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Everything posted by placeholder

  1. But it is clueless to have suspicions that a significant number were Trump paid me to find voter fraud. Then he lied after I found 2020 election wasn't stolen. I am the expert who was hired by the Trump campaign. The findings of my company’s in-depth analysis are detailed in the depositions taken by the Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the United States Capitol. The transcripts show that the campaign found no evidence of voter fraud sufficient to change the outcome of any election. That message was communicated directly to White House chief of staff Mark Meadows. https://www.usatoday.com/story/opinion/2024/01/02/trump-lies-voter-fraud-2020-impact-2024-election/72057016007/ Actually, there were 2 teams of investigators hired by the Trump campaign to find significant voter fraud. They both came up empty. And it is also clueless to make predictions about an election that is almost a year away. I guess to you that means if Trump loses again that will be proof that another election was stolen.
  2. Maybe you should try to remember LInks Links Links Links Links. Which should lead to something called Evidence Evidence Evidence Evidence Evidence that is produced by something called Scientific Research Scientific Research Scientific Research Scientific Research Scientific Research
  3. Thanks for the scientific report. I guess you had this published in The Journal of Because I Say So.
  4. As usual, you don't get it. It may be true that the cooling in the areas where ozone destroying gases tended to congregate have gotten a bit warmer recently because of the decline in the amount of those gases. But the stratosphere as a whole continues to get cooler: "Previous research projected that as carbon dioxide trapped heat in the troposphere, which is the lowest level of the atmosphere, the stratosphere above it would cool down. Recent improvements in satellite data and computer model simulations have enabled researchers to search for that predicted cooling pattern in the middle and upper stratosphere, and to see how it affects efforts to identify human fingerprints on climate. The new research shows that from 1986 to 2022, the human-produced greenhouse gases that caused warming of the Earth’s surface and the troposphere also led to a mean cooling of about 1.8 to 2.2 degrees Celsius in the middle and upper stratosphere globally." https://newsroom.ucla.edu/releases/stratospheric-cooling-vertical-fingerprinting#:~:text=The new research shows that,middle and upper stratosphere globally. So if anyone is a boring time waster with trollistic leanings, it's someone who calls others that while exemplifying such a personage himself.
  5. It's a good thing you don't invoke conspiracy theories to fault the science...oh wait a minute...
  6. "The science is disputed." Basically by a few elderly climatologists whose predictions repeatedly have proven to be wrong. Thomas Kuhn once noted that a scientific revolution isn't fully done until all the old scientists opposed to it have passed way. Clearly, you are obsessed with celebrities. Why you pay attention to them is beyond me. It's just sad. As for me, the information I used to inform myself ultimately comes from research done by climatologists.
  7. On the other hand... ‘No food shortage in Gaza,’ says IDF official, dismissing UN claims to the contrary The Israel Defense Force unit overseeing the transport of humanitarian aid into Gaza said on Wednesday that there are no shortages of food in the Strip, dismissing United Nations reports of widespread starvation, and alleged that existing problems were caused by the inability of the UN to properly distribute the goods once they entered the enclave. https://www.timesofisrael.com/no-food-shortage-in-gaza-says-idf-official-overseeing-transfer-of-aid/ So who to believe? Various UN agencies, NGO's, eyewitness reports, statements from the US Secretary of State and the White House National Security spokesperson, or the Israeli Govt. Believe it or not, for some members here, that question is a real stumper.
  8. For those who doubt the reality of starvation in Gaza, the White House clearly disagrees with you: "White House National Security spokesperson John Kirby told reporters Thursday that the situation in Gaza was dire after incoming aid trucks were surrounded by desperate refugees looking for food and basic supplies. “We recognize that there are real food security issues in Gaza,” Kirby said. “We understand there’s a lot of hunger and starvation in Gaza. https://nypost.com/2024/01/11/news/israel-hamas-closer-to-deal-to-deliver-medicine-to-hostages-in-gaza/
  9. And you should really try to keep up to date about the cost of purchasing insurance under Obamacare. Thanks to Biden, support for payments has been greatly increased.
  10. It may well violate the constitution. And Congress could move to impeach him and remove him from office. But that doesn't make it a crime. Please name the statute that Biden has violated by authorizing the bombing and the criminal penalties it stipulates.
  11. Living in the past much? Maybe you're still bothered by whayObama said, but given the huge turnout for Obamacare and the embrace of other reforms due to Obamacare, it looks like you're part of a very sulky minority. Of course, what's most likely going on is that you resent the success of Obamacare and it's popularity. Did you notice that every Republican state where the adoption of Obamacare M was voted on by referendum, it won every time?
  12. In a way, you have a point. Healthcare should be universally funded by the government as it is in most developed Nations. And how does your thesis fit in with the fact that when ObamaCare Medicaid was up for a vote by referendum in Republican states, it won every time.
  13. It wasn't just the forum, though, was it? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Famine_in_Yemen_(2016–present)#:~:text=aid was maintained.-,2021,the blockade devastates the nation. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saudi-led_intervention_in_the_Yemeni_civil_war
  14. If the technology that provides the power changes, and it is, then something will change. Who are these doom and gloom merchants and why is their alleged hypocrisy significant?
  15. If by friendly towards the UK you mean that he supported Brexit, maybe. But I suspect his motives weren't so much about being friendly towards brexit as they were about being hostile towards the EU. I'm sure that hostility pleased his good buddy, Vladimir Putin.
  16. It addresses a theoretical basis for charging Israel with war crimes. And since it involves widespread starvation, it clearly touches on the issue of genocide.
  17. I see you're still offering no defense for the contents of that highly deficient video you posted.
  18. Anyone familiar with Christie's reign in NJ might have doubts about his possession principles.
  19. The issue is Netanyahu's reaction to the charge and the charge itself, not when it's going to be submitted.
  20. The only way you can construe this to mean anything other than what it clearly says is if you're a mind reader. Not surprisingly, apparently lots of Trump supporters believe themselves to be just that.
  21. Actually, the only confirmation we have here is your imperfect understanding of English. What is there about... “And when there’s a crash — I hope it’s going to be during this next 12 months because I don’t want to be Herbert Hoover. The one president I just don’t want to be, Herbert Hoover.” ...that you don't understand.
  22. Allow me to explain. When people like you make these posts, you don't even provide any evidence that you've bothered to view it. After all, you extracted 0 talking points from the video. In fact, given the video narrators bizarre praise of Elon Musk/Tesla in how it sources and uses lithium, I'd be surprised if you did actually view the whole thing. But what using videos does allow you to do is require exorbitant amounts of time be spent viewing and extracting the points raised. In the future, if you want a reply to the video, extract the points yourself. Show that you've put in the work and time that you expect from others.
  23. Another conspiracy theorist. I bet you've had a lot of theorizing practice.
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