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  1. I just hope he's right. Actually, what I hope for, as that great conservative economist and Nobel Prize winner Milton Friedman advocated, is that capital gains be taxed exactly the same way as wages are taxed. Of course, politically speaking, home sales would have to be exempted.
  2. And yet he doesn't seem to understand that Marxism is about abolishing private property and giving ownership of the means of production to workers. Which ignorance allows him and so many other to accuse those they disagree with of being Marxists.
  3. Thank you for offering virtually no scientific sources to back up your assertions.
  4. About South America. First of all, the link is to Patagonia. Patagonia does not encompass all of South America. In fact, only the southern portion of the Andes is located in South America. In addition, the glaciers in Patagonia are shrinking. And they are nowhere nearly as large as the glaciers in Greenland and Antarctica This is from the article you linked to: Apart from in Patagonia, speeds like this are only known to be reached by the glaciers of Greenland and Antarctica—far and away the largest in the world. "According to studies conducted by Matthias Braun from the Institute of Geography at FAU, climate change means, on average, the ice in the glaciers in the Patagonian icefields is becoming one meter less thick every year. This is ice loss at a record-breaking scale and another good reason for keeping a close eye on the Patagonian icefields and using cutting-edge scientific methods to survey them." https://phys.org/news/2024-03-icefields-south-america-larger-glaciers.html As for spin. The only spinning going on is yours. "Compared to the great ice sheets of Antarctica and Greenland, mountain glaciers make up a small fraction of global ice volume. The figure is less than 1%: if they all vanished the resulting amount of global sea level rise would be around 0.32 metres. Of much greater importance is their role as freshwater storage reservoirs and their potential loss represents a serious threat to countries where this water supply is regarded as vital." https://skepticalscience.com/himalayan-glaciers-growing.htm
  5. Who is this person being interviewed by the untrustworthy Eylon Levy? Maybe the UN didn't want to be made complicit in Israel's brutality? UN relief chief: 'No place safe' for civilians in southern Gaza "And the message that we have been giving – we here being the humanitarian community, and I represent the humanitarian community writ large, not just the United Nations – is that we do not have a humanitarian operation in southern Gaza that can be called by that name anymore. That the pace of the military assault in southern Gaza is a repeat of the assault in northern Gaza. That it has made no place safe for civilians in southern Gaza, which had been a cornerstone of the humanitarian plan to protect civilians and thus to provide aid to them." https://www.unocha.org/news/un-relief-chief-no-place-safe-civilians-southern-gaza Especially given that Israel's plan was to turn a barren strip of sand dunes with virtually no infrastructure into a refugee zone. "Israel declared Al-Mawasi a "safe zone". Internally displaced persons who fled to Al-Mawasi reported no water, electricity, or buildings to shelter. The UN and relief groups do not recognize Al-Mawasi or provide services there. Al-Mawasi has been attacked numerous times during the war." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Al-Mawasi,_Rafah#:~:text=Israel declared Al-Mawasi a,numerous times during the war. It looks more like Israel was attempting to set up the UN to be its partner in crime.
  6. False, The body in question wasn't stolen by the UNRWA. Their Unless the UNRWA actually authorized this act. Is there any evidence that the UNRWA ordered this? All that is known is that someone who happened to be a UNRWA member stole the body.
  7. There you go again making personal comments about members rather than addressing the issues. In this case I addressed not only turley's previously sorry track record, but in this case his take on a current situation
  8. Well, it's either a future reference or an unsupported assertion. What percentage of the tunnels in Gaza have Israeli forces destroyed? Does anyone really know? Should we accept skeptically whatever claims the IDF makes in that regard? As I have previously pointed out, always suspect to denigrate the capabilities of a less conventionally capable enemy.
  9. It's a surprising fact and an important story. And you can dwell on the headline all you want. The fact is that Hamas was getting un a surprsingly large portion of its armaments from Israeli ordinance. There certainly isn't going to be a shortage of that lying around in Gaza now.
  10. They were turning ordinance into weaponry before the war broke out, and before the tunnels were destroyed. So, it isn't a question of having to resort to finding unexploded ordinance, it was a practice well in place before the war. Also, it's a common assumption made by some in cases of asymmetrical warfare to underestimate the resourcefulness and adaptability of an opponent weaker. We've seen that mistake made over and over again elsewhere. And in Israel, too.
  11. First off, if they were doing it on Disney property , Disney might be held legally liable in civil court. But to be held criminally liable it would have to be shown that Disney management actually was involved in orchestrating the killing and raping of customers.
  12. I think the adjective weird being used to describe vance should be promoted to "creepy." JD Vance Adds to 'Weird' Behavior by 'Stalking' Kamala Harris: Mary Trump Republican vice presidential nominee JD Vance should be hit with a restraining order if he can't resist "stalking" Vice President Kamala Harris, according to former President Donald Trump's estranged niece Mary Trump. https://www.newsweek.com/jd-vance-adds-weird-behavior-stalking-kamala-harris-mary-trump-1936230 In the case of Vance, "weird" should be replaced with "creepy". Does Vance think that stalking is going to help him get the women's vote? Maybe he wants to cement in his support from the psychopath bloc of voters?
  13. Actually, if you want to allege back room deals, look no further than Trump's commutation of the corrupt Blagojevich's prison sentence. It makes a lot more allege to suggest that this is Blogevich's way of repaying his debt to the Don than the Obama orchestrated Biden's removal.
  14. How can a headline give a false narrative? It was a very surprising fact and a great article. It reported on a topic which was at best, underreported on. And it gives the lie to claims that tight border control will cut off the supply of weapons.
  15. Because for it to be a valid question you would need some evidence that the UNRWA was somehow involved in the action. Is there any evidence that this theft of a body was officially sanctioned by the UNRWA and just the act of someone who happened to be an employee?
  16. First off the headline isn't false. In fact, it highlights a surpriding fact about where Hamas is getting some of its weaponry from. I don't think the NY Times should be held responsible for people who refuse to read past the headlines. A misleading headline, which I see a lot of on the internet, would be where an unreliable party is quoted in the headlines but the body of the text refutes it. Anyway, what's really going on is that it calls into question the issue of whether Israel's control of the Philadelphi corridor is really going to cut off the weapons supply to Hamas. And that is the issue that you keep on avoiding by focusing on a headline.
  17. ANd this is the question posed by an Israeli mother: You think that's a fair question? That the UNRWA kidnapped the body of her son?
  18. So, stealing bodies for ransom is worse than death? And there are plenty of other reason for outrage short of death - outrages inflicted on the living that outweigh the gravity of stolen bodies.
  19. What do you think the mums of murdered Palestinians are saying? You think evidentiary issues should be decided by enraged and grieving people? That standard would certainly make for interesting jury selections.
  20. Why is it fake news? The headline is actually true. Just not the way you would expect it. Which actually makes it a great headline. And, of course, it's a reply to the rhetorical question quoted belkow posed by bkkbrian re: how can Hamas get weapons if its external supplies are cut off. "Where are these fighters going to get their weapons and ammo from? The smuggling route philadelphi corridor is now under the control of Israel and the smuggling tunnels being destroyed. Bow and arrows?"
  21. Wow. 9 employees out of 13,000. As for Israel's allegations about thousands of UNRWA workers being involved, foreign governments including the USA have been waiting in vain for Israel to provide support for those allegations. Which may be why, almost all countries that originally suspended funding for the UNRWA have resumed it.
  22. Good question.... Where Is Hamas Getting Its Weapons? Increasingly, From Israel. The very weapons that Israeli forces have used to enforce a blockade of Gaza are now being used against them. Israeli military and intelligence officials have concluded that a significant number of weapons used by Hamas in the Oct. 7 attacks and in the war in Gaza came from an unlikely source: the Israeli military itself. For years, analysts have pointed to underground smuggling routes to explain how Hamas stayed so heavily armed despite an Israeli military blockade of the Gaza Strip. But recent intelligence has shown the extent to which Hamas has been able to build many of its rockets and anti-tank weaponry out of the thousands of munitions that failed to detonate when Israel lobbed them into Gaza, according to weapons experts and Israeli and Western intelligence officials. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/01/28/world/middleeast/israel-hamas-weapons-rockets.html
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