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Fat is a type of crazy

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Everything posted by Fat is a type of crazy

  1. You have a point. There is a well known Australian book - I haven't read it - called the Slap which looks at the moral issues around an adult giving a kid - not his own - a slap. Can be bad. Can be a lesser but still poor form thing if not strong - a one off - and in this case in a drunken public exchange. Witnesses - albeit anonymous - suggest at the more serious end. If there was a pattern of such behaviour I think it would get more coverage. The fact is too he is not the candidate. I think if Melania did the same it would be not treated too dissimilarly. But it's not the best. By the way I am an Australian I hope it's OK with you to comment.
  2. Point is - as others have said - you're taking what could be seen at worst as a mild gaffe - and at best a loyal Vice President in a hugely successful economy - and trying to pump it up - when Trump lies - makes gaffes - and generally craps on - daily. Watch Kimmel or Stewart and have a laugh and take a break from your pro Trump mindset.
  3. Not sure I'd like to hear what all the Thais are saying. The culture and religion can be lovely from the outside - but a bit illogical and often oriented towards things like dreams of money and success - which is fair enough but not inspiring. It's nice to be a bit separate while hanging out in the areas I am which are tourist areas. Girlfriend speaks english when she's here. If I lived rurally or spent more time here I may need to make an effort.
  4. I just completed this quiz. My Score 60/100 My Time 122 seconds  
  5. He was a bit puerile and tacky but the Sal and Richard prank calls were funny
  6. Hillary was really good. Most candidates make you cringe a bit but not Hillary. Never understood the hate. It seemed like Trump said to hate so they hate.
  7. So rude. Would you say that to his face. I think not.
  8. Why do you bother going down this track. She was clearly being mischievous and lame suggesting that the deep state or similar may have had a role in causing the hurricane. Even if there is some work been done on influencing weather it clearly wasn't the case here so why not admit like the rest of us that she's a silly duffer and concentrate on more relevant issues.
  9. I think of myself as a tourist and as a tourist being in say Jomtiem or Koh Chang which are my favourite recent haunts I can get nice accommodation and nice food and nice entertainment for a good price for me when I'm alone or with my girlfriend. The massages alone are spectacularly good value if you find the right shop and girl. If not for the pollution I'd likely stay more than 4 to 6 months a year. The pollution is a real dampener on things.
  10. Starting to reconsider your pro Trump stance. Good for you. Watch the Noam videos on Trump.
  11. If only the Trump supporters could read this post and similar ones and stop pulling out the Hunter censorship argument every five minutes.
  12. I thought that was the reasoning of the previous poster. I get economy with extra leg room and I'm happy for a 9 hour flight.
  13. Thai's not that great from my experience. Qantas is the same owner and not amazing. I am happy saving on a 9 hour flight. I think all other airlines involve a stop somewhere which surely outweighs the stigma of having a Jetstar label on your luggage.
  14. See the mainstream media are not an evil cabal of liars. CNN debate was fair too. It's hard for her or any politician to acknowledge failures such as Biden's poor record on immigration for the first 3 years. She gave the only answer she could in my opinion - note that Trump had a deal rejected after 3 years - things are better now - and look to the future. Call it a non answer but how to answer better as the media would make such a big deal out of an admission of failure and it may be seen as throwing Biden under the bus. But there are plenty of successes - the economy in 2024 is about as get as it gets with inflation a tad high but overall the economy better than most if not all developed economies. That's a big deal. How you can consider Trump anything but the lightest of lightweights is beyond me in terms of his grasp of policy. At least she'll be likely to work as part of a team of experts and not - like Trump - think she knows everything about everything.
  15. I am here about 4 months but don't go to that many big stores such as Makro except Koh Chang. Live like a tourist. The reason I mentioned the self checkouts is a thai friend in Australia got a job - pretty sure it was with Makro - working on the role out of self checkouts. That was a couple of years ago so maybe the decision to introduce them got shelved.
  16. I thought it was a bit odd but I suppose they are checking you didn't add a few things in there and it's not the cashiers job to look. Become more common with self serve checkouts.
  17. As an Australian I am not proud of what he brought to the world. Hope the more normal kids win their court case and steer the empire in a new direction. https://fortune.com/2024/10/02/billionaire-murdoch-heirs-trust-battle-succession/
  18. Yeah people love to call Australia a nanny state but recent horrific events in Bangkok show it has an upside. People like to talk about the freedom on the roads too - one poster going on recently about long rides at 180 as though it is nothing - give me the Australian Highway Patrol to sort them out thanks.
  19. Going out it is for sure but I find decent Australian beer is better bang for your buck.
  20. For what it's worth for some reason the increases in fares around the world didn't hit as bad in Australia - from what I've found - still get $700 return and $500 if plan ahead a bit - but point taken.
  21. A fair few Aussies do a similar thing in Bali. Seems concerning not to own the land. A lot of foods they are used to more expensive in Phuket - then there's beer and wine. But being 60 I can see he wants to get on with it and enjoy his life.
  22. They are in Phuket. Jetstar fly direct Sydney Phuket in about 9 hours.
  23. Trump supporters want low taxes and constantly complain about socialism - i.e. government services for the people - until they need socialism and government services - then each and every shortcoming in that government service is picked apart - even if it's during a disaster which by definition is an extraordinary and difficult situation. But keep at it - you'll always find media out there to find things that are not ideal - mistakes and delays - and to likely find a way to blame Kamala.
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