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Everything posted by JayClay

  1. The OP specified his budget.
  2. The initial visa is either for 90 days with a single entry, or 1 year with multiple entries (each being valid for 90 days). When your 90 days is up you can extend for a year(no further exits required and you can stay in country for the whole year). There is no limit to the amount of times you can extend. I'm sure others will be along shortly with more information on the specific requirements for extensions.
  3. That is not what you said, though. I'm starting to think maybe I do...
  4. No... I now "know" it because you've told me (taking what you said at face value). That is far better information than "you can sell our stock at whatever price you like", however it doesn't discount the fact that you did originally make such an outrageous claim.
  5. Indeed. Had the OP said "the profit margins may be low, but the turnover is high" that would have been a reasonable response. Saying something as ridiculous as "you can charge what you like once you've bought the business" makes one seriously question the seller's integrity.
  6. No they don't; the customers do. If the profit margins are small, and they could easily be raised, you'd have done it yourselves.
  7. Well I'm sure glad somebody is profiteering from the recent tragedy by installing ridiculously complex and unnecessary systems.
  8. While having to go to the immigration office to collect your "sticker" (I presume they mean stamp...) may make this feel semi-redundant, there are a few potential positives should this get rolled out to all visa offices for all visa types. I'm assuming that VFS do the document checking when you submit the application. If there's anything missing or incorrect hopefully that can be rectified electronically, therefore avoiding multiple trips to the immigration office due to having incorrect documentation. Additionally, if this is adopted at all offices, then it should be more difficult for rouge offices to deny applications made this way by requesting additional documentation, which is a problem some people on this forum seem to suffer.
  9. Not really.... Inflation is going down, according to the articles. The only time we should see prices going down is if there's deflation.
  10. Lol.. Isn't this the same guy who thought that now is not an appropriate time for a tourist tax on flights?
  11. So... Massively different, then?
  12. Count me out of any country where there needs to be some kind of amateur theatre performance every time you try and pay with a mildy crumpled banknote...
  13. Yes it does. If it didn't do so then it's voice translation would be literally useless.
  14. You spend less than 17,000bt per month?
  15. You want to find out what people spending over a million year are "wasting" it on.... And you think the best way to do that is by asking to hear from people who have only spent just over half of that? ????‍????
  16. The OP says he likes Penang, so there's no reason he would _have_ to leave on the same day he got his passport back. He could just stay an extra night and get the train back the next day.
  17. If this is true then either Twitter was being run in an extremely resource-wasteful manner before, or they now no longer have enough staff to continue functioning properly. No well-run company can survive such cuts without extreme effect on the products/services they provide.
  18. As far as I'm aware Stripe don't operate in Thailand so if that's the case it would only work if the OP wanted to withdraw payments to the bank account of his home country. I believe Omise are the most popular option within Thailand.
  19. JayClay

    Drink Driving

    Yes (assuming he had the keys with him)
  20. Thank you for confirming
  21. Any established app that's only available on a single platform can't be considered a "roaring success" in any reasonable definition of the word.
  22. JayClay

    Drink Driving

    Which part of Farangland? In England you could still be changed with DUI in that situation.
  23. JayClay

    Drink Driving

    While I agree that is the correct thing to do, it's still a bit of a lottery as to what your taxi driver may or may not have been consuming since they woke up until the time they pick you up.
  24. Or, to put it another way, "is not finished"...
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