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Fat is a type of crazy

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Everything posted by Fat is a type of crazy

  1. They say you could add up the posts of the top 10 anti Trumpers and it wouldn't come close to the pro Trump anti Kamala posts of a particular poster formerly known as Miss Susan. By the way what Trump said was bad.
  2. Can you provide examples from New York Times? Where there has been a clear lie that they haven't corrected? You must have or you surely wouldn't say it.
  3. Not sure how that quote got attributed to me. Asean Now is playing up.
  4. Things like the grants to first home buyers Kamala announced today won't have an effect but the effect on world politics, the approach to dictators and effect on current and potential conflicts, the ecomomy e.g.Trump is proposing a tariff on all imports that could affect US inflation and exports for countries around the world - are fairly important and consequential to the rest of the world.
  5. They may have a bias or an angle on things as all media does but everything is fact checked. What's your go to source and then compare the rigorousness of their fact checking and whether they clearly admit mistakes if they make them.
  6. Harris has new policies now. Her recent speech was pretty good. More to come this week. So that concern will be addressed.
  7. No he's posting on this page. New name. See if you can guess. Not hard.
  8. One way to look at it is that it can be an a bit of a shock that someone talking nonsense doesn't learn and keeps talking nonsense. That he has this huge platform and people keep listening. That after all these years this huge part of the population believe in him - and want him to - lead the world. Bizarre. Shocker.
  9. He sounds scary. Like a boogeyman. Lucky Rupert is there to save us and tell us the truth.
  10. How about Walz? What can be said? He served his country well in one role and then in a different role. I think he's popular because people know that there is no evidence he left the army for the reasons you assume and attempts to paint it that way are dirty politics and lame. He's a gutsy guy - getting out there and fighting the good fight in a different way. Takes guts to try and be vice president.
  11. Sorry but there's further misinformation here. Hopefully you now realise that the age pension is taxable and how tax offsets work. It sounds like you don't pay tax nor did your parents because your income is mainly or only the age pension - the super fund being taxed separately. One part I am getting my head around is annuities where you can move your super from an accumulation phase at 15 per cent to an annuity and pay nil tax on income. The annuity rules seem fairly flexible too where you can take out small amounts or large amounts depending on what you need. However if you get the age pension it may then affect the income and or assets test for the pension depending on the balance of your fund.
  12. It's not ideal. But as has been discussed ad nauseum he was in that position when he retired but he wasn't confirmed in the position. So nothing. The Afghanistan thing isn't good but he is simply nodding and gets the benefit of the doubt. If you see him loud and proud stating he served in Afghanistan when he didn't that is a thing. It is worth noting Vance was in an interview discussed recently where he seemed to agree with some fairly sexist comments but he gets a pass as the actual statement wasn't made by him.
  13. Correct. It seems hard for me to imagine someone saying maybe yes maybe no to Trump. Or - oh well Trump is the candidate so I'll stick with him because he's Republican. Whereas Kamala Harris is pretty much a democrat similar to other potential candidates in many ways. It's hard to imagine too how people can be on the fence and go from Democrat to Republican and back - though maybe they are disengaged from it and don't give it much thought like older people on the internet.
  14. She wasn't my pick. Nor was Walz. But it is what it is and they are doing better than expected.
  15. You forgot Sparktrader and Uttrahit. Sparktrader seemed a bit more balanced. Miss Susan's gone all in on Trump.
  16. Keep in mind pollsters are evolving all the time. Learning from mistakes. They should be a lot more accurate in 2024 to at least take into account the Trump factor's such as reticence to admit you are a Trumpie.
  17. The pension is taxable but there is the tax free threshold for residents and offsets such as the Seniors and Pensioners tax offset that apply. Often meaning no tax with or without the extra 100 of interest. To work out tax you decide if you are a resident - take your income - work out tax - apply tax offsets - and that's your tax payable. I used a higher income example to show that a pension is taxable and can have tax on it - to clarify the other posters comments which I felt were not correct as written. Note too for non residents interest would normally have withholding taken from it as has been discussed.
  18. I think Conan the Barbarian is an actor. A leftover from a couple of months ago with those fake posters trying to generate traffic for Thaiger Inc. Could be wrong but.
  19. To clarify a bit further - the statement that - 'The ATO does not tax age pension payments - ever - if you can prove that they do, then put up or shut up' - is clearly wrong. My example of a combined income of $70000 is to show you are taxed on the $70,000 - offsets may apply as they do at the lower end meaning you may pay no tax - but the age pension is taxable and taxed in the same way as the capital gain.
  20. It's all part of your taxable income. If you don't reach the threshold you are not taxed - be it net capital gain, pension, or something else. If it's over you get taxed. You seem to be suggesting that the age pension is treated differently but it's not - it is part of income and it is taxed as part of total income if you reach the the threshold to pay tax. This is not to suggest that the guys in Thailand long term should alter what they are doing - only that the pension is taxable same as other sorts of income.
  21. The age pension and other taxable pension payments are taxed for residents and or non residents who lodge tax returns and have other income that puts them in the taxable range. For non-residents that's from first dollar. One simple example for residents would be if you had say a $50,000 net capital gain and say $20,000 in pension - the pension would be included in the tax return - total income $70000 - and taxed at marginal rates like other income. The proof is by looking at a tax return - filling it out - and you'll see it's included.
  22. Why do people have to talk in extremes - the fact is the American economy is as we speak the envy of the world according to most. The figures are good. You may or may not be right in your predictions. How many years have you been predicting this? A stock market correction happens but even with that it would be up a mile over the past years. I recall your cataclysmic predictions for tourism in Thailand post covid - I think you said it would take many many years to recover if I recall - but things are going ok there too.
  23. Why the extremes all the time - the worst something in 50 years - zero facts - etc - in the context of a world that has struggled with inflation while trying to maintain economic growth the US is doing well. Simple fact for you to ponder.
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