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Fat is a type of crazy

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Everything posted by Fat is a type of crazy

  1. The honest truth is it was somewhat interesting but a bit hard to read. If your aim is to communicate a better way of thinking, or of life, consider talking in terms of practical applications and keep it brief. I castigate myself sometimes for longer than necessary threads. I read them the next day and think <deleted> that was long boring and obvious. But that's me. Find a way to say 'OK you are retired in Thailand with a nice Thai lady, enjoy the odd beer, worry about finances sometimes, this is a practical way that Seth's message can apply to your life. Otherwise it can seem theoretical and distant.
  2. I think there's a bit of that but I'll give an example. Taking on something new like a business franchise or starting property purchases, with the aim of getting rich, can be hard and daunting and risky and part of our nature can say 'Better not'. Some people who want to do that need hype, need someone who can tell them that life is about taking risks and they can become rich, etc. Some crash and burn but I've know people who have seemed over the top, with maybe an inspirational message taped to the wall, but now own 20 properties. I am a bit of a slow and steady type and I see what he's saying as obvious, and almost embarrassing, and not worth the huge fees. But a government worker waiting for retirement in a few years is not the target audience. I used to see his ads on TV late at night after going out and they are as hypey as one might expect. . There's an example on youtube where people burnt there feet at one of his seminars walking on coals. It's supposed to show mind over matter. In fact if done right there is no risk of burning your feet but they got it wrong. Though it can all seem a fraud I have a bit of sympathy for those, who if there trying to pick themselves up from something or have dreams of success that they see as non negotiable, might feel they benefit from a mentor like him.
  3. Truth in what you say. You can become a bit safe in life and talking to those who are getting out and doing stuff can probably inspire. I like not to try if possible. It's a bit of a life philosophy. Just let life flow. Tony Robbins is a bit hypey for me but probably does well to inspire those who need it like salesman and those who just respond well to that stuff.
  4. I work for the government and most people around me are looking to do a good job. I do see things, serious things, I would change that I think would improve Australia. Some decisions are made for cynical reasons or are just plain bad judgement. I see most doing what's best for themselves and most do a good honest job at work. Cynicism of things including 'the Government' can be lazy. I think scientists are the same - a combination of looking out for themselves and trying to do a good job. The key point I think you discount is that most scientists love to prove another scientist wrong and prove themselves correct. Fame and money and well deserved plaudits come from that. Then a different scientist will try and do the same. It's that intellectual desire and passion for success that keeps science honest in the big picture. You will find scientists who used fake data etc but it is statistically very likely to be found out as a different scientist attempts to replicate the findings. So when I think there's a much higher chance of evolution being correct than intelligent design, it's not because I prefer one or the other, or think there's no chance of an error, but because the evidence clearly points in one direction, and if someone can put forward an alternative theory WITH PROOF they will. If there's a gap they admit it or they'll make fools of themselves as a different scientist takes them to task - it appears the gap between apes and man is thinning all the time based on a google search.
  5. You probably know this but your language suggests you don't. I am no scientist but think of cells just replicating in different ways. Not intelligent cells working out how to survive but just some chemical and biological process. Some variations live. Some don't. The ones that live do the same and create 1,000,000 almost exactly like them and 50 that have some difference or irregularity. 40 of those die. 8 are different - no better or worse. Two have a variation that means they have a slight advantage to survive etc etc leading to us
  6. Keep in mind we are a product of this environment. So there's no coincidence that we can live on the earth easily as we are the winners of evolution. Through evolution, we had to become something that could exist and adapt as fully as possible, to be as evolved and in control on earth as is possible. So you might say how could the rules of the universe, the stars, and the earth environment be so perfect for us unless it was designed by a god for the purpose of allowing us to live there. When in fact you can say not so long ago we weren't there and lots of life forms had new variations, some that could not adapt and some that could, and the latter lead to us. An eye didn't just become an eye - it evolved over time from a light sensitive thing to a full eye. Once an animal had an eye it had a huge advantage over its competition. We can look at a rose or a solar system and see beauty but that ability and perception was hard fought for to adapt to this world. We evolved to fit the earth not the earth created to fit for us. There are millions of planets uninhabited and not fit for life. This fact isn't necessary for your theory to be correct but objectively it makes the evolution theory make more sense. There is nothing in your theory or evolutionary theory that precludes other planets somewhere having life.
  7. True. Sometimes they would get into my shoulders and it would hurt but you'd feel better by the end. I had some foot massages from old ladies and it was like they were digging for something in my foot and at some point you got to think that the no pain no gain thing only applies so far.
  8. I think that's one thing about Trump. He never learns. If he accepted his own failings I think his head would implode.
  9. Probably the one in the works for climate, energy, reform on drugs apparently agreed to by Manchin where they blindsided McConnell. Estimates could be $700 billion paid for by taxes on wealthy corporations. I couldn't remember McConnell's name so I googled turtle republican and there it is.
  10. I went to Chaddy last week - biggest shopping centre in the southern hemisphere - lots of pretty young and not so young girls asian and otherwise. Some have a selective memory I think.
  11. Hillary would have been excellent. Smart lady. Biden brave and clever and despite his age got the job done to get the presidency. The jury's out on Harris but hasn't impressed a lot and is likely unelectable if only due to the combination of being a woman with a whiney voice. Not fair but it is what it is. Need some one new - surprising there is not someone. All you have to be is normal, smart, and approachable. Shouldn't be that hard. Someone who can show the huge flaws in Republicans just waiting to be fully exploited. Someone who can show that inflation was not caused by democrats but by covid and can have sensible immigration policies which is always a bug bear. Someone who can talk about issues like trans things as a grown up and note it is such a minor distraction that in 99.9 per cent of issues is not affecting non trans peoples lives.
  12. I agree with your comments and had that situation before. At first I blamed myself but then noted those massages did not appear to have a longer term benefit so I just didn't go back. Life's too short to have a massage that hurts and just makes you more tired and stressed. As others have said it is probably trial and error but looking at their sites and finding properly qualified staff will help. If you want to go to the same shop and she is next then just smile and say thankyou but I'd like someone else. She'll forget it 5 minutes and if not she might realise she needs more training.
  13. There is a real feeling, probably discussed elsewhere, that Rupert Murdoch has had enough. NY Post had a recent disparaging article saying Trump's silence on January 6 is damning . Wall Street Journal had an editorial in the last week about how he utterly failed his January 6 trial. Their words. Fox News less interested than prior periods of his post presidency as noted above. Maybe Jingthing did pick the moment a month or two ago when his 2nd nomination was doomed. As a criticism of CNN I will note they have had excellent coverage of the January 6 issue but you would think nothing else is happening sometimes.
  14. I agree that women do probably like men who are wealthier and some may like to show off a bit of wealth. It can seem a bit shallow and cold but it is probably a bit genetic or societal in them wanting to 'feather their nest'. Men probably care more about looks and some prioritise having candy on their arm. That can seem shallow and cold but probably has a genetic or societal dimension in terms of spreading their seed to the right eggs. I feel like as far back as the nineties when I dated, if a woman was on a similar financial wicket to me and some were, I would pay for the first couple of dates and hope they would then say - no it's OK from now. They were women of a similar age or a bit younger and not too dissimilar in standard of appearance. Bit harder in Thailand where expectations are different but that's probably mainly because we are likely picking women who's age and looks is more appealing than ours so we have to make up for it with charm, a sense of humour, but mainly money.
  15. There are actually a lot of women now who earn a good living. Some might stop when they have a baby but lots of women earn money now. They help pay the bills. I put it in small print as not to upset the prevailing narrative.
  16. If I can be a bit serious the elephant in the room is that I think you had the double whammy of being ripped off severely by someone and that person was an extremely close family member. If that's correct dealing with that might be the first thing. Everyone would find it hard to deal with that.
  17. I am working but have 5 minutes to get you back on track. You can thank me later. Option 1: Lots of good paying jobs in Australia. You have a statistics background or something. Should be able to get a good job with super, holiday pay and then go on your once or twice a year debauchery tour. But in the bigger picture you are getting somewhere. Or get a lower paying job with not much responsibility but more relaxed and fun. Saving money can give you a sense of achievement and happiness. Option 2: Work in Thailand. With your skills it may be possible to do some online thing. Or you might make a good teacher. Could be fun and make you happy. Option 3: Take a punt and just travel. However if the answer is finding stray low IQ EQ education and heart Issan girls on a pub tour then it may be a stupid question. But that's just me. But being in Thailand may make you happy and you might meet some people who can give you work or you might meet some beautiful inspiring Thai girl who can help give your life meaning and direction.
  18. He continues to make the claims on a regular basis. To be honest I don't think even many of his most ardent supporters by it now. Except for some on this site. From BBC site 3 days ago for example: Trump and Pence host rival rallies in Arizona - BBC News Mr Trump spoke at an event for Kari Lake who backs his false claims about election fraud. At her rally on Friday in the central Arizona town of Prescott Valley, Ms Lake, a former TV news journalist, told supporters that "rigged elections" would no longer be accepted. She was followed on stage by Mr Trump, who told the crowd that "the election was rigged and stolen and now our country is being systematically destroyed because of it". Sad
  19. As it happens my girlfriend arranged the same thing today. Ubon to Phuket 3300 baht. Hope it gets there.
  20. The contrast is nice to my fairly normal four seasons Melbourne weather. Sometimes I like the wet season with storms on and off. I burn easily. Can swim at the beach without burning. Agreed that the food can be disappointing. So much salt. MSG. God knows what else. Fish and prawns from possibly dodgy farms. Vegetables with maybe some insecticide. Have to be choosy.
  21. I think they went up a lot recently. It kind of amazes me that Flight Centre is still a thing. Except for people on same complicated tour who needs help booking flights and accommodation. A friend got travel insurance through them and it cost almost double than just buying the same insurance direct from Covermore. I think your friend would still get the age pension, a bit reduced, but the full balance of his super fund would affect the assets test. Superannuation - Age Pension - Services Australia
  22. If I know the period your talking about over a year or two it went up then back down so not far off it's average. Mining shares do tend to jump around though BHP of course is about safe as it gets. But I agree. Half BHP and half cash is a fairly safe approach.
  23. Sometimes. But lets say you have $500,000 and are getting $50,000 in dividends. If the stocks drop so you have $250,000 are those shares likely to continue to pay out the same dividend which would now be 20 per cent. Unlikely. Then there's unexpected things as a retired person, e.g. medical, going back home for some reason, girlfriend buffalo problems, and you might want to dip in that capital. Not being able to and just hoping your shares go back up is unsettling for anyone but particularly if you have stopped working and this is your sole source of income.
  24. Thanks for that. I find your posts interesting. Keep in mind science itself has no hubris and it is an evidential methodology and so by definition it is up to the theoretician to fit it's rules or leave that part of science to one side if they haven't got to the stage of having a body of evidence. I mentioned once before that this is a good place for people to put forward theories, for which there may not be objective evidence at this stage, because it is interesting and there could be some real insights. But I don't think it's fair if some feel that science itself has some bias against their approach. It may be that from time to time some scientists are corrupt, or aren't open to new ideas, but that's a people thing and not a science thing.
  25. You are right that now is tough. Invest and get stock market losses. Leave it in cash and cop inflation. It is clearly prudent to be much safer in his situation as the implications of a crash are shattering to his retirement. Peace of mind is important for some. If I was in his situation I'd get the Australian pension happening - I think he was Australian - which is steady and safe and can supplement his savings and then he can relax and do his thing.
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