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Posts posted by polpott

  1. 11 minutes ago, sirwilly said:

    They will catch you eventually and make you pay it back by reducing your  pension  for as many years as it takes  they caught me after 8 years ,they wanted to see me in person and take proof of bills ect of   my address in the uk  . this of course i could not do / so be warned

    I can do that. No worries for me, I'm smarter than them

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  2. Just now, Moonlover said:

    You mean as in Spanish Flu? (more correctly US Army Flu) There were no vaccines around then were there. And what about rhinovirus? There is no vaccine for that either, yet we manage to defend ourselves quite naturally against it.


    Herd immunity is nature's way and has been protecting us, in the long term, ever since we existed and as @Peter Denis mentioned above, strengthening our own immune system and using common sense is our own best defense.

    Spanish flu is still around today. good luck in substituting the vaccine for Vitamin D which has been shown to have marginal to no benefits for most of us who have normal levels of vitamin D already.

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  3. Just now, jak2002003 said:

    The lockdown us what reduced infections. 


    Now most people are vaccinated and the lockdown is easing, the cases of infection are on the rise again.


    Also moat people have only had the first injection so far....and we are told the vaccine does not stop infection, only symptoms....



    The lockdown did greatly reduce spread but the success in the UK is primarily in vaccinating 50% of the adult population. Infections are not on the rise, they continue to fall. 2584 new infections and 40 deaths yesterday, over 6000 on the 25th March.


    The first injection gives good levels of protection better than some vaccines after the full dosage. Having vaccinated over 50s and high risk groups, the UK is now concentrating on administering the 2nd dose. Yesterday: 83.5 k given 1st dose, 255k given 2nd dose. 


    The vaccine produces high levels of immunity, almost as high as the levels of efficacy.



    • Like 2
  4. Just now, Peter Denis said:

    What about strengthening your immune system and applying some common sense?  But the latter seems to be in short supply...

    Mitigates spread but the virus doesn't go away. If you believe that herd immunity will occur naturally, you're deluded. It would be the first virus in history where herd immunity was achieved without vaccines.  Try using your common sense.

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  5. 4 hours ago, ballpoint said:

    To me, the writing was on the wall for world news when governments began passing legislation making Facebook and Google responsible for news items posted on their sites, and therefore becoming liable to pay royalties to newspaper and television companies, even when it was their members and not themselves doing the posting.  While TV was able to legally provide news stories by negotiating with press agencies, I'd imagine the challenge of removing unauthorised content posted by members in multiple threads, and the multiple replies quoting that content - all the while knowing that even just one post missed could present a legal challenge, got to be too much, and it was far simpler, and safer, to totally remove the world news forum.

    The same sources still get quoted in other forums, the Covid  forums for instance.

    • Like 2
  6. Just now, Natai Beach said:

    The U.K. strain has proven itself to spread more easily and a bigger killer. 

    They should have locked down the U.K. when they discovered in September last year it or at least when they knew it was worse in November. 

    The politicians were playing it down, they were distracted by Brexit but the medical experts called it last year. They said it was more contagious, it would kill more, the symptoms would be more severe and that the vaccines would not be as effective against it. They were spot on. 

    Now it is too late. It has spread across the globe.

    It would have been too late then, it was already in several countries at that time. Furthermore, there's no hard evidence that it originated in the UK. 

  7. Just now, Golden Triangle said:


    Here you go.


    Ministry of Public Health, Siam Bioscience, SCG and AstraZeneca join forces on COVID-19 vaccine manufacturing for Thailand and South East Asia



    Supports vaccination in Thailand starting in the first half of 2021

    Bangkok, Thailand, 12 October 2020 – The Ministry of Public Health, Siam Bioscience, SCG and British-Swedish biopharmaceutical company AstraZeneca today signed a Letter of Intent on the manufacturing and supply of the University of Oxford’s potential COVID-19 vaccine AZD1222.

    Exactly. So where is it?

  8. Just now, Golden Triangle said:

    I posted this yesterday.



    An article published in TV the other day listed all the sources for vaccines to thake Thailand to full vaccination. Home grown from Siam Bioscience wasn't one of them. The date for production to start has been put back several times, latest June. It now looks like they have abandoned the idea (probably funding went elsewhere, possibly Cayman Islands). Best not mention Siam Bioscience again.

    • Confused 1
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  9. 55 minutes ago, sirocco said:


    Chergui is the last name,
    Samy has his Arab roots, in principle, in Morocco.
      Anissa has her origins in Morocco, Algeria, as well as Tunisia.
    It is not because you do not know these first names or last name that they do not exist.
    Stop taking a flying carpet to visit the countries of North Africa.

    My father was raised in Morocco. I have lived and worked there. All of my Moroccan relatives (many) have Moroccan names. Hardly a flying carpet visit.

    • Haha 1
  10. 23 minutes ago, actonion said:

    I have had several vists to the dental department at bangkok pattaya hospital,  as well as  regular dentists  around pattaya i see no difference regarding state of the art  dentistry at the hospital , only because i take blood thinning pills, meaning i will bleed  quicker than normal, did i go to  bangkok pattaya..

    I saw a massive difference. Khun Warins surgery has the facilities of a dentist in the UK 30 years ago. BPH has more advanced facilities than any dentist I have visited in the UK.

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