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Posts posted by hansnl

  1. 49 minutes ago, Prbkk said:

    Well, in that regard , one has to wonder : is the relatively low level of English a result of incompetence by those responsible for the teaching system, poorly motivated students...or, a more sinister take...to maintain a further measure of control over the population by restricting access to the international language? Perhaps a combination of these and other factors?

    You might be surprised to know how many Thai students don't want to learn English or don't see the reason why they should learn English.

  2. 17 hours ago, smedly said:

    what really amazes me is when all the people are caught taking or selling drugs over the years in Pattaya there is no follow up investigation to find the source and the main supply route, like where did you get your supply - tell us or you face a long spell in jail, Thais will spill the beans very quickly, I have my own theory as to why this doesn't happen - maybe the police already know who the big suppliers are 

    Be it childporn, be it drugs, be it illegal firearms, it will always, anywhere, be the end users that get caught, never the suppliers nor the manufacturers.

    Gives the police and the general public an undeserved good feeling and a misplaced idea of safety.


  3. 3 hours ago, ezzra said:

    Beauty pageants in Thailand is a cut throat business, filled with self interests,

    agenda and behind the scenes deals and lots of money changes hands,

    and mostly at the mercy of the gay community say so,

    with the runner up, not necessarily the best looking one....

    Like in the rest of the world.

  4. 16 hours ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

    There's usually lots of traffic in CW whenever I'm in there.  It's the kind of appearance that almost makes me think Central came along with some kind of big rent/lease fees hike, and it pushed folks out.


    I had one restaurant I liked quite a bit that opened there for a few months, and then disappeared a month or so back. In that case, they relocated to Silom Complex. Dunno why, or if it was related to now what appears to be a much broader changing of occupancy there.


    Most of the boarded up shops are the ones along the walls. So I thought, perhaps they're needing to do some kind of major renovation/systems work that requires the tenants to vacate. But the now missing Haagen Dazs shop was an open air/corridor location without any enclosed walls, so that wouldn't have been a factor in their departure.



    It is all a case of too high rents and not enough turnover/profit.

  5. 5 hours ago, Moonmoon said:

    I read the whole chat message in Thai. 


    The guy started off by just asking if he can woo her. And she said "Yes"


    Then he ask if he can be her boyfriend and the girl ask if he got money. He replied "Of cos he will give money to his girlfriend"


    After that the girl kept pestering the guy to transfer money if not she will BLOCK him on Facebook.


    And then he said he will offer 20,000 Baht a month and wants sex for 4times a month. And the rest you can see what happened. She actually baited him out and got her friends to hold him while she attacked him.


    Disgusting behaviour. Now she is being CSI by Thai Social Media and revealed that she is actually working as a sideline and also likes to get involved with married guys after their money. 


    She is already a working girl (i have nothing against working girls) and yet dares to take the high ground here, and what does she wants to prove by taking such a video and uploading it online? 

    Proving herself and others she is a "good girl", maybe?

  6. 2 hours ago, yellowboat said:

    Like do nothing and leave the Thai people to their own lives ?   That would be nice, but sadly the chair of absolute power is far too comfortable.  We can see that by the last three years


    Like he would know. 

    Any politician in any country is in it for the power, or for the money or for power and money.

    No exceptions!

  7. 12 hours ago, BuckBee said:

    ^ yep greed at the top is the reason the problem exists, seems fair have a minimum wage for unskilled migrant workers slightly lower than thais with good ground rules stop abuse but as usual thai big boys want it for almost free so they can rake in the baht and live in 15 million baht houses and buy 5 million baht cars, High class thais are generally awfully rich through cheating the systems. No one to blame but themselves and not much chance of a fix without massive social values change .

    I think the rich, anywhere in the world, are the same.

  8. 9 hours ago, smedly said:

    not speaking about Thailand  just a general comment - you have your own thoughts and opinions about what goes on  


    when you have corruption with police and justice systems there are no barriers - it runs right through the whole system from top to bottom, from the police - forensics - coroner - local authorities - people of influence - courts - judges  and all ultimately linked to money or protection or both, it enables the outcomes of investigations to be completely manipulated - evidence hidden away - evidence made up to look a certain way without any way of proving otherwise - manufactured witness statements etc. the list is endless but the goal is the same, this is why in the west we have procedures for everything and we actually have police etc. who will do their very best to solve a crime and bring the right people to justice.

    You certainly don't want to imply all the above does not exist in western countries?

    Then you must be the fourth money, the one that has all the ailments of the other three.

  9. 4 hours ago, darksidedog said:

    "There is no way that the high speed train will fail," he said.

    Famous last words.

    High speed trains require a level of precision in the engineering that allows no margin of error. What I have seen here in just about every aspect of the countries infrastructure, does not aspire me to believe that such precision is realistic. I don't see me risking my neck on it.

    The knowledge of building and maintaining a railway line, even a high speed line, is readily available in Thailand, as shown by the end result of the upgrading of existing lines.

    Rather unwise to give this work to Chinese workers.

    The knowledge and engineering abilities of building railway rolling stock in China has been copied from various other manufacturers in Europe and Japan.

    Building rolling stock in Thailand by Chinese companies will never happen because China wants all work to be done in China.

    Japanese and European companies would build the rolling stock in Thailand.

    In fact, Siemens already has a factory in Thailand.

  10. 3 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

    3 people resigned?  That sounds draconian.  


    Was the article factually wrong?  .....to what degree?    Could not a retraction have sufficed?   


    Methinks there is more to this story.  Perhaps the implicated person (Scaramucci) had threatened a mega lawsuit.    That's usually how despots get their way in that realm.  Both Thaksin and Trump have threatened and instigated hundreds of frivolous lawsuits - to try and shut people up from speaking truths.   It's an ugly trend.

    From speaking, that is.

    Truth or untruth.

    Many news sites can not be overmuch bothered with objectivity.

    If a fabricated story hits the street, there is not much that can be done but a lawsuit.

  11. 7 hours ago, jaltsc said:

    "Nitchanee will check in with hospital residents daily to ask about their days, offer support during recovery, and inquire about what could make their treatment more pleasant...has continued her education at Thammasat University, studying journalism and mass communication."


    She is unqualified  due to lack of education and experience. Having spent years in a similar position where the minimum qualifications were a graduate degree in psychology or counseling, supervised field experience and  six years of actual work developing additional skills, I don't see that she has met the minimum in any of these. What support can she offer if she unable to determine  what factors are causing any discomfort and what treatment or services would be necessary to provide in order to help the patient? Just another public relations ploy to make it look like the health system is a lot better than it really is.

    Academic qualifications are not on par with what the university of life will serve us.

    In this case, the girl gets a job for a very good pay, the hospital gets good press.


  12. 9 hours ago, MichaelJohn said:

    It's everyday isn't it?

    They always see red and act disproportionately?

    So much more the LoS, a peaceful, Buddhist country. 

    The general is asking people to give up alcohol for Lent and uphold the five moral precepts of Buddhism 1) refrain from harming living things, 2) refrain from taking what is not given, 3) refrain from sexual misconduct, 4) refrain from lying, and 5) refrain from taking intoxicating substances. 

    I guess Road Rage isn't on the list so we're okay?

    Seeing the list above, very long road to go.

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