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Posts posted by hansnl

  1. 50 minutes ago, yellowboat said:

    And these women would get jobs doing what to feed their families and keep their kids in school ?  More thoughtless flapping of the gums.  Tourists flock to Thailand because of the average Thai is fun and hospitable and the costs are not high, not because of some great junta governance.  How silly. 

    Not of some great government, now and in the past.

    How silly to vent your frustration about a military controlled government.

    But, I can only agree about all the people losing their means of earning money.

    But those are only small people.

  2. 3 hours ago, rkidlad said:

    My Thai friend went to the UK about two years ago to study. She said that sometimes when she told people where she was from they'd ask about/talk about the sex industry and ladyboys, etc (don't ask me why but they did). Anyway, she said it was impolite and that people shouldn't talk about it. Right or wrong, I asked her that if a visitor comes to Thailand and sees a lot of prostitution and ladyboys, etc, should they talk about it when they go home? She said they shouldn't. 


    I explained the difference in cultures. We all know about Thai culture, but in British culture, as with many cultures around the world, people will talk openly. They will criticise and mock, etc. You can't expect people to follow your rules when they go home because it benefits you. Again, right or wrong, if you want someone to think well of you, act well. I don't care about prostitution or ladyboys. People can do as they please. But if locals feel it's embarrassing and don't wanna address it, you will sometimes get a dose of the real world. You can't have you cake and eat it. 


    It's like when my brother messaged my missus to ask if she could get him some fake Ray Bans. Her first reaction was, "does your brother think Thailand is just full of fake goods?". I had to tell her that I don't know what my brother thinks of Thailand. But he knows you can openly buy fake Ray Bans. If you don't want people to think you can openly buy fake Ray Bans then don't openly sell fake Ray Bans. 

    It's called face.

    Another word for lying.

    And if you don't talk about it, well, it isn't there

  3. On 15/11/2017 at 7:04 AM, colinneil said:

    Moaning about government hospitals seems to becoming a new pastime for some members.

    Yes some have a few failings, but most staff do their best in sometimes difficult situations.

    I have only praise for nurses/ doctors at government hospital in Khonkaen, they saved my life.

    The medical care is mostly on the same level as what you might get in private hospitals, if not better.

    But yes, the rooms in the private hospitals might look better.

    But cleaner?

    I said look better.

    Khon Kaen hospital is my choice also.

  4. 18 minutes ago, sanuk711 said:

    Really Geezer....how many 100s of years do you feel she should get for committing this absolutely heinous offense ---such a pity they have done away with the flogging as well.

    I am afraid you have no idea, at all, what it means if your identity is taken away from you, don't you.

    The repercussions are very intimidating, because you don't exist any more.

    Flogging, yes identity stealers should be flogged, put in prison for a very long time and all the assets should be confiscated and given to the victim.

  5. 4 hours ago, Peterw42 said:

    What is it with westerners and the need for gigantic pick-up trucks. 

    A common accident in Thailand given that motorbikes are supposed to travel to the left. As a car driver in Thailand its one of the first things you pick up, check that blind spot for bikes. A lot of Thais will come to a stop, check, then turn left.

    If you are going to drive a gigantic pick-up, just to go to BigC once a week, be proactive and realise you are sharing the road with hundreds of small motorbikes.

    A lot of Thai drivers stop, look, and drive?

    Are you really serious?

    They don't look when opening the door, they don't look when driving away from the kerb, they don't look right if they turn left when the traffic light is red........

    Need I go on?

  6. 3 hours ago, Bob12345 said:

    Seems like a valid reasoning, hope they can force the BEM and MRT to buy more carriages or force them to lower prices.


    Shouldn't that be "Thai Consumer Protection Agency"?

    Otherwise they have failed their job miserably in the past decades :laugh:

    In fact, if you buy a ticket, you make an agreement with the transport company to be transported from A to B, while there probably is not in the agreement mentioned you will have the right to be seated.

    I presume safety reasons might be the way to go in court, not the right to be seated.

  7. 14 hours ago, wotsdermatter said:

    The removal of seats will directly affect people who are handicapped, as I am, because we cannot find somewhere to sit down instead of hanging around on the overhead straps which means we are less stable.  Or is it that handicapped people are not people.  In Toronto, where I am at the moment, all public transportation have designated seats for the handicapped.  Sometimes these are occupied by non-handicapped but give up the seats when they are needed.

    Would the latter be possible in Thailand?

  8. 2 hours ago, observer90210 said:

    Great news!!...the European Banking Authority in France !!!....wonder what they will do about the tax haven of Monaco ?!!


    Not the mention the Medecines Authority in Amsterdam !...soon some weed based Aspirine to hit the shelves ??!!!

    If the latter would be beneficial, why not?

    I guess many medicines are based on all kind of drugs, so what's the difference?

  9. 2 hours ago, quadperfect said:

    He talks about the usa as evil empire and yet if war breaks out he  will try to destroy every nation near him first and then no doubt die like the idiot he is.

    I dont want to see nuclear war but its looking like its headed that way.



    The whole issue is the wish of the Kim-clan to hold on to power.

    For that reason alone those mad idiots will, if necessary, destroy anything in their reach.

    Including their own population.

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