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Everything posted by placeholder

  1. But this particular tactic feigns even-mindedness by formulating it as an "on the one hand...on the other hand" situation. Where one of the possibilities is reasonable and the other is highly improbable.
  2. No, that's not an internal affair because it doesnt' take place within its borders. Unless your definition of internal is "none of your business". If it is, it's yours alone.
  3. Millions of people believe the first people were Adam and Eve and that evolution is a fraud. Just because it's true that someone or many believe something, is not proof that it's true. That's why both science and the legal system have established procedures to verify hypotheses and claims. If I were you, I'd give up your career as a sophist. Way too transparent.
  4. I think there ever are limits to Clarence Thomas' bias. He didn't decide in favor of the elections lawsuits brought by Trump supporters.
  5. This kind of thinking explains why Trump supporters have a higher death rate from Covid.
  6. Well, the leader of India has strongly criticized Russia for waging war and Putin acknowledged that China has some criticisms as well.
  7. No, he's not referring to pre-war tactics and maneuverings.. The invasion was underway when he said that.
  8. And I think it's pretty clear that he wouldn't have supported the Ukrainians in their war of defense either. He was willing to violate the law not to give them the weapons that Congress had authorized.
  9. This is also what Trump said after the invasion started: Trump Calls Putin’s Invasion of Ukraine Smart, Blames Biden for Not Doing Enough Former President Donald Trump called Russian President Vladimir Putin smart and criticized the U.S. response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. “I mean, he’s taking over a country for $2 worth of sanctions. I’d say that’s pretty smart,” Mr. Trump said during a fundraiser at his Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida on Wednesday night, according to a recording of the event posted online, contending that Mr. Putin wouldn’t have invaded if he were still president. https://www.wsj.com/livecoverage/russia-ukraine-latest-news/card/trump-calls-putin-s-invasion-of-ukraine-smart-blames-biden-for-not-doing-enough-JicGb9xT5GnCZpQdiBjN
  10. Given his past record, we can have a pretty good idea. There would have been a war. And most likely it would have been long over and cultural extermination on the way. And of course, what the Russians would call denazification and most others would call mass murder.
  11. Have you forgotten about his friendship with Vladimir Putin? They are so close that Trump insisted on having a tete-a-tete with him without any of the usual staff from the state department present. So close that Putin insisted on hacking into the computers of his opponent and creating disinformation on his behalf.
  12. I was asked what I thought would qualify as wealthy. I wasn't asked how they should be taxed.
  13. The government actually bent over backwards not to come to this pass. But there is strong evidence now to show that not only did Trump illegally abscond with government documents, but he also obstructed justice by lying about his continued possession of documents.
  14. The difference being that the helicopter flight has been ruled out as actually having been in the area. Can the same be said for the Russian ships?
  15. Because it's the wrong question. The right question would be related to assets. Usually "wealthyi" is defined as those in the top 10% as far as net worth is concerned. "Super wealthy" applies to the top 1%. Of course, there is a strong correlation between the two of them.
  16. Well, let's all be thankful that there's nothing like that going on in the case of Donald Trump where there appears to be a huge amount of actual hard evidence against him. Well, at least as hard as paper. And while it's true that his attorneys have not been real competent, is it conceivable that of their own volition they would deny that any classified documents remained? Of course, anything is possible. And we still have to hear from the actual witnesses who apparently alarmed the Justice Dept enough to obtain a broad warrent to enter the premises of Mar a Lago.
  17. Fact check: US helicopter flight no proof of sabotage of Nord Stream pipeline Sabotage is believed to be the likely cause of the leaks in the Nord Stream 1 and 2 pipelines. Pro-Russian voices claim a US helicopter may have carried out the attack. DW takes a look at those claims. https://www.dw.com/en/fact-check-us-helicopter-flight-no-proof-of-sabotage-of-nord-stream-pipeline/a-63295189
  18. In the latter case, the US will end up like other nations with dictatorial rulers.
  19. I guess counterfactualism is contagious. At least for some. You've got nothing.
  20. No. It's been Justice Dept. policy for a long time that Presidents can't be criminally prosecuted. Not that this excuses Barr's lies about the Mueller Report which itself acknowledged that Presidents can't be prosecuted criminally while they're in office.
  21. Well, I jread in Tass yestersay that the Ukrainian push in Kherson had ended in disaster. Today I read reports that the Ukrainians have advanced far beyond the point where they were supposed to have met disaster yesterday. And, of course, this is typical of the official Russian media which pretty much portrays the war oops! I mean Special Military Operation as an unmitigated disaster for the Ukrainians.
  22. There have been plenty of motives offered for Russia to sabotage the pipeline. And it certainly has the means and plenty of opportunity. So, if that's the nation you're referring to, then I thinik you've got a strong case. But it still needs a bit of work.
  23. And how do you know that they are not investigating? It takes research and digging to do an investigative report. At least a real one. Of course, if, you prefer Tass or some other Russian news source, you can probably enjoy an invented investigative report daily.
  24. Nonsense. It is to be expected when there's nothing new to report. Once Sweden gets a closer look, presumably there will be something newsworthy.
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