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Everything posted by mtls2005

  1. Well it is called "Test & Go". He tested and went. Honestly, that the authorities and the public went bonkers over a single tourist is, well maybe not surprising, but a bit alarming.
  2. Pixel 6 here. Have had, as stated above, for ~ 30+ days. The camera bar is a bit strange at first, but with a case - and IMO a case is an absolute requirement as the phone is thin and very, very slippery - it becomes less pronounced. The automated set-up for me was even more impressive than on previous Android One phones. Other than adding passwords for apps it was automatic, including apps and contacts. (You may have photos backed up as a result of your Google Account settings. I chose to back-up all previous phone's data and then drop what I need onto the new phone.) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kLsGULqMCGg Still learning the new gestures, feature and functions. Many, many, many Youtube videos are available. You can use this phone for Google Account 2FA, it has a built-in Security Key which has to be added to your Google account: Security, 2-step verification. When you log-in you get a prompt on your Pixel 6 to hold down the Volume Down key.
  3. Regarding USPS...and don't toss in a deck of playing cards. see the last post in this thread: https://aseannow.com/topic/1241360-us-customs-refuses-to-ship-i-phone/ And: https://pe.usps.com/text/imm/tz_004.htm Country Conditions for Mailing — Thailand Prohibitions (130) Coins; banknotes; currency notes (paper money); traveler’s checks; securities payable to bearer; platinum, gold or silver (manufactured or not); precious stones; jewelry; and other valuable articles. Firing caps and charged metal cartridges for small arms and non-explosive parts of artillery fuses. Lithium cells and batteries — including items containing properly installed lithium cells and batteries under IMM 135.6 — mailed to or sent via Thailand. Playing cards. Finally, the importing of devices with radio transmitters (so Bluetooth and WiFi in the notebook the OP desires) has also drawn the attention of the authorities here, according to first-hand reports here and on FB. These are intermittent/random of course.
  4. Fuhgettaboutit It's one thing to purchase this during a trip back home and bring it back. Customs and the Excise Department have clamped down on electronics imports. Unless the seller guarantees delivery (full refund) with prepaid VAT/duty/excise I steer clear of this endeavor. Did you plan to import the finished product or the kit? Getting flashbacks to the old Dynaco amplifier kit days.
  5. Week 16 NFL Live Program via True Visions Friday, December 24th 08:20 San Francisco 49ers พบ Tennessee Titans ทางช่อง True Sport HD (666) / NFL Network (672) Sunday, December 26th 04:30 Cleveland Browns พบ Green Bay Packers ทางช่อง True Sport HD3 (668) / NFL Network (672) 08:20 Indianapolis Colts พบ Arizona Cardinals ทางช่อง True Sport HD3 (668) / NFL Network (672) Monday, December 27th 01:00 Buffalo Bills พบ New England Patriots ทางช่อง True Sport HD (666) 01:00 LA Rams vs Minnesota Vikings on NFL Network (672) 04:25 Pittsburgh Steelers พบ Kansas City Chiefs ทางช่อง True Sport HD (666) 04:25 Denver Broncos พบ Las Vegas Raiders ทางช่อง NFL Network (672) 08:20 Washington Football Team พบ Dallas Cowboys ทางช่อง True Sport HD (666) / NFL Network (672) Tuesday, December 28th 08:15 Miami Dolphins พบ New Orleans Saints ทางช่อง True Sport HD (666) / NFL Network (672)
  6. I think many get despondent at this time of year, and seeking solace at a bar doesn't seem to be helping you. Maybe re-establish connections with friends and family in the olde country? Or seek out new ones here? Change up your routine, exercise, diet.
  7. He's rich enough to be whatever he wants to be. His Wiki says: Citizenship South Africa (1971–present) Canada (1971–present) United States (2002–present) Mars (2037)
  8. Mine was processed on the next report date, then mailed 14 days later. My earlier reports were always processed on the next report date, but not mailed for another 4 - 6 weeks. So not sure what you're getting at? This recent mail-in is by far the shortest period I have ever experienced. For me mail-in is easy, simple, reliable, and costs less than 100 baht. If/when the new, newer, newest on-line system works reliably for others my default is mail-in.
  9. So you've had four (4) vaccinations? Sounds like your wife found it to be organized. You're just the pin-cushion.
  10. My answer: the government via the thai red cross (which is owned and operated by the "government"), to select individuals, especially any with a link to the military. The "government" (GPO) placed the Moderna order, which included some for itself (under the thai Red Cross guise), and a large quantity which mostly thai citizens pre-paid for. The first shipment (560,000 doses) arrived mid November, and I think there have been subsequent deliveries. Ms. Sunaiyanaa Kidkasetpaisal, General Manager at ZP Therapeutics, Zuellig Pharma Thailand, stated, "The company is pleased to announce that we are ready to deliver the first batch of 560,000 doses of COVID-19 Vaccine Moderna as previously stated. The remaining of the 1.9 million doses will continue to be delivered until the end of 2021 as informed by Moderna. The other 6.8 million doses are expected to be handed over in the first quarter of 2022. ZP Therapeutics draws upon our unparalleled commercialisation capabilities, expertise, and experience to support the Thai government and private healthcare institutions in advancing national efforts for COVID-19 vaccination programmes." https://www.zuelligpharma.com/news/news-zp-therapeutics-ready-to-deliver-the-first-shipment-of-covid-19-vaccine-moderna-to-increase-vaccine-access-in-thailand
  11. Next report date: Dec. 8,2021 Mailed in: Nov. 24, 2012, received at IMM/CW on Nov.25, 2021 New Slip received: December 23, 2012 Next report date: March 9, 2022 ~ 29 days all in, certainly a new record for me. All copies returned.
  12. Not sure it's a conundrum, rather it is the goal to keep the populace generally uneducated. And make sure they respect "authority". Holding back the country, or rather turning the clock back to a pre-1932 time, but with women fully clothed, is THE GOAL. That thai edumaction officials can feast at the MoE trough is merely a benefit. These indentured slave/teacher's aides probably do all the work anyway. A reasonably trained monkey could do a better job teaching thai youths.
  13. "Welcome to my musings!" I think her business relies on direct-contact with people, so you can see how she might have revenue/income-based goals? And what compels people to "tell" others how to live their lives?
  14. So write the letter, it'll take less time than this post did. Keep it short, very short, no, shorter than that and don't embellish it with the weather report from the U.S. or your purchases and bills. And get it translated to thai. Here's a start:
  15. Probably excludes the 2,500 baht kickback? Are there elephant tickets for teaching positions? You hear stories about placement exams for recent grads for teaching positions where there are ~ 5 openings and thousands of candidates taking the test. But these jobs are highly desirable, very little work, maybe some light whipping and abuse, some haircutting, teaching prostration, and then there's the schooling part which appears to involve zero creativity and rote learning. But loans from the government seem unending, so there's that.
  16. Assuming you like the 2021 edition you have simply examine it closely to determine the manufacturer and model, then search for that on-line.
  17. This one. Although I imagine there are many, many, many more. A Facebook group with about 4,800 members, called Moderna First Lot Reservations, had users selling doses for around 1,000 baht ($29.82) with some offering to buy shots for as low as 800 baht, down from an original price of 1,650 baht. https://www.reuters.com/world/asia-pacific/thais-resell-private-covid-19-vaccination-slots-free-supplies-build-2021-12-20/ Your thai friend should be able to find it. Average resale price was 1,200 (from ~ 1,650), low price is 800.
  18. My three most recent mail-ins (CW) have taken between 49 and 56 days, measured from the day I mail it at the PO, to the day the EMS driver hands it to me. Personally, I always plan to wait at least six weeks after the DUE date, so ~ 8 weeks all in before I even consider schlepping to MTT. Even then, I might wait until my NEXT report is scheduled to be due, and show that I mailed it in on time. Any fine won't be higher I don't think. Is this your first time mailing it in? Do you receive mail reliably at your current address? You included a stamped return envelope? Enough (37 baht) for EMS? All that said you've got to do what makes you comfortable. Go to MTT and file a report, or wait a bit longer.
  19. While you shared very little on your requirements, not the least of which would be budget, my guess is that you would NOT be happy with a Pixel 6, that you will be disappointed with it and that you should NOT purchase a Pixel 6. A manistream phone from the aforementioned Samsung or Xiaomi - I loved the Xiaomi Mi A1 and A2 (both Android One), and keep a Samsung A51 - would likely suit you better.
  20. Maybe it was old stock from late 2019. thai beer tastes "off" coming off the bottling line, can only imagine how rotten it must be if it sat around in temperature for a year or so? Vintage?
  21. You want someone to come to your home? Guide you remotely? IME, you'd be better off detailing your EXACT requirements. Do you have internet service, what brand/speed. Which router make and model. Do you have the secondary router? Details. Do you have a VPN service? Details. What do you hope to accomplish? Details. You can buy a turnkey solution, plug & play with support. You may need help from a Thai to find the best solution.
  22. I've had mine for ~ 30 days. By far the best phone I have ever owned - I'm kind of a mid-range guy. Mid-range is, in my experience, the wrong way to go. Go low-end or high-end. Most recently I've had a Nokia 5.4 (Android One) and a Samsung A51. I've kept both for distinct applications. No headphone jack, no uSD, one SIM (physical) but can also have an eSIM. Providers here offer it, although it requires some prodding. Got a fairly humongous update last week. There are gazillions of reviews on Youtube. Android 12 brings new gestures, so those can take a while to get used to. I pre-ordered mine from ThaiNexusMan, also ordered a Spigen case from him, this phone NEEDS a case.
  23. Revamping the thai edumacation system is a Sisyphean task, which no one is up for. Plus having an educated populace is probably not a good idea, for "stability", long run? Maybe better to ignore it and help a few students with charity?
  24. Can you share a copy of the changes made to NARCOTICS ACT B.E. 2522 (1979)? Specifically Section 7, Category 5, which I am fairly certain EXCLUDES "buds or flowers", or any portion of the plant found to exceed 0.2 % THC by weight. (Yes, I'll stipulate that kratom and most portions of the cannabis plants have been removed.) Happy to be proven wrong.
  25. Many of these stimulus schemes (food, travel, shopping etc.) in 2020 and 2021 were rife with fraud and corruption, with thousands charged. Google: thailand stimulus schemes fraud
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