has got his message wrong on this one. The only reason the Benz should stop is to avoid rear ending the red truck. The red truck should never have stopped without checking his rear mirror for the tailgating Benz. The pedestrian was trying to cross the pedestrian crossing when the lights were green for the cars. So the pedestrian was an idiot or the lights were not functioning from the pedestrians point of view. More likely the former I'd guess.
  2. I wouldn't put more than 5% of funds in crypto. Best to diversify in the defensive securities when markets are volatile or in a downtrend and sit on your hands until the next market bull run.
  3. TBH if I was going to the airport without a re-entry permit it would be the main thing on my mind so very difficult to forget. I would also be thankful I hadn't wasted a whole day getting one from CW immigration office. Each to their own methods.
  4. But there is a daily interest charge applied until to repay the amount like anything else you buy with a credit card?
  5. As all true connoisseurs of the five knuckle shuffle say.
  6. >>Pareploy explained. “Well, I did physically abuse him, but I thought, do I let him abuse me and do nothing? I think Thai laws should change, because I think it’s not fair for me as a victim. Are [victims] not allowed to respond nor to stick up for themselves?“ So she's talking about vigilantism and taking the law into her own hands. I'd say she best just shut her trap and be grateful for the added boost to her business the douche-bag gave her. Judging from the video of the beer going over her head he was either a grade-1 douche-bag or the whole thing staged.
  7. Both seem at fault to me and more so the buggy driver for causing the crash by changing course without looking.
  8. The vdo shows a professional female boxer assaulting a man? Not very professional but she was likely drunk. The guy was a douche bag and caused the first assault by tipping beer on her. The o/p has got it right along with the outcome.
  9. Judging from the video of the incident he is a nasty piece of work and needs locking up. Almost killed the guy.
  10. He was reportedly a gangster by profession, so part of his job description.
  11. Think you'll find Stickman is no longer a person but a brand. Must be a number of interested parties on the ground here trying to sell their products as things reopen.
  12. Somehow I don't think three security guards in a hut represent the countries future. Besides that what on earth does "in the Bangkok projects" even mean? Poor reporting.
  13. ^+1 but for 800kTHB I have found doing the transfer direct from my bank to be cheaper than Wise. Smaller amounts not so.
  14. Gonna need photos. Depends on what kind of a girl she is?
  15. Is that 20,000THB interest per year? I got a Tax ID# on a small piece of paper from the local tax office (Klong Toey, Bangkok) and showed it to my KBank in March last year. In June and Dec I was still deducted WHT from my interest that was less than 20,000THB .
  16. This was a terrible accident and the motorbike rider is culpable for multiple offenses it seems. But watching the video the poor woman surely should have looked more carefully before crossing? The state of Bangkok's pedestrian crossings means many are death traps.
  17. What was you case scenario? Every visit I have made involved waiting for passport to be returned to me, so there was no need to exit the building?
  18. Pretty sure the IO needs a new TM30 if you come in on a new visa? In your case the IO let the issue go this time though? Maybe next time?
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