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Posts posted by polpott

  1. Just now, rcuthbert said:

    A big concern is the vaccination of those who have fought off the Covid Virus. If the consequent anti bodies were in my system, then I would need assurances - based upon scientific studies - that the vaccine would not attack them.

    Son in law, hospital consultant in the UK, contracted Covid in October. Had the vaccine in January. Normal practice, people are advised to have the vaccine even if they have recovered from Covid.

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  2. He was known as the "Bikini Killer" in Thailand not The Serpent. Some of the murders were actually committed in Pattaya. His Indian partner was disposed of by him in Malasia, his body has never been found.


    Although the police in Thailand had more than enough evidence to convict him , he evaded the courts by distributing the usual brown envelopes at quite a high level. Quelle surprise!

    • Like 2
  3. Just now, sungod said:

    What does that mean in English?

    Don't worry about it, its not a solution anyway. Just resets "Topics" a bit. Doesn't actually bring them up to date. A blind alley. Unbelievable that the techies can't sort such a basic problem out. Maybe they've been laid off.



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  4. Just now, Jingthing said:

    Vitamin D deficiency is not rare and in some populations such as black Americans shockingly common. 

    Its also common in Muslim women in the UK. A pretty sunless country and they have dark skin and when they venture out are completely covered apart from a small letterbox around the eyes.


    However, neither you nor I are Muslim women living in the UK. Nature magazine is making you paranoid. Take a chill pill and enjoy life.

    • Confused 1
  5. Just now, Peter Denis said:

    There will be likely a need for a third dose somewhere between six and 12 months and then from there, there will be an annual re-vaccination,” Albert Bourla said in an interview with CVS Health that aired on Thursday.

    > https://www.ft.com/content/74fb0052-c627-4160-82e6-825d9f2ffec7

    The link is behind a paywall. Nice try but no cigar.

  6. Just now, Chill27 said:

    Be careful with KLM and cheap prices. I flew back with them to the UK three weeks ago. Got hit with a 4,600 baht fee at the check in desk for checking in my 15kg bag.

    Make sure check in baggage is included in the ticket price. I've never experienced this before on my long haul travels, but got caught out this time.

    I payed the extra when I bought my ticket. 1200 baht.



  7. 46 minutes ago, Bredbury Blue said:


    The Merseyside Police failed to find the hooligans who attacked City's bus as they'll fail to find those who attacked Madrid's bus.


    Do you actually think they want to find them? Get real.


    I have no doubt the local plod are very happy with the attempts to rattle Liverpool's opponents as it's good for 'local morale' if the local team wins.


    They needed to arrest the whole of the Kop. 


    This gives a truer picture of the scale of the problem. Hundreds involved. Very scary for those in the coach.



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