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  1. I have the evidence but not the reason for introducing this factoid into the conversation. Given that in both cases the difference is so small, why did you think it was significant? And if you don't think it's significant, why introduce the factoid at all?
  2. How is my commenting on someone else's post a deflection?
  3. And I see that you have no pertinent comment to make on the huge factor of OPEC+.
  4. So, my measurement is by weight, and yours by volume. At any rate, the difference between the 2 years are slight whether measured in tons or barrels. So why did you think it was significant that, by the measure you invoke, the volume of production fell very slightly in 2021? Or was this just a random, insignificant fact that you decided to introduce just for the heck of it?
  5. What many members posting on this page don't seem toknnow is that there is a cartel called OPEC+. And it regulates prices by decreasing production when it looks there's too much supply or too little demand. Oil producers led by Saudis extended supply cuts amid slack prices Saudi Arabia and allied oil producing countries on Sunday extended output cuts through next year, a move aimed at supporting slack prices that haven’t risen even amid turmoil in the Middle East and the start of the summer travel season. The OPEC+ alliance, made up of members of the producers cartel and allied countries including Russia, extended three different sets of cuts totaling 5.8 million barrels a day. https://archive.ph/xmI3B In other words there is no free market in oil. Which is a good argument for drastically reducing dependence on the stuff ASAP.
  6. And where is the US going to find workers to replace all the illegals who are now working. Unemployment is already low. As for using the military... "BTW the posse comitatus act does not prevent the military from executive action rounding up the illegals." The Posse Comitatus Act Explained The law generally prevents the president from using the military as a domestic police force. The Posse Comitatus Act bars federal troops from participating in civilian law enforcement except when expressly authorized by law. This 143-year-old law embodies an American tradition that sees military interference in civilian affairs as a threat to both democracy and personal liberty. https://www.brennancenter.org/our-work/research-reports/posse-comitatus-act-explained The exception is in the case of insurrection. So maybe the next time Trumpistas storm the Capitol, President Harris can deploy the army to combat them.
  7. Got any evidence from a credible source to back that up? According to Statista, oil production in the USA in 2020 was 713.3 metric tons in 2020 and 715.9 in 2021. https://www.statista.com/statistics/265215/us-oil-production-in-million-metric-tons/
  8. Stephen King Reacts to Trump's Rant About Kamala Harris Rally Crowd Size King, a vocal Trump critic, responded to Trump's rant on X, formerly Twitter, on Sunday afternoon, writing: "Is this real? If it is, Trump has really lost it." Adam Parkhomenko, a Democratic strategist, replied to King on X and wrote: "Yep, and it's scarier than anything you've ever written." https://www.newsweek.com/stephen-king-donald-trump-kamala-harris-plane-crowd-artificial-intelligence-1937624 I would amend Parkhomenko's comment to read: Yep, and it's weirder than anything you've ever written.
  9. You claimed that oil production fell under Biden. Actually, it was slightly higher in 2021 than in 2020. And it went up from there.
  10. So you believe that Biden was President in 2020? As for the strategic petroleum reserve, what's your point? If anything it argues against it since it would have been released in addition to oil produced in that year.
  11. Yes, I know that perfectly well. And as you apparently don't know Covid continued in 2021.
  12. I don't understand your objection.. For example, if the first photo was taken on Aug 2, 2009, then the second photo would have been taken on Aug 1, 2024. That would be 15 years minus one day.
  13. Whatever the validity of Kubler Ross's model may be, we can be sure that Phase 5 doesn't feature in Trump's character. Rather, it's Denialism.
  14. Actually, Oil production took its downturn in 2020. Hmmm..maybe Biden is a time traveller? https://www.statista.com/statistics/265215/us-oil-production-in-million-metric-tons/
  15. A president who had a huge record of accomplishments during his first 2 years in office. Maybe you can explain what his son's crimes have to do with his achievements. Attempts to do that by his opponents have failed miserably. As for the crime family nonsense, it looks like you are somewhat unfamiliar with the English language: A crime family is a unit of an organized crime syndicate, particularly in Italian organized crime and especially in the Sicilian Mafia and Italian-American Mafia, often operating within a specific geographic territory or a specific set of activities. In its strictest sense, a family (or clan) is a criminal gang, operating either on a unitary basis or as an organized collection of smaller gangs (e.g., cells, factions, crews, etc.). In turn, a family can be a sole "enterprise" or part of a larger syndicate or cartel. Despite the name, most crime families are generally not based on or formed around actual familial connections, although they do tend to be ethnically based, and many members may in fact be related to one another. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crime_family A crime family is a unit of an organized crime syndicate, particularly the Mafia (both in Sicily and in the United States), often operating within a specific geographic territory. In its strictest sense, a family (or clan) is a criminal gang, operating either on a unitary basis or as an organized collection of smaller gangs (e.g., cells, factions, crews, etc.). In turn, a family can be a sole "enterprise", or part of a larger syndicate or cartel. https://www.definitions.net/definition/crime+family
  16. If Biden really put his country before himself he would never have run for a second term. He had a record of big accomplishments during his first 2 years before the Republicans in the House put an end to his agenda. That should have been enough for him. There are better candidates than Kamala Harris. The only reason she is doing so well now is a glaring fact that Trump supporters manage to overlook: Trump is very unpopular, too.
  17. You're claiming that it was bait and switch? Really? That makes absolutely no sense. Biden had very low support even in his own party for a second run. So the plot was to fool people into voting for the candidacy an unpopular president even though there were lots of possible candidates considered more electable than Kamala Harris?
  18. It will be a while before those government parcels produce oil. In the meantime lots of people have had to eat their own words.Like those who proclaimed that oil and gas production would fall under Biden. How's that prediction working out?
  19. Of course she was used to advance an agenda. You think political agendas are beneath the dignity of a UN Ambassador? Where do you think she gets her marching orders from? God? And criticizing the validity of her assertions is not the same as criticizing her. But, of course, people like UN.watch use her grief as a shield to prevent criticism. It's they who deserve condemnation.
  20. There already is a guest worker program. How's that working out in meeting demand? Really there's an open border? And as for it serving Democratic interests...really? Because the agricultural industry votes Democratic? Because business owners in general favor the Democrats? Now you're down to making denigratory comments instead of rational replies. You've got nothing.
  21. Because they're using a grief-stricken mother her to advance their agenda. They must have known that they would be exposing her to public criticism. They are using her grief to lend credence to claims unbacked by evidence.
  22. I was hoping you would ask: https://www.instagram.com/p/C-JW3C1N1eH/ The same people whose post of her in Lausanne appears as some sort of evidence in this forum.
  23. Jack Posobiec was aguy who promoted the Pizzagate conspiracy allegations. Posobiec has promoted many falsehoods,[27] leading to Philadelphia calling him the "King of Fake News" in 2017.[16] He was one of the most prominent promoters on social media of the Pizzagate conspiracy theory, which falsely claimed that high-ranking officials were involved in a child-sex ring centered at a Washington, D.C., pizzeria.[16][12] He live-streamed an investigation of the pizzeria and was asked to leave after attempting to broadcast a child's birthday party being held in a back room.[64 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jack_Posobiec#cite_note-philly-16 After the lie was exploded he claimed he did the live stream to discredit the theory. Uh-juh He also tried to plant sign that said "Rape Melania" to discredit anti trump protestors. Lots of others falsehoods too numerous to mention. Once again, I'm not claiming that it's false, just that a link to a credible source is what's required. And even if it were true, does that mean the at other venues there's also lots of empty seats?
  24. Because if you put her in a public venue to make such claims then everyone has a perfect right to question those claims. After all, she was being used to advance the agenda of those who brought her there. If she were grieving at home with her loved ones she could make whatever allegations she liked and no outsider would have a right or a legitimate reason to question them.
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