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  1. "Based on the data presented, unvaccinated individuals appear to be six times more likely to be hospitalised and nearly 13 times more likely to be sent to ICU than those who are fully vaccinated," said the Epoch Times. "This is considering that the number of unvaccinated patients appears to be over-represented in the figures — 7.3 percent of the NSW population aged 12 and over at the time were unvaccinated, but they made up half of the COVID-19 ICU patients in the NSW Health system." https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2022/jan/14/blog-posting/australia-vaccination-status-hospitalized-covid-19/
  2. No. Dictators falsely blame certain minorities for problems. The case against those who refuse to be vaccinated is backed not by lies but by a branch of science called epidemiology. You should look it up.
  3. What " inevitable suffering?" What is the percentage of covid deaths Australia is currently experiencing compared to the USA?
  4. Such nonsense. A non-expert, one notoriously prone to gaffes says something once and you elevate that to an official stance. Has that been repeated? Has the CDC endorsed it? "During an unscripted CNN town hall on July 21, Biden falsely stated that those who had been vaccinated would not get COVID, be hospitalized, or end up in an ICU and die. Here are the relevant quotes from CNN’s transcript of the event, which was anchored by Don Lemon (emphasis added): " https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/biden-if-vaccinated-wont-get-covid/
  5. "2030 in the hospital out of 8,166,000. That’s one out of every (over) 4,000 people. Insignificant." You seem to have a real problem grasping the significance of that 2030 hospitalized people.. What you're claiming. is nonsense. How does something as arbitrary as a current snapshot of hospitalizations reflect the consequences of an entire course of a disease or even a variant. The significant number is how many people out of the entire population have been hospitalized plus those who are currently hospitalized over the course of the disease or variant. Do you understand that this number of 2030 does not include those who have been hospitalized but no longer are? And of course, that total will still be increasing over time.
  6. Really, that was what was sold to the public? What public health authorities claimed that? Stop making things up. The fact is that these vaccines dramatically reduce the death rate for those who have been vaccinated and the rate of serious illness.
  7. ICU's are filled with those who trusted their own immune systems.
  8. No, it's not a coincidence. It was done to deal with the ridiculous assertions that mRNA vaccines aren't really vaccines. As I pointed out, if the objections to mRNA vaccines were valid. that would apply to lots of other vaccines as well. The real question is why suddenly are objections arising to the new definition of vaccines, but not before? And, no, test results aren't being withheld for 75 years. The FDA said it would start releasing all the Pfizer documents immediately Just at a slow pace. And it's not just test results that are being requested. That's just a small part of the request. Why don't you know that? What garbage web sites do you get your information from?
  9. If you think a pregnant woman is playing it safe by not getting vaccinated for Covid, think again. Unvaccinated pregnant people are at higher risk for COVID complications, newborn deaths Unvaccinated pregnant people who get COVID-19 are at much higher risk for complications from the disease and death of their babies than their vaccinated counterparts, according to a new study from Scotland... Almost all of the pregnant people who needed critical care for COVID-19 — 102 out of 104 overall — were unvaccinated. There were over 450 total fetal and newborn deaths that coincided with COVID-19 — all among unvaccinated mothers. https://www.pbs.org/newshour/health/unvaccinated-pregnant-people-are-at-higher-risk-for-covid-complications-newborn-deaths SARS-CoV-2 infection and COVID-19 vaccination rates in pregnant women in Scotland https://www.nature.com/articles/s41591-021-01666-2
  10. https://uk.finance.yahoo.com/news/mg-overtakes-honda-renault-mazda-141701924.html?.tsrc=rss&guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuaW52ZXN0b3JlaWdodC5jb20v&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAHaYyIIcV5YwZuj0ysSnrLgYn_7HPe1vi1MUrzxTVYISHbev7ScNYBwqHXcMlgcZYTXGDJWOCf1QHf9Z3KRk30k5QUTIWP3Igrdz5bCMkUn0u9sIiEKQfGIS_0IHmohLFb4VqibugN3SMhEh_7oNpMedawPAASnPsww1MgqNgSua
  11. *Deleted post edited out* The definition of vaccine has been changing ever since the word was coined. Etymologically its roots derive from the latin for cattle. That's because the vaccine consisted of pus infected with cowpox. And that's what it originally meant - cowpox pus. The recent change was due to the fact that the definition could be construed to mean that vaccines conferred sterilizing immunity. But there are many vaccines such as the flu vaccines, the shingles vaccines, the HPV vaccines and others that don't confer anything close to sterilizing immunity .(And, as the science progresses, the whole premise that there is such a thing as sterilizing immunity is increasingly open to question.) But no one had a problem with calling them vaccines back when. It's only due to willful ignorance at this juncture, ignorance mostly inspired by ideology, that anyone can maintain that mRNA vaccines, which trigger both the antibody immune system and the T-Cell immune system, somehow aren't vaccines. Such nonsense.
  12. What vaccine are you referring to? All of them I'm aware of, including the Chinese vaccines, do provoke immune responses.
  13. Nonsense. Deaths were much higher back then. Where do you think all those people were dying? In their living rooms?
  14. Thanks everyone. I solved the problem with an assist from google.. I had to empty my Play Store cache. Once I did that, everything worked fine.
  15. If only there were some convenient way to look things up and get almost instantaneous information. I guess that's just a dream...oh wait: https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/gut-bacteria-are-major-player-in-weight-loss-success https://www.webmd.com/diet/obesity/news/20210917/gut-microbiome-weight-loss https://www.sciencefocus.com/news/gut-microbiome-weight-loss-study/ https://www.nature.com/articles/nm.4358
  16. I have an android phone. It's a Samsung Galaxy A21s. The message I get is "Can't download Bualuang mBanking". I did download the earlier version with no problem.
  17. A while back I downloaded the original version of Bangkok Bank's mobile banking software. No problem. Then I received notification that an upgraded version was available. I tried downloading the upgrade but my attempt was refused. Which was fine so long as my version worked. Bangkok Bank stopped allowing that version to be used. So I decided to delete the previous version and start fresh. My request to download failed again. Anyone have any idea why this is the case? Or whom to contact about this?
  18. I entirely agree with you. Anti-covid vaxxers use a long standing and difficult public health problem as a way to undermine adopting the far easier steps it takes to combat a viral pathogen.
  19. Well, statistically speaking it does provide strong protection. Just not absolute protection. But neither does vaccination. On the other hand, there is this constant refrain from anti-vaxxers that it's somehow the fault of the obese. But as research on the digestive biome increasingly shows. obesity is not so much a simple result of overeating, but of disturbances in the biome caused by antibiotics, other medications, additives in foodstuff, and chemical contamination, that result in digestive imbalances.
  20. First off, your report takes no account of the percentage of the public that is fully vaccinated, partially vaccinated, and unvaccinated. Second, it takes no account of the breakdown by age of the various groups. 80% of UK residents aged 12 and over have received at least 2 doses. So if you combine the non-vaccinated and partly vaccinated Here are few tables from that report that you failed to note: https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/1043608/Vaccine_surveillance_report_-_week_51.pdf Does that tell you anything at all?
  21. Yes, another member of thaivisa.com has been sharing them with us. Suffice it to say the Cadogan has been predicting the imminent demise of Tesla for years now.
  22. Please, the point of your comment "I got my two jabs, and still got infected (miraculously recovered after a few days of sniffles). I’m done now. " was clearly that despite the fact you got vaccinated, you came down with covid.
  23. But there was no "maybe" in your prior comment. You said you "miraculously recovered".
  24. It was a miracle, was it? Do you ever consider for a moment that being vaccinated might have had something to do with the mildness of your case? Are you aware the currently in America you're 14 times more likely to die from covid if you haven't been vaccinated and a lot less likely to get seriously ill?
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