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Posts posted by polpott

  1. 1 hour ago, FarFlungFalang said:

    Does that take into account that these blood clot cases are much younger than most of those that die from covid?If you make a comparison based on comparable ages is the chance of dying from covid still greater?Say the under 50's?Is that why Governments are choosing to pause AZ and J&J?

    And they're all women. Cuts your odds down even more.

    • Like 1
  2. Just now, Surelynot said:

    Bit worrying......the news today quietly amend that to over 45's...????

    Not really. It says "bookings are now being taken for the over 45s" Still the target to vaccinate the over 40s next. Current target is to give the second dose to as many people as possible in April, far more people being given the 2nd dose than the first dose currently. It has been known for some time that there would be a shortage in April. Back to normal next month. My mate gets his second dose on May 15th and I should get my first dose around the same time. However, i will be asking for a different vaccine, J&J hopefully as I want to return to Thailand asap.

    • Thanks 1
  3. Just now, lkv said:


    I am fine, I am scheduled for my first Pfizer dose in roughly 70 minutes. 15 minute drive from my place. That's why I am having coffee and opened the forum ????


    My concern is that we will not hit the targets in August, hence restrictions will be in place, that will affect me as well.

    The AZ vaccine is the primary vaccine in the UK, now been given to over 50% of the adult population. Surveys show that 96% of the population are keen to have the vaccine. Every target that the government has set, has been met on time. Now moving on to vaccinate the over 40s. Not bad for a vaccine that has such a bad rep.

  4. 43 minutes ago, Fairynuff said:

    In other similar threads people have said never put any form of medication as parcel contents. I’m not saying you’re wrong but surprised that it seems to be ok.

    Most of what you read on TV is boIIocks. My posts aren't. (Well not the ones on this thread at any rate 555).



    • Haha 1
  5. 1 hour ago, nchuckle said:

    Interesting- I’ve thought of doing that although I can obtain my hypertension tablets easily over the counter here so benefits would be purely financial . My daughter has already stockpiled 3 months supply in uk. What is the cost of a small parcel to Thailand and how long does it take to arrive...and does it always arrive ?

    I receive a shoebox sized parcel containing 6 different medications. Its convenient for me to send 2 prescriptions at a time, 16 weeks supply. Cost iro £20. In normal times it arrives in a week. Since Covid it has arrived between times of 5 days and one month. Currently around 2 weeks. It has never failed to arrive.

    • Like 1
  6. Just now, thaibeachlovers said:

    What about those that the vaccine does not work on?


    BTW, it's not necessary to vaccinate everyone to reach herd immunity. Are not those that were infected already immune? That's how it normally works with infections. I got measles as a child so I'm immune- no vaccine necessary.

    I had measles as a small child and subsequently received the vaccine.


    My son in law contracted Covid in October, received the vaccine in January. My daughter also contracted Covid at the same time but was unable to receive the vaccine in January as she is pregnant. She was tested for antibodies and found to have a good level of protection but still intends to have the vaccine once the baby is born.


    Having had Covid normally protects you from re-acquiring it. However the vaccine affords you a much better level of immunity.


    • Haha 1
  7. Just now, 4MyEgo said:

    Yes I recently had to find alternatives for my prescription meds that I would bring over from overseas, usually a years supply at a time, not allowed, rule is no more than 30 days at a time,

    I have never heard of that rule being enforced. I exceed that limit routinely, have done for a number of years. Never a problem.

    • Like 1
  8. Just now, thaibeachlovers said:

    I always thought that the POSTERS are what the forum is about. Without US, there isn't a forum, by default.

    If, as seems apparent by certain comments, posters are not what the forum is about, and not even important, then I agree with you. Time to pull the plug, perhaps.


    I'll be sorry to see it go after it was a big part of my life for many, many years, but everything ends. I used to post more on Lonely Planet than on TVF till it went badly down hill and most of the regular posters left ( including me ) Last time I looked at it, it was too pathetic to even bother with, IMO.

    What puzzles me is that political discussion, apart from Thai politics is now effectively banned. Most of that discussion appeared in World News. To mitigate the closure, new topics were opened in home country forums. However, all writ large with "NO POLITICS". What was the point in creating them?


    So political discussion is now banned on TV.


    Recently NWG's PA acquired a competing forum. PA is known for banning all politics. Is this move in preparation for the acquisition of TV by PA?

  9. Just now, Denim said:


    If I look back over the years to every UK visit I have ever made , I can't recall a single trip where I have not changed my return flight to Thailand for an earlier date.





    Then why bother going? My reason for wanting to return to Thailand is because I miss Thailand, its people, my friends, my family. Nothing to do with not liking the UK. It was the same when I lived in the UK, after a couple of weeks away, I couldn't wait to get back for the same reasons. I now regard the UK as a holiday destination and Thailand my home, ergo after a couple of weeks I want to come home.

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