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  1. When someone writes "everybody knows", you can be sure that's just a cheap rhetorical trick designed to advance a dubious proposition. You're just another amateur gerontologist trading in politically convenient diagnoses.
  2. Sure. Which is why against overwhelming evidence right wingers believe or suspect at a 2020 elections were stolen. Because believing something in defiance of reality is a hallmark of sanity.
  3. The World's Whitest Paint Is Also the Coolest These white paints are so reflective that they can stop buildings and aircraft from absorbing heat. In 2021, a team of engineers at Purdue University announced they had made the world’s whitest paint, which is able to reflect more than 98% of sunlight and greatly reduce the need for air conditioning in buildings. https://gizmodo.com/whitest-paint-reflects-light-cools-buildings-nanotech-1850108248
  4. The only way that your objection works is if there is some sort of purposeful attempt to deceive which wasn't detected by peer review or if the reviewers are complicit in some sort of conspiracy. Those kind of allegations are the last resort of the willfully uninformed.
  5. But they're clearly not absorbing all the increase. If they were, then the levels of CO2 in the atmosphere would remain stable. Also, the PH of the oceans is getting lower. That's due to carbonic acid created by CO2 dissolved in the water. So plant life and phytoplankton aren't absorbing all the CO2 that gets dissolved in the oceans.
  6. Contrary to what you apparently believe, semantics is not a substitute for science. Yes, climate has always changed. But it's the rate of change that's an issue. And the average temperature of the atmosphere is rising at a rate that's unprecedented for 10s of thousands of years. Global Temperature Reconstruction Over Last 24,000 Years Show Today’s Warming “Unprecedented” The study, published Wednesday (November 10, 2021) in Nature, has three main findings: It verifies that the main drivers of climate change since the last ice age are rising greenhouse gas concentrations and the retreat of the ice sheets. It suggests a general warming trend over the last 10,000 years, settling a decade-long debate the paleoclimatology community about whether this period trended warmer or cooler. The magnitude and rate warming over the last 150 years far surpasses the magnitude and rate of changes over the last 24,000 years. https://scitechdaily.com/global-temperature-reconstruction-over-last-24000-years-show-todays-warming-unprecedented/
  7. Wagner boss Yevgeny Prigozhin ‘dead or in prison’ after Putin meeting Russia’s top mercenary Yevgeny Prigozhin has probably been murdered after leading a failed rebellion against the Kremlin regime, a former senior US military leader has suggested. Prigozhin, the Wagner Group chief, ordered his soldiers to march on Moscow last month amid an ongoing feud with Russia’s top military brass about its strategy in the Ukraine war. “I personally don’t think he is, and if he is, he’s in a prison somewhere,” Robert Abrams, a retired general, told ABC News when asked if he thought the warlord was alive. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/prigozhin-dead-jail-us-commander-b2374514.html
  8. Given that both the Ukrainian Government and the rebels didn't abide by the agreement, why are you singling out the Ukrainian government? Ukraine Rebels Dismiss Minsk Peace Deal, Push for More Territory "Many rebel commanders and fighters make no pretense of their disdain for a cease-fire they say they never agreed to in the first place. In an interview with the Russian newspaper Novaya Gazeta, the commander of the feared Prizrak (Ghost) battalion in Luhansk, Alexey Mozgovoy, said he “never took the Minsk agreement seriously.” Alan, an Ossetian fighter, who fought alongside the Russian military in the 2008 war with Georgia, told VOA, “There never was a cease-fire.” https://www.voanews.com/a/ukraine-rebels-dismis-minsk-peace-deal-as-they-push-for-territory/2526484.html
  9. Trump Says Biden's Speeches Show 'They Pump Him Up' With Cocaine Regardless of a lack of evidence to support his position, Trump claimed that Biden is "a president that's on cocaine" when asked about his recent comments during an interview with right-wing pundit and conspiracy theorist Wayne Allyn Root on Wednesday. The former president suggested that the White House cocaine find was only the tip of the iceberg, asserting that Biden's speeches may offer clues that the president is under the influence of the powerful narcotic. https://www.newsweek.com/trump-says-bidens-speeches-show-they-pump-him-cocaine-1812623
  10. Do you think that maybe, just maybe, that a big problem with that agreement was that the Russians said it didn't apply to them? Why has the 2015 agreement failed to end fighting in eastern Ukraine? The Minsk II deal set out military and political steps that remain unimplemented. A major blockage has been Russia’s insistence that it is not a party to the conflict and therefore is not bound by its terms. https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2022/2/9/what-is-the-minsk-agreement-and-why-is-it-relevant-now
  11. Maybe if alienating EU members and NATO members is your idea of being "diplomatic enough". As for killing countless people in the Middle East...you sure he wasn't responsible for any of that that? WAR OF ANNIHILATION The four-month military operation to oust the armed group calling itself Islamic State (IS) from Raqqa, the Syrian city which IS had declared its capital, killed hundreds of civilians, injured many more and destroyed much of the city. During the course of the operation, from June to October 2017, homes, private and public buildings and infrastructure were reduced to rubble or damaged beyond repair. Residents were trapped, as fighting raged in Raqqa’s streets between IS militants and Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) fighters, and US-led Coalition’s air and artillery strikes rocked the city. https://www.amnesty.org.uk/files/reports/War of annihiliation report.pdf Iraq: New reports place Mosul civilian death toll at more than ten times official estimates Responding to reports made by the Associated Press that between 9000 to 11000 civilians have been killed in the battle for Mosul, Lynn Maalouf, Head of Research for Amnesty International in the Middle East said: “We are horrified, but not surprised, by these new figures. These numbers are directly in line with our previous findings that thousands of civilians were killed during the battle for Mosul – and that these deaths were caused not only by the so-called Islamic State group, but also by Iraqi and coalition forces. https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2017/12/iraq-new-reports-place-mosul-civilian-death-toll-at-more-than-ten-times-official-estimates/ 2017 Mosul airstrike The 2017 Mosul airstrike, was an American bombing in the al-Aghawat al-Jadidah neighborhood in western Mosul on 17 March 2017 that killed 278 civilians.[3][4] The incident was the largest single death toll inflicted by a coalition air strike since the 2003 invasion of Iraq by U.S. forces. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2017_Mosul_airstrike
  12. So, you've reached whatever age you're and apparently either you have never used the word "war" about a conflict between nations or you've used it but didn't know what it meant? It functioned as a kind of X for you? It is to laugh.
  13. One good indication of how little someone knows about climate science is how quickly they mention Greta Thunberg. The quicker the mention, the less they know.
  14. What do you mean that "the cold have reached record-levels..? Heat records are set at a pace that consistently is higher than cold records. Hot records are outpacing cool by more than 10-to-1 this year as Europe, US brace for dangerous heat https://edition.cnn.com/2022/07/18/weather/heat-records-outpace-cool-records-globally-climate/index.html And that was in 2022 when a mild La Nina was in effect which tends to reduce temperatures. If there was no global warming taking place one would expect the respect number of records set to be more or less equal.
  15. I'm not sure what he meant by his comments. But those who claim that this is a proxy war and that the Ukrainians are pawns clearly have a disdainful attitude towards the Ukrainians.
  16. Sam Altman, who leads Open AI said that Musk demanded that the leadership position for himself and, when he was turned down, quit the group.
  17. If I understand this garbled sentence accurately, you're claiming that it's a fact that this is a special operation but not a war? Or are you claiming that it's a special operation that turned into a war but not necessarily a proxy war?
  18. How many times are you going to repeat that falsehood? As has been repeatedly pointed out to you, the decision to fire Shokin was not Biden'sbut rather the State Department's and President Obama's. It was instigated by the State Dept. In addition to which the EU also applauded the move. Shokin claimed he was fired because he was investigating Burisma. His staff said that was a lie. In fact, Shokin was fired for not investigating oligarchs.
  19. Most of my posts are based on this? "the strong and unreasonable belief that your own country or race is the best or most important" Confused much?
  20. In the unlikely event it turns out that you're not a gerontologist, I'd say your forecast is based on your political beliefs.
  21. I think there is sufficient, obvious, and unworthy motivation to explain their actions without resorting to speculation.
  22. Why risk angering the candidate whose candidacy Putin supported? Putin: I wanted Trump to win the election Russian President Vladimir Putin said Monday he wanted President Donald Trump to win the 2016 election because he believed Trump’s policies would be more friendly to the Kremlin. “Yes, I did. Yes, I did..." https://www.politico.com/story/2018/07/16/putin-trump-win-election-2016-722486
  23. Trump held a grudge against Ukraine. He actually believed that it was Ukraine, not Russia, that interfered in the 2016 election. Trump publicly sides with Putin on election interference President Donald Trump on Monday publicly sided with Russian President Vladimir Putin over his own intelligence agencies, refusing to condemn the Kremlin for interference in the 2016 election and saying that “I don’t see any reason” why Russia would have hacked Democratic computer servers. Trump’s remarkable statements, during a joint news conference in Helsinki, Finland, after holding a two-hour one-on-one meeting with Putin, came after special counsel Robert Mueller indicted 12 Russians on Friday over allegations of involvement in the state-ordered election-interference operation. Trump repeatedly attacked the FBI, praised Putin as a “good competitor,” refused to say Russia was accountable for any aspects of fraying U.S.-Russia relations, and attacked Mueller’s inquiry as “a disaster for our country.” https://www.politico.com/story/2018/07/16/trump-russia-putin-summit-722418
  24. Only if you believe what twitter counts as views really are views. And you are ignoring the trendline.
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