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Everything posted by placeholder

  1. Well, I was going to agree with you that it's certainly uncertain since the rising generations voted strongly in favor of staying in the EU. But apparently there are at least 2 posters here who fought in WW2. If that is typical of that generation, we may be in for a long wait.
  2. So you're a veteran of WW2? Very impressive that you still have the strength to use a keyboard.
  3. "but we made sacrifices for the common good" "We" did, did we? On what front did you serve?
  4. U.K. Productivity Growth Lagged G-7 Peers After Brexit Vote https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-01-20/u-k-productivity-growth-lagged-g-7-peers-after-brexit-vote#xj4y7vzkg
  5. For your argument to make sense, you would have to show that undocumented aliens' contributions are akl that's s standing between Social Security and failure. Got any actual figures to share with us? And there is a simple solution to ensuring that Social Security will always be able to pay out the benefits that it owes: remove the income cap. "Raising the tax cap could increase higher earners’ benefits as well, depending on how policymakers treated newly taxed earnings. Changes to the tax cap could close roughly a quarter to nearly nine-tenths of Social Security’s solvency gap, depending on how they were structured." https://www.cbpp.org/research/social-security/increasing-payroll-taxes-would-strengthen-social-security#:~:text=Eliminating the cap would make,higher earners would pay more. And if you dismantle payroll tax avoidance schemes such as subchapter S corporations, which are there to benefit the wealthiest 10%, Social Security would be rolling in dough. Or subject stock option incentives to SS tax. Or, heaven forbid, treating capital gains just like earned income.
  6. Trying again. As in negotiating an agreement and signing on to it, and then deciding the agreement isn't a good one so you have to do it over.
  7. Please, share with us some of your progressive views.
  8. What language would you like to to translate this into? "How many do-overs do you think they should get?"
  9. Well, I do understand how you think. And as not just your comments but your likes and dislike emojis show in topics other than UK politics, you lean hard right.
  10. He defended these worthless devices and allowed them to be used for years after the coup. So how isn't he responsible?
  11. That's true. But that doesn't excuse his defense of the purchase. In fact, by defending it, he took responsibility for it.
  12. So, it's just an amazing coincidence that all your comments and your emoji likes and dislikes follow a right wing line? Laughable.
  13. I would say such a reply is beneath you but I cannot tell a lie.
  14. It's significant that you have to go that far back to make the current government look good. Was it in this thread that some claimed that Labour would be even worse? You right-wingers set a very low bar to defend this government.
  15. This is nothing less than terrorism directed against French grammar!
  16. Thank you for the environmental disaster. Just what the Southwest needs.
  17. So, on the one hand "it's not his money" was your original defense and now you've switched to don't they all. Contradicting yourself much?
  18. Renegotiating again? . Clearly this is a highly competent oven-ready government.
  19. Given that the UK is paying 600K per refugee, it's more likely they'll each be given a luxury suite.
  20. Yet he managed to defend the purchase of them and their effectiveness.
  21. But not past time to ask who benefits if Ukraine surrenders.
  22. You should tell that to Rees-Mogg who predicted it would take 50 years. Your news might cheer him up considerably.
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