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  1. Aren't you ignoring a little something? Calling to de-escalate, Biden says Haniyeh’s death has ‘not helped’ negotiations US President Joe Biden said Thursday night he was “very concerned” that violence in the Middle East could escalate, adding that this week’s assassination of Hamas political leader Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran has “not helped” efforts to negotiate a hostage-ceasefire deal in Gaza, where Israel is at war with the terror group. Israel has not commented on Haniyeh’s killing, but has been blamed for it by Iran and Hamas, who have vowed revenge. Biden said he’d had a “very direct” conversation with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu earlier in the day, repeating the phrase “very direct.” https://www.timesofisrael.com/calling-to-de-escalate-biden-says-haniyehs-death-has-not-helped-negotiations/ Biden: Haniyeh assassination didn’t help ceasefire deal Asked about the effect of the elimination of Hamas arch-terrorist Ismail Haniyeh on talks, Biden remarked that it has "not helped." The assassination of Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh didn’t help efforts to secure the release of 115 hostages in Gaza, US President Joe Biden told reporters at Joint Base Andrews base late Thursday night, as he appeared to blame Netanyahu for the absence of a deal. “We have the basis for a ceasefire, he [Netanyahu] should move on it, and he should move on it now,” Biden said, as he referenced the three-phase proposal for a hostage and ceasefire deal in Gaza that he had unveiled on May 31. https://www.jpost.com/breaking-news/article-813014 Netanyahu, Defiant, Appears to Have Gone Rogue, Risking a Regional War Ignoring the efforts of President Biden and the condemnation of many allies, the Israeli prime minister is forcing the pace of the war and feeding the revolt of the far right. Benjamin Netanyahu, Israel’s prime minister, came to Washington last week to give a defiant speech. Despite international condemnation, he vowed to continue the war against Hamas in Gaza and the West Bank, where Israel is killing and imprisoning scores of Palestinians each week, without any clear idea of its endgame. The assassinations of senior Hezbollah and Hamas figures abroad have now sharply raised the risks of a larger regional war as Iran, Hamas and Hezbollah prepare retaliation, analysts say. https://archive.ph/hX8US#selection-945.0-949.186 A good case can be made that Netanyahu is trying to drag the US directly into war.
  2. Someone else who apparently doesn't understand the significance of rate of change.
  3. The potency of CO2 as a greenhouse gas was uncovered first in the 19th century. Thanks to the work of Eunice Foot and the great 19th century physicist John Tynall. It's pretty basic and simple science to evaluate the potency of CO2, methane and other gases under laboratory conditions. Maybe you think that asking how such small percentages can have such a powerful effect is a scientific way of thinking. In actuality, it's nothing but empty rhetoric.
  4. At this date virtually all climatologists have no doubt about human caused cliimate change. This from the latest IPCC report: It is unequivocal that human influence has warmed the atmosphere, ocean and land. Widespread and rapid changes in the atmosphere, ocean, cryosphere and biosphere have occurred. Expand Figures SPM.1, SPM.2Links to chapters A.1.1 Observed increases in well-mixed greenhouse gas (GHG) concentrations since around 1750 are unequivocally caused by human activities. Since 2011 (measurements reported in AR5), concentrations have continued to increase in the atmosphere, reaching annual averages of 410 parts per million (ppm) for carbon dioxide (CO2), 1866 parts per billion (ppb) for methane (CH4), and 332 ppb for nitrous oxide (N2O) in 2019. 6Land and ocean have taken up a near-constant proportion (globally about 56% per year) of CO2 emissions from human activities over the past six decades, with regional differences (high confidence). 7 https://www.ipcc.ch/report/ar6/wg1/chapter/summary-for-policymakers/
  5. Are you under the impression that this is an article written in a scientific journal and not a journalistic report on scientific research?
  6. Can you share with the rest of us where they publish their research?
  7. Got any facts to back up that claim of yours about scientists being on the take? "Any alleged factual claims must be supported by a valid link to an approved credible source." https://aseannow.com/forum/158-world-news/ In other words, put up or....
  8. So, you're claiming that it was irrelevant to the story that Native American children were the victims here?
  9. I'll go with a columnist who relies on numbers: Donald Trump's Gains With Black Voters Have Been Wiped Out A CNN poll conducted on July 22 and 23, surveying 1,631 registered voters who had previously participated in CNN polls in April and June, found that Harris had the support of 78 percent of Black voters, while Trump had 15 percent. A previous poll had 23 percent of Black voters backing Trump, while 73 percent backed Biden. Meanwhile, an ActiVote survey, conducted between July 21 and 23, found Black voters were overwhelmingly backing Harris—90 percent said they were supporting Harris, while 10 percent were backing Trump. https://www.newsweek.com/donald-trump-black-voters-gains-wiped-out-1929974 Trump’s outreach to Black men hits a stumbling block: Kamala Harris In the days after Harris announced her candidacy, more than 50,000 Black men registered for a virtual event in her support, and one-third of them donated to her campaign, amounting to more than $1 million. In less than a week, Trump’s progress with Black voters seems to have been wiped out. https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2024/07/30/trump-harris-black-men-2024/
  10. Well, if Vivek Ramaswamy says so... It's clear that what he's saying is transparently ridiculous. He claimed that she leaned heavily on her Indian identity because of the "big Asian American and Indian American population". Apart from the fact that Indians are also Asians, who is so foolish to believe that people from Asia feel some sort of community with others from Asia? Do Kazakhs feel some sort of community with Thais? California's Indian American community is about 2.1% of the total population. She won by a landslide.
  11. Here's what Trump said Donald Trump’s Pants on Fire claim at NABJ about how Kamala Harris ‘became’ Black "She was always of Indian heritage, and she was only promoting Indian heritage. I didn’t know she was Black until a number of years ago, when she happened to turn Black, and now she wants to be known as Black. So, I don’t know, is she Indian or is she Black?" Trump said July 31. https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2024/jul/31/donald-trump/donald-trumps-pants-on-fire-claim-at-nabj-about-ho/ His claim is clearly false.
  12. The journalist asked tough questions. "You have pushed false claims about some of your rivals, from Nikki Haley to former President Barack Obama, saying that they were not born in the United States, which is not true. You have told four congressmen, women of color, who were American citizens, to go back to where they came from. You have used words like 'animal' and 'rabid' to describe Black district attorneys...." https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/trump-interviewed-national-association-black-journalists-convention-chicago/story?id=112435331 What's personal about this or any of the others? This is about what Trump has said. And thanks for speaking on behalf of African American men. Please share with us the evidence that your claim is fact-based.
  13. The baiter complains about members rising to the bait. Truly bizarre.
  14. Yes. That is what I'm claiming. It's what American learned the hard way in Iraq and Vietnam. In Vietnam it was all about body counts. But what's really going on is whack a mole. The American military learned that if you don't keep forces in place to keep the enemy subdued, they rebound. Israel is not keeping forces in place to occupy territory. They keep on returning to the same locales to fight the same battles over and over. Probably because it can't afford to keep its troops tied down to specific places.
  15. "He managed to change the entire cycle to ‘Why are you being such a bitch’ basically." Scott Adams believes that nasty attacks on a female journalist will play well politically? That says a lot about Adams' disconnect from political reality. And yours.
  16. And what real progress did that signify in the Iraq wa?. It just turned into a guerilla war. Just like what's going on in Gaza now.
  17. First off, you think that full resupply can happen in a month? And there's this: Israel’s military, worn down by Gaza, looks warily toward war in Lebanon As Israel trades threats with Hezbollah, there are fears that the military is overstretched and its resources depleted after nine months of war against Hamas. https://archive.ph/IC5qb#selection-515.0-519.158
  18. Those decks of cards were made famous during the 2nd Iraq War. I can't believe that you would actually offer that as some kind of evidence of real progress.
  19. They've also sharply curtailed their military operations.
  20. His characterization of the IDF's record on enforcement of justice shows where he's coming from: "In those cases where there are questions of misconduct or errors in the application of military force, these issues are investigated by a judicial arm of the IDF. In fact, such investigations are currently underway in Israel by a judicial arm that is separate from the military chain of command, causing widespread debates across the Jewish nation. Legal action is imminent." https://www.forbes.com/sites/davedeptula/2024/07/31/on-the-ground-in-gaza-what-i-saw-of-israels-military-operations/ The IDF's record in investigating soldiers accused of crimes is notoriously bad. How Israel's military investigates itself in cases of possible wrongdoing After years of collecting evidence to assist the IDF in its investigations, though, Michaeli says B'Tselem rarely saw any of its cases move past the initial investigative stage. "We did that for many years and ultimately reached the conclusion that it was pointless," says Michaeli, "that regardless of what we did, there was always the same result: no accountability."... "We reached the conclusion that continuing to refer cases to the Israeli investigative bodies is not only counterproductive because it does not obtain any real accountability, but it also gives the veneer of a functioning system," she says. https://www.npr.org/2024/05/15/1250417719/israel-military-idf-investigations-icc
  21. Israel has been making all kinds of claims about the success of its war against Hamas. It's 9 months of fighting now and still no end in sight. And that end looks more remote than ever: Israeli Generals, Low on Munitions, Want a Truce in Gaza Israel’s military leadership wants a cease-fire with Hamas in case a bigger war breaks out in Lebanon, security officials say. It has also concluded that a truce would be the swiftest way to free hostages. https://archive.ph/Xt8k0
  22. Link to a great article You must have missed this part: "CIA Director Bill Burns said recently that tensions have emerged among some senior Hamas commanders who have been urging the group's leadership to show more flexibility in negotiations and to accept a hostage-ceasefire deal. However, anger over the death of Haniyeh - and the January assassination of his deputy Saleh al-Arouri - likely puts the hardliners in pole position." https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/ce98regp6y1o
  23. Even if it was in the cards for all Hamas leaders, why assassinate a member of the negotiating team now? Ya think that's going to help get the hostages back? "The tough question facing mediators and observers: How can talks continue if one side kills the main negotiator for the other side?" https://www.csmonitor.com/World/Middle-East/2024/0801/hamas-assassination-gaza-cease-fire-negotiations
  24. Whether her claims are phony or not, you are contradicting Trump's claim that you used to eat into her Indian heritage. That's always been false for her entire political career and, giving that she attended Howard University and as a member of a black sorority, even earlier. I guess this is one of those rare occasions where we agree about Trump.
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