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Posts posted by Grover

  1. word to the weary... switch to regular mp3 players. They make 'em just as easy to use, and there's no restrictions.

    I bought a bunch of MP3 players over the years; creative x 2, iaudio x 1. Finally I bought an ipod nano 2g 2GB and am extremely impressed with the sound quality, build quality and usefulness of the scroll wheel. Ok, so it has got restictions... but no worries compared to its overall very high quality. And I am not an ipod or apple fan.

  2. Thx for the link, im reading it now & finding it interesting.

    Has anyone met Ajahn Sumedo? What was your impression? Do you think he is spiritually advanced ?? Just curious.

    I was fortunate enough to "sai bart" (give him food) when he was in BKK once. Unfortunately didn't have a good question to ask him at the time and didnt hear him talk... can't really comment beyond that.

  3. My wife is adamant about getting a licenced fire arm and learning to use it.

    The property we own is secluded but has excellent external lighting and I will install cctv with motion detectors and wire in a klaxon panic button.

    the dogs and electronics wil warn us of any strange nocturnal visits and as our home is designed as a large traditional thai home i should be able to defend the stairs against unwelcomed visitors quite easily.

    So does anyone know the cost of a pump shotgun there as I think this is the ultimate self defence tool?

    Motion detectors, and guard dogs are a good combination. I think the shotgun is overkill.

    Some other items are pepper spray and fake/real cameras around the property.

    BTW, whats with all the monkey, dog and cat avatars on this thread? :o

  4. You visit the doctor to check out your illness. He confirms you have cancer of the testicles. You go home and get a baseball bat and proceed to pummel and beat your scrotum until everything falls off including the banana. With nothing left, you bite the bullet and return to Thailand for a sex change.

    I wish I had a time machine to check out Jesus, the Buddha, Plato, and other famous people.

  5. In future Colombo, it would be best to arm yourself with a can of mace in your weak hand, kobaton in the strong hand. Keep the mace in a pocket where you can quickly grab and draw from.

    As it is, your instincts were correct, but need to be more finely honed so that your response to aggresion is consistently instinctual. These recriminations that you are having smack of someone who may hesitate at the crucial moment when under pressure in the future, or even worse, turn tail and run away. Such a response, in some situations, could cost you your life....

    Good to see you back Rambo.

    But I can't agree with you that the aggression response is always the correct one. For example, remember the incident in the south with the 2 teachers and the angry mob? One instinctually (and stupidly )responded with aggression & was beaten into a coma, the other is now ok and alive because she submitted when she was left no other reasonable option.

  6. Thanks for that 'icecubes' I shall visit Big C tomorrow and check them out.

    I also intend to buy a cheap thermos flask and some canned tomato soup; to get me through these cold nights.

    another idea would be to collect firewood in the day time, then in the evening, start a small comfort fire near the side of the soi. and can cook your tomato soup using the heat of the fire before curling up beside it for a sleep like an old grandma with your hot water bottle.

  7. Replace jealousy with sympathetic joy? Is the author living in the real World or just having a laugh?

    This is the land of "cut it off and throw it to the ducks". My missus (a very kind buddhist who is off for a ten day temple stint this week, again) constantly tells me of various ways she would deal with my infidelity (if it happened), the most recent involves my prime possesion and our new mulinex smoothy machine.

    Without trying to be derogitory, I do believe this piece of writting to be utter <deleted>.

    If my wife was squeezing my balls that hard, I'd probably be on your side too. :D

    cheers :o

  8. I spotted a "friend" of mine seated having a beer in the early AM. He was seated and I stopped to say hello standing in front of him, he was seated propped on a store front step. There was a few feet space btw us. His routine is about 8 beers by this time and kicking in a night cap. As for me, I was on my 2nd beer and well rested, having not been out till an hour before that. So I made a comment about his new haircut saying that he looked like a famous american (we are both americans). He came back with some derogatory racial comments. I thought he was joking and took the bait and joked back. I guess I said something he didn't like and he attacked me from his seated position. I had never been attacked before and was shocked. I had a knee jerk reaction and attacked him back with one swift blow and I walked away. Was I wrong to do this?

    You did this while he was seated? he wasn't seated was he? how can you hit someone who is seated? hahaha :o

    Good pickup on your part and good question. Let me ask you this, if you are standing talking to someone who has been your friend in the past and he kicks you in the balls from a seated position, how do you respond? Do you request that he stand? Do you wait for him to get up? Do you pop the guy while he is seated?

    if you were standing and he was seated, and he kicked you in the balls, it means he either has very long legs and is a karate expert (I doubt it), or you are a very short man (unlikely), or you have testes that dangle 50cm from your groin.

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