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Hamus Yaigh

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Everything posted by Hamus Yaigh

  1. As Prayuth might say "Its a big deal!". Another case of huMAN natURE. Follow the money.
  2. Its not enough to supply Thai needs and they haven't opened any new blocks for over a decade. Indeed Thailand exports more than it can sell to refiners locally as the type is not suitable for local refineries.
  3. As if a house dissolution will affect the global price of food and energy?! Are they being honest in their intentions lol?
  4. Thank goodness. Now that the sexpat community of Pattaya has the word the rest of the civilized world can sleep at night?
  5. There is no way one can get a taxi from Patpong to Jomtein in one hour. 3 hours seems reasonable if traffic is bad. Somehow I very much doubt it.
  6. Sorry but it is never a good plan to have traffic allowed to drive perpendicularly across an open highway in front of oncoming traffice no matter what the exit route.
  7. 'U' turns and 'Road Safety Experts' seems like an oxymoron. Until the experts can see all U turns are dangerous there is no hope. Why cannot Thais grasp the idea of roundabouts? We even have one in our housing area and they drive in the wrong direction around them?
  8. ..sorry wrong post.. delete please.
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