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  1. Actually you can't unless you've got some black market source. As public health services note, this is mainly a pandemic of the unvaccinated. Hospital ICUs are being stressed mostly due to them. Those who have been triply inoculated pose little threat to that system.
  2. First off, you accused some pro-vaxxers of pretendinig to do it for others. You a mind reader? But there is a thing called enlightened self interest. That's what might be motivating them. You should look that concept up. People are "forced" to do things all the time. Pay taxes, wear a seatbelt, etc. You apparently believe in "a right not to be vaccinated". Rights have to be balanced with obligations. If you are exercising a "right" that gravely affects public health, maybe that shouldn't be a right at all. Maybe you believe that everyone has the right to help make the public health system crash. I don't.
  3. Well, actually it would be for the benefit of him were he inoculated. The net benefit is small but real. And the benefit to others is real, too. Just because someone is a parent, that doesn't mean decisions made by that parent for a child are wise ones.
  4. Also, the viruses coming from an vaccinated person are generally plastered with antibodies. So their potency may also be decreased.
  5. Well, if it's travel insurance then the policies take effect either when you begin your journey or when you arrive at your destination. So if you were vaccinated beforehand, which you would have to be, to qualify for entry into Thailand, then I don't think the insurance would cover any consequences of being vaccinated.
  6. And whyidoes Africa still have polio? Because not everyone is vaxxed. Does polio still exist in the USA or the developed world? No. Because everyone is vaxxed. So what's your point? If it's that vaccines are ineffective, the facts incontrovertibly say exactly the opposite. As for Thalidomide, it's a drug, not a vaccine. Drugs like thalidomide are given repeatedly and frequently. So they stay in one's system a long time. Drugs have a direct effect on their targets. Vaccines mobilize the immune system to attack its targets. . The vaccine itself degrades and is eliminated shortly after inoculation.
  7. If you had actually been reading the posts here, you would note that those who refuse to get vaccinated are being criticize on the grounds that they pose a danger to others in 2 ways: 1) That by not getting vaccinated they keep the pool of the unvaccinated large enough that the virus continues to pose a danger of infection to others. 2)That they pose a danger to the public health system by overwhelming hospital critical care capabilities. In fact, I've seen very little expressions of concern as regards the health of those who refuse to be vaccinated.
  8. As Scott has pointed out, and it can't be emphasized enough, covid viruses are very distant from flu evolutionarily speaking. It should also be pointd out that the site of action of the covid 19 is also very different from the flu. Covid 19 is a disease of the vascular system, namely the blood vessels. Which means that it can affect any organ or part of the body where blood vessels go. In other words, just about everywhere. That's not at all the case with the flu which is primarily a respiratory ailment.
  9. I don't know about that. It's as certain as certain can that that covid does cause long term symptoms. We know for a fact that long term consequences of being inoculated vaccine occur far less often than they do if you're not inoculated. . We know for a fact that viruses can have serious latent effects. We don't know that covid vaccines can cause latent effects. It seems highly unlikely given that no vaccine has ever been shown to have done so. So, then the moral question could be framed as to whether someone has the right to endanger public health given that the grounds for his doing so are far more unlikely to be realized than are the harmful consequences to others of him not doing so. Similarly in the case of a parent or guardian deciding for his children or charges. Not getting them inoculated may look like caution but to me it looks more like foolishness. Not only is the child more likely to suffer if not inoculated, even though in any event the chances are small. but it tremendously benefits others if they are.
  10. On a probability basis, yes. If the future couldn't be predicted, insurance companies couldn't exist as a business. It may turn out that covid vaccinations have long term effects, but we already know that it does have long term effects. That's the great thing about the present. We don't have to predict it. But it does give us an edge in evaluating the likelihood of different outcomes.
  11. Well, we already do know that covid has long term effects For instance For Many, Long COVID Looks a Lot Like Chronic Fatigue A team of researchers, including two from Johns Hopkins Medicine, have published a review article highlighting similarities between certain lingering symptoms following COVID-19 illness — a condition called “long COVID” — and myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS), a debilitating, complex disorder previously known as chronic fatigue syndrome. The researchers say the symptoms shared by the two conditions may involve a biological response that goes haywire when the body encounters certain infections or other environmental hazards. “The body’s response to infection and injury is complex and covers all body systems,” says lead author Bindu Paul, Ph.D., assistant professor of pharmacology and molecular sciences at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/news/newsroom/news-releases/covid-19-news-for-many-long-covid-looks-a-lot-like-chronic-fatigue And we also know that there are viruses with latent effects, like the polio virus which can kill it victims years after they have supposedly recovered. Or chickenpox, which years later can result in an excruciating case of shingles. Like the Human Papilloma Virus which years later can cause cervical cancer. Possibly throat and oral cancer, too. Can you name any vaccine that results in latent effects?
  12. Well, we already know that Covid has long term effects. If you mean effects that show up later, namely latent effects, there are several viruses that do exactly that. Who knows, Covid may be added to the list. To date, that has never been the case for a vaccine.
  13. Whether it's a comfort or not kinda depends on how much water and where on that hill you are.
  14. You might be surprised by how many people could care less if that turned out to be the case.
  15. I don't think you understand. BritManToo is looking down at the sea from a height of 300 meters. So naturally he's got a better view of the sea than do most of us. That said, I don't think BritmanToo's problem is being misinformed so much as being uninformed.
  16. There's definitely a problem with the headline of this subject. Thailand Pass isn't being "uipgraded". That would mean new and better features were being added to it. What's actually going on is that it's being "debugged". In other words being made less defective. Maybe over time not defective at all. But that's still not an upgrade.
  17. Do you believe that being overweight is contagious? If so, can you identify the vector so work on a vaccine can be begun? I see a Nobel Prize in your future. Also, obesity is a complicated problem and as more is learnt about it, overreating may be as much, if not more, a symptom rather than the cause. But even if obesity were entirely a person's fault, overreating is a frequent daily behavior that comes with a powerful reward. The same as drug and alcohol addiction. Is not taking a vaccine also a frequent and difficult behavior to abstain from? Every days, does the unvaccinated person repeatedly struggle in order not to get vaccinated? Finally, I haven't seen any evidence of a huge surge in obesity anywhere that threatens to shut down hospitals and health care services to the non-obese. But maybe you know differently and can link to evidence such surges.
  18. First off, did you look at the numbers. On the whole 40 times more likely to die if you're unvaccinated. You really think that can be explained away by Covid being mentioned on the birth certificate of people who happened to have terminal cancer or some other fatal illness. Get a grip. Did you notice that in the aged 18-29 group you were 99 more times likely to die if you had covid than if you didn't? 30-39 the likelihood is 48 times higher? 40-49 it's 63 times higher? You think it makes sense to attribute this huge disparity cancer or other conditions that are most frequently associated with old age? And who is the person whose handle is kjohnson5nyic who posted on github? A medical statistician? An epidemiologist? You actually believe this anonymous person's construct over an official report from the State of Texas?
  19. The last resort of the mathematically challenged is "there are lies, damn lies and statistics." Just because you don't understand how biostatistics and epidemiology work, that doesn't make them fake.
  20. Here's what the data from that socialist, woke state, otherwise known as Texas, says about that [COVID deaths]: https://www.dshs.texas.gov/immunize/covid19/data/Cases-and-Deaths-by-Vaccination-Status-11082021.pdf
  21. Good thing that the vaccination has no effect on who is tying up valuable ICU's and stressing the health care system....oh wait a minute
  22. And all those tens of thousands of climatologists are in on the conspiracy to foist this fraud upon all of humanity. Because, ya know...
  23. You're right about the word but who cares.? He got the word wrong but his evidence is strong. Where's yours?
  24. The problem is that the people who are most likely to need it are those who are in most denial about covid. And these pills are most effective when it's early days and symptoms are milder. So anti-covid vaxxers are more likely to ignore symptoms. Also, these pills are approved by the very very same authorities that the anti-covid vaxxers believe are behind the conspiracy to not authorize hydroxychloroquine or ivermectin. So are they going to accept that these pills, particularly Pfizer's are highly effective? At least that the way it is in the USA and lots of Europe, In Thailand it isn't so politicized so it's likely to be more beneficial here rather than there.
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