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  1. If the name doesn't mean that, then what does it signify? That 2 members of a large family have committed crimes? More nonsense from you.
  2. Previously, you maintained that Biden was in bad shape right from the start. Now you're comparaing 2019 to 2024. Thanks for supporting my case.
  3. What you and others have missed in this article is that these immigrants have a long way to go before they reach the border. And the government of Mexico is not exactly willing to see them succeed Mexico is stopping nearly three times as many migrants now, helping keep U.S. border crossings down Biden administration officials say the increased help from Mexico in slowing migration is proof their relationship with Mexico is more productive than Trump's approach. https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/immigration/mexico-stopping-three-times-as-many-migrants-as-last-year-rcna146821
  4. Do you ever challenge other members' comments with facts?
  5. Did you ever consider the possibility that not all of them, or even most of them, suffer that unhappy fate?
  6. Trust you to make it personal when the facts are against you.
  7. Apparently, to your way of thinking, all the members of that family have committed the crime of willfully having their surname be "Biden." It is to laugh.
  8. If anything demonstrates the remarkable ignorance of Donald Trump it's his assertion about energy independence. For one thing, the US is now producing more natural gas and petroleum than ever before in its history. U.S. Oil And Gas Production Are Ahead Of Last Year’s Record Pace Last year marked a record for U.S. oil production with an average daily production of 12.93 million barrels per day (BPD). That record was 5% greater than the previous record of 12.31 million bpd set in 2019. However, current data from the Energy Information Administration (EIA) shows that average daily production thus far in 2024 is 13.12 million bpd — 7.1% ahead of the production level of a year ago and 1.4% higher than last year’s record pace. https://www.forbes.com/sites/rrapier/2024/04/26/us-oil-and-gas-production-are-ahead-of-last-years-record-pace/ US Energy Production Hits All-time High, Far Outpacing Consumption -EIA The Permian Basin’s natural gas growth leads to record surge in U.S. energy supplies. https://www.hartenergy.com/exclusives/us-energy-production-hits-all-time-high-far-outpacing-consumption-eia-209646 And, of course, given that natural gas and petroleum are finite resources, ultimately energy independence won't come from them. But thanks to huge advances in solar power and battery storage, genuine unfettered independence is an achievable goal. And the Biden administration is leading the way in getting there.
  9. Please share with the rest of us a few credible links. People like you who claim that the information is out there but don't actually offer links to it, actually, have no valid evidence to offer.
  10. More nonsense from you. 2 members of Biden's family have criminal records - and the crimes of the one have nothing to do with the other - and somehow that makes the Bidens a crime family? Crime family is a commonly used expression in relation to the mafia encompassing members of an ongoing criminal enterprise who aren't necessarily related to each other. An organization that more closely conforms to that usage is The Trump Organization, which was tried on 17 criminal counts. But it was only convicted of 17 of them.
  11. So essentiallly, you've got nothing tying Joe Biden to any of this. The other criminal was a niece accused of credit card fraud. Is it a crime to have a son and niece who commit crimiinal acts. And you missed these passages from the article: "In 2019, Trump pressured Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy to investigate links between the Biden family and Burisma, a gas company based in Kyiv with Hunter on the board. Fake theories claiming Joe Biden had improperly withheld a loan guarantee and taken a bribe to hush a corruption investigation were spread in an apparent effort to discredit Biden. In December last year, the House backed an impeachment inquiry into the President over allegations about the firing of a Ukrainian prosecutor that had reportedly already been debunked by 'at least nine government witnesses'." https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13518479/Bidens-Hunter-guilty-gun-conviction-crimes.html Next time you link to something, you might want to read something more than the headlines.
  12. Please share with the us a credible link showing that "leftists" tried to shoot him. Actually, the loon who did manage to shoot Trump also was found to have done extensive research on Biden as well. Failed assassin Thomas Matthew Crooks researched Trump and Biden, and even a UK royal, before shooting Investigators detailed Crooks’ search history to lawmakers on Wednesday, sharing how the 20-year-old searched for the dates of Trump’s appearances and the Democratic National Convention — and also looked up info to help his own “major depressive disorder,” people on the call told the New York Times. The gunman also had images of Trump and Biden saved to his cellphone, law enforcement sources previously told The Post.... Crooks’ search history revealed a broad interest in high-profile people and celebrities, regardless of their political affiliation, FBI officials reportedly said — further hindering their hunt for a motive. https://nypost.com/2024/07/18/us-news/thomas-crooks-researched-trump-and-biden-and-a-uk-royal/
  13. In other words,, all you've got is links to dodgy sources. If they weren't dodgy, you should have no trouble providing those links. As for your assertion of " Many more to come once Biden loses the power to bury everything." please share with us links to any credible source that backs up your claim. I won't hold my breath waiting.
  14. What you call a dead horse would more rationally be called a fact.
  15. Your defense of his record is sound. But I think it's clear that the sharp decline, while relatively recent, also involves his mental faculties. The lie that the Trumpistas are pushing is that he was senile throughout his term in office.
  16. What is a fact is that you your statement is an assessment not a fact.. Biden was dealt a bad hand thanks to the previous administration's capitulation to the Taliban. It can be argued that he made the best choice out of all the miserable feasible ones.
  17. "No more copy and paste please." = "No more facts please."
  18. He wasn't allowed to? Do you have any evidence that he was being held captive against his will? What reports can you cite that show he wanted to leave the race? Living in an alternative reality much?
  19. What you don't seem to understand is that Trump had already ordered the withdrawal of 40% of American troops and a pullback to Kabul. So the only way for Biden to protect American troops had they overstayed the agreement was to reinvade Afghanistan. Given the the US and Afghani troops had already lost control of most of the areas they held, it would have meant relaunching the war.
  20. Actually, the world has had enough of the phrase "Biden crime family". A congressional investigation failed miserable to establish any proof of criminal conspiracy on the Bidens. But if you have evidence that this is not the case, post it with a link to a credible source as the rules here require. Good luck with that.
  21. It's clear you don't understand the full range of the benefits of vaccines. Even if they don't protect someone from being symptomatic they can lessen the symptoms dramatically. As in the case of the much higher mortality rate from areas of the country that voted heavily republican where the locals were much more likely not to be vaccinated. Or the fact that the flu virus also greatly ameliorates the symptoms of flu. In other words, protection doesn't have to be total to be beneficial.
  22. Trump's definition of democracy allows him to use his wealth to punish those who oppose him by filing baseless lawsuits: Donald J. Trump is a Libel Bully but also a Libel Loser Trump and his companies have been involved in a mind-boggling 4,000 lawsuits over the last 30 years and sent countless threatening cease-and-desist letters to journalists and critics.1 But the GOP presidential nominee and his companies have never won a single speech-related case filed in a public court. This article examines seven speech-related cases brought by Trump and his companies, which include four dismissals on the merits, two voluntary withdrawals, and one lone victory in an arbitration won by default. https://www.americanbar.org/content/dam/aba/publications/communications_lawyer/fall2016/cl32-3.pdf
  23. Which should be understood in the context of Trump having already agreed to a complete withdrawal.
  24. You forgot to note that Trump shares a huge amount of the blame in this. He essentially turned over most of Afghanistan to the Taliban. In fact, in the waning days of his administration he even ordered a complete withdrawal from Afghanistan which the military leadership ignored. Trump ordered rapid withdrawal from Afghanistan after election loss President Donald Trump ordered a rapid withdrawal of all U.S. troops from Afghanistan and Somalia in the wake of his 2020 election loss, but senior officials never followed through on the plan, according to testimony released by the congressional January 6 committee on Thursday. “The order was for an immediate withdrawal, and it would have been catastrophic,” said Rep. Adam Kinzinger, R-Ill., one of two Republican members of the special panel. “And yet President Trump signed the order.” https://www.militarytimes.com/news/pentagon-congress/2022/10/13/trump-ordered-rapid-withdrawal-from-afghanistan-after-election-loss/ By the way, just to forestall a possible irrelevant objection from you, I condemn the military for not obeying the order of the commander-in-chief. It's clear that was a dereliction of duty.
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