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Posts posted by hansnl

  1. 1 hour ago, Mickmouse1 said:

    I think it unfair to allow half Thai to contest. Children of mixed blood and race are usually  more beautiful and some are highly intelligent .

    The Contest should be only for 100% all Thai blood. SHE IS NOT ALL THAT PRETTY IN MY EYES.?

    You mind I agree only with you on your last point.

    However, who is half Thai when having the Thai nationality?

  2. 4 hours ago, Rancid said:

    Be interesting to see how this goes, the evidence is quite strong, there again high level protection for peds is also very strong, and there are always technicalities...

    The "strong evidence" comprises of accusations.

    There is no further proof of guilt, no pictures, no written documents, whatever.

    If he did it, and what I think is not relevant, there should be real proof.


  3. 7 hours ago, Samui Bodoh said:


    Er... ahem... have they done anything?

    Quite obvious you belong to the group not mentioned in the poll results.

    The group not interested in anything the government does and did, because it has come into power through a coup.

    The thing is, more has been done after the coup, as in the years before when Thailand had a "democratically elected" parliament and the formed government.

    I am not really a fan of military induced coups, but I do raise the question what the alternative would have been.

  4. 20 hours ago, Khun Robert said:

    Nice statement: 

    “It was a bad situation for us when the 300 baht minimum wage policy was approved, but this is worse,” said the confederation’s Nauvarat Songswaddichai.


    300 Thb for an Employee was bad, so we kicked them all out and replaced them with illegal foreing labors with less salaries.

    But how and with whom do we replace illegal foreigners?


    Complain the local workers don't want to do the job.

    Then we hire foreign workers, for a lower pay.

    The profits go up.


    Now those foreign workers disappear.

    Must hire local workers for 300 baht.

    My profit, my profit, oh dear my profit.


    Well, no problem.

    We will pay less than the 300 baht.

    Or let them work 12 hours a day, or deduct for water, for food, the use of tools.

    No problem.

  5. 1 hour ago, Confuscious said:

    What's the use?
    She is already deemed guilty before any trial started.
    She is "RED" and everything "RED" is guilty for the Junta.

    I can not and will not escape the idea the 'red' did a lot of wrong.

    So maybe they are guilty of some things, like the rice scheme, shooting and throwing grenades, threatening to build an army, threatening to break up the country, destroying buildings, killing 2500 "drug users", killing Innocents, threatening voters, buying votes, etc.

    I presume some of all that needs some, ehhh, judicial review?


  6. 4 hours ago, Samui Bodoh said:


    Political parties are not organs of the state nor bureaucratic entities, and thus should be allowed to organize themselves as they see fit, subject to very general guidelines.


    The parties should reflect the wishes of their members, not a government committee.


    I can only suspect an ulterior motive at the high level involvement of the current, appointed bodies.

    On the other hand it does not seem to be strange a certain level of legality, organisation etc can be asked by the state.

    If that is an ulterior motive, no problem.


  7. 11 hours ago, Ricardo said:

    " move Thailand forward is Double Track railway. For this project, the old railways will be developed together while bringing in new double track line. "


    Isn't this just the old SRT 20-year plan, for track-doubling of more metre-gauge routes, long underway and long underfunded ? :whistling:

    Yes, it might be the same plan, or plans.

    But, contrary to governments before, this one is doing something.

    Including upgrading single lines even before work is started for double lines.



  8. 3 hours ago, darksidedog said:

    Sensible would have been giving as notice period before introducing the law. Sensible would have been discussing it with relevant bodies involved with the labour sector, rather than rushing it through with article 44. Sensible would have been allowing the 2-3 million who registered in Thailand to be able to continue to do so, rather than having to go home to fill in a piece of paper. Sensible would have been to properly think through the fine system rather than coming up with a crazy number.

    PM has some balls to ask everyone else to be sensible, when his legislation is totally lacking in it.


    It certainly would be sensible not to bow for employers that hire, illegally, non Thai workers just for not wanting to pay the minimum wage.

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