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Posts posted by polpott

  1. 42 minutes ago, superal said:

    Had my 1st AZ jab 1 week ago in the UK , no booking and just joined a queue , name address and NHS number taken , some after effects for 2 days , namely flu type feeling and aching muscles , now OK . Vaccine supplies slowing down and online booking can ask you to travel maybe 30 miles away but my initial jab 10 minutes away . 

    So Polpott have you got a crystal ball cos it's gonna be at least 4 months before you could return to Thailand and who knows what the situation will be then . Having said that I have similar plans .

    Apparently most people are getting the jab at the local cricket club. However, I'm going to try to persuade my GP to give me a different jab with a shorter time between jabs, J&J would be ideal. AS I'm 67 with several pre existing conditions including heart failure which is the main reason for my return, I'm hoping to get prioritised, but yes I am prepared to have to wait 4 months before my return.

  2. 1 hour ago, superal said:

    My advice having arrived in the UK (Heathrow ) 28/04/2021 . Have your  , pre booked day 2/8 UK test receipt , Bangkok covid pre 72 hour travel result , Passenger locator info , all printed on A4 paper that is easy for the Border Control Officer to inspect as opposed to flicking through iphones ( signal and battery can be a problem ) . Plus of course your Passport . Expect delays in the immigration hall , me delayed 3 hours but hearing some delayed 7 hours and more 

    I had planned to do that but re-reading what's required I now realise that the PLF cannot be completed more than 48 hours before arrival in the UK. As I have a relatively long layover in Amsterdam, that only leaves me a few hours to download the PLF and take it to a local print shop. Cutting it fine if I have any problems with the PLF.

  3. Just now, KhaoYai said:

    Don't you know anyone who travels back and forth?


    I always have multiple orders of Yorkshire Tea, Colmans Mustard and a few other regular items each trip.

    Me! I'll be stocking up on a couple of items, Warburton's crumpets and my favourite after shave but fortunately both Colmans mustard and Yorkshire tea are both readily available not a mile from my house in Pattaya.

  4. Just now, Albert Zweistein said:

    Suppose covid weakened his body/health causing the accident, did he die from................................... ?

    Suppose he told his girlfriend that he'd caught Covid from another girl, she kicked him in the nuts, he staggered backwards and fell off the balcony? 100% Covid related.


    Suppose he read too many Covid conspiracy stories on TV, became suicidal and threw himself off the balcony? 100% Covid related, I'd say.


    More to follow........



  5. 7 hours ago, Russell17au said:

    Nothing like the good old Australian axle grease to make a Thai pull a funny face. A spoonful of Vegemite.

    And now Australia has Vegemite Ice-Cream

    My wife loves Marmite on toast for breakfast. Maybe they pull a face because Vegimite is a pale imitation of the real thing.

    • Thanks 1
    • Haha 1
  6. Just now, chrisandsu said:

    I think it’s more of a case of no customers . If covid could buy them a house and a car and send a monthly stipend they would be staying put ????

    Its both as I initially said. They're more worried about catching Covid in a shopping mall or a Thai karaoke. Customers not so much as the few that are left dress well and smell nice. 555

    • Thanks 1
  7. Just now, chrisandsu said:

    2021 translation for ignorance = you have a different opinion then me . And you talk to me like I’m the ignorant one ???? seriously give your head a shake if you think the girls are more at risk of covid then they are of serious stds . It doesn’t matter what the witch Dr says ! anyway let’s keep it on the subject 

    You've completely missed my point. Its not about what we know or think, its about what the girls think and I can assure you that they are far more afraid of Covid than STDs.

    • Thanks 1
  8. 1 hour ago, champers said:

    Great season for your lads; Derek Adams is a very good manager. We played Newport on Easter Monday and Kevin Ellison came on as a sub for them.

    I hope we both go up but I don't want us in the play-offs, so maybe a draw? 

    Are you DC as was?

    Shhhh 555

  9. Just now, sapson said:


    Have you arranged a private lab test or hospital test and what is the rough cost?


    Thanks for any info as i am considering bringing forward my departure and any info on procedures is much appreciated!

    Bangkok Pattaya Hospital. 3.8k baht. Same day results.


    Don't forget your Passenger Locator Form which must include a reference for your pre booked day 2 and day 8 tests for  your UK quarantine. Can't be completed until 48 hours before your flight.





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  10. Just now, Bredbury Blue said:

    Keep believing Champers.


    Another win, over Salford Reds.


    Play-off place and a promotion place seem definites, and you might beat Cheltenham or Cambridge to be the Champions - it's very close and recent form of the 3 clubs is similar. 

    You still have to play the Mighty Shrimps at ours. 6 pointer. We're coming at ya!

  11. Just now, scubascuba3 said:

    What's really going on then?


    Less girls in town, I reckon they have started heading home. What have you seen around town?

    The biggest exodus (without return) appeared to have been during the New Year lockdown. Several girls have told me that they will sit out the 2 weeks but if it gets extended, they're off. They're fully aware, probably more than us, of the full extent of Covid in Pattaya now and will be leaving because there will be no prospect of work but also their fear of Covid.

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