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Everything posted by Patong2021

  1. The SARS Cov-19 has been identified and its genome mapped. The influenza viruses have been identified and many of them have had their genomes mapped. You deny that they exist. This is why you are profoundly ignorant. You are denying established fact. Irrefutable fact. No one can be this wrong, unless it is intentional, or is the result of a mental illness. I am not trained in managing the mentally ill, nor do I have the patience to do so. I do not wish to play your game. Have fun.
  2. Absolute rubbish. The curriculum of accredited medical schools is intended to provide the basics in its 4 year program. One adds to those skills during the 3-7 year residency and then, during the Fellowship training if one goes onto for further specialization. There is a reason why there are additional programs for the subjects you reference. Nutrition knowledge is common sense and does not need the formal classroom setting. It can be pursued through the CME requirements and during the residency. There are trained health professionals called nutritionists and dieticians who will work with a physician and who are better placed to offer the counseling and guidance you claim is missing. This is why patients are referred to them. You are so full of BS that it is infuriating. Everything can be toxic depending on its concentration. Vitamins are toxic if consumed in excessive quantities. You have no experience as a medical doctor and are not licensed as one, so do not carry on as if you are a medical expert. Because Naturopaths, chiropractors and others call themselves doctors, does not make them health care professionals. You don't like the WHO, but have no idea who and what they are. It is the only organization that is able to get into high risk regions and to intervene. Whether it is ebola in the Congo, or Polio in Pakistan, it is the WHO that intervenes. We may not like their politics, but if a deadly infectious disease is to be contained, they are the only option.
  3. Coleman is not a "dr." He lost his license due to his behavior. Uttering death threats and engaging in what can be politely called "outbursts" does not suggest stability. Nor is he qulifed as an expert on infectious disease or immunology or virus pathology. Covid is not a rebranded flu. The two viruses are different. The SARS Cov-19 illness is an INFLAMMATORY event. Influenza results in a different condition. You go right ahead and keep on believing your "detox" invention. You can cure yourself with a coffee enema or maybe an ivermectin cocktail. It is quite obvious that you have had no formal education, particularly in the sciences. No point in engaging with you because you are so profoundly ignorant.
  4. The self delusions can be startling. If a foreign male does not already occupy a high position in the social hierarchy, then he has almost no chance of ever having a stable relationship with a woman who is considered to be hi so. The exceptions are for very good looking Japanese or South Koreans. Thailand has a pecking order and while some westerners don't see it, there is a very strong social hierarchy.
  5. To those who have managed workplaces and had troublesome personnel, this man is a drunk, sex pest , untrustworthy and given to delusions of grandeur. He will at some point screw up and then attempt to cover up the mess. This man isn't fit to be a clerk for secretaries like Jimmy Forrestal, or George Marshall, or Bill Perry or Bill Cohen. The characterization of senior officers at the deaprtment of defense as woke liberals is so far off the mark as to be an insult. The US military has some of the best educated and trained leadership and command officers in the world. Many if not most of the senior command have had combat experience. Multiple false claims about DEI in the military have been made. The reality is that the military is facing a shortage of educated, qualified personnel. Hegseth won't change that. On the contrary, he may cause a large number of personnel to leave . The reason women are serving is because they fill an important gap in the personnel needs. Without women in their roles, the US would have 16% shortage in available personnel. The warrior mentality is what causes multi million dollar losses of aircraft, and unnecessary actions. This job requires a person who is able to manage a multi billion dollar multi national operation.
  6. That's the best you can offer; a pathetic attempt at labeling, when confronted with reality. Anyone who disagree with the dissemination of lies and disinformation is a "lefty". Tell you what, go and have an ivermectin enemas because Mel Gibson tells you it not only cures cancer but prevents it, and then you can cover yourself with cow dung because a Hindu holy man says it is a cure all, and you will qualify to work in Kennedy's new improved Health department.
  7. I have said it previously, and I say it again after the latest blasts in tatarstan, this war is creating a terrible environmental catastrophe. Both Russia and Ukraine were never much for environmental responsibility, but the targeting of chemical and petroleum facilities is going to leave a legacy of environmental tragedy and the birth defects that will accompany it.
  8. No. Being old does not earn anyone special rights to be given additional courtesy. Nasty people, and violent criminals also get older too. Everyone should be treated in a professional manner. The reality is that the OP was already receiving special treatment as a wheelchair user. The insistence that female I/Os are somehow more difficult to deal with is irrational. I counter that some people may have a guilty conscience and perceive the woman as tougher. My experience has been that there is no difference between male or female. At some point we will all run into a difficult person. and it is at times like that, we must smile and be patient.
  9. Why don't you try it out on one of the walkways and report back on your testing of the caution that sitting on the walkway can result in serious bodily harm. Prove the people wrong.
  10. For an idiot, he seems to have done rather well for himself. He has a BA, MA and PhD from well regarded US universities. He is a rather low key individual, not given to vocal pronouncements or of making a spectacle of himself. Soros is a visiting assistant professor of political studies at Bard College, where he has been a postdoctoral fellow at the Hannah Arendt Center for Politics and Humanities. Additionally, Soros is a member of the board of trustees at Bard. Although the school is known for its fine arts and performing arts programs, it is a relatively conservative place and was not over run by the big city political protests that have been seen at NYU, UCLA etc. What exactly makes him an idiot? No one in his peer group in academia, the investment world, or in philanthropy has ever described him as an idiot. From what I have seen he is distinguished by a relatively modest low key lifestyle. He is more of a family type of person unlike Elon Musk or Trump, serial philanderers. Nor has he ever been accused of legal wrongdoings as they both have.
  11. Your statement is a reflection of your state of denial and nothing else. 1. Rural and small town USA, like Australia, Canada and many other western nations has a shortage of medical care. This is well document and acknowledged by all levels of government Many of the roughly 66 million people who 2020 census data show live in rural America share a disturbing reality: They lack access to quality health care. Research conducted before the COVID-19 pandemic shows the life expectancy of rural Americans overall is about 2.5 years less on average than for people in urban settings – and rural residents are more likely to die early from heart disease and stroke. At the root, it's a numbers game. There are fewer doctors and hospitals in rural areas (and those numbers are spiraling down), which means less specialized care.https://www.heart.org/en/news/2024/04/30/whats-health-care-like-in-rural-america-were-taking-a-close-up-look The health professionals who are available, must manage a greater number of patients, and this has resulted in their being over worked and more likely to succumb to burn out. 2. The behavior of patients who were dying from Covid has been well documented.You refuse to accept it. The health care workers who documented it show that you are wrong. Here are two examples. It’s too late’: US doctor says dying patients begging for Covid vaccine At least 99% of those in US who died of Covid in the last six months had not been vaccinated, says CDC director Dr Rochelle Walensky. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2021/jul/22/us-coronavirus-covid-unvaccinated-hospital-rates-vaccines. It's too late': Alabama doctor shares final moments of Covid patients, “I’m admitting young healthy people to the hospital with very serious COVID infections. One of the last things they do before they’re intubated is beg me for the vaccine. I hold their hand and tell them that I’m sorry, but it’s too late," "A few days later when I call time of death, I hug their family members and I tell them the best way to honor their loved one is to go get vaccinated and encourage everyone they know to do the same,” she posted. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/it-s-too-late-alabama-doctor-shares-final-moments-covid-n1274659 The wholesale dismissal of primary care physicians who deal with preventable illnesses speaks to the ignorance of the Kennedy supporters. No matter how times they are proven wrong, they refuse to accept the truth and will instead attack anyone who points out their errors. This is best illustrated by the exposure of the financial fraud surrounding vaccines and the claims of their link to autism.
  12. Desperate to avoid the truth you toss out an unrelated event. Victoria married Albert 185 years ago. ONE HUNDRED AND EIGHTY FIVE years ago. Appreciably, Pakistan is a backwards country, but if they can build nuclear missiles, they can be aware of current medical and genetic information that says that marrying a first cousin is inappropriate. 185 years ago, Pakistan was merely a tribal area of India. Pakistanis would insist that times have changed and that is why they are independent today.
  13. The UK really needs to revisit its priorities. A separate issue, but one that you are correct on. Too many passports of convenience from pakistan and Bangladesh. . The trade is not really in the UK's advantage, with imports that are easily replaced by other sources, many of which have labour and environmental policies more in harmony with the UK values. Nor is the transfer of large amounts of capital out of the UK to Pakistan to the benefit of the UK. In effect the population invests in Pakistan and not the UK. A large portion of the Pakistani population is under employed or on social benefits. IMO it is to be expected when approx. 50% are incestuous family structures (1st cousin marriages). The politically incorrect reality; - between April 2008 and March 2022, people in Pakistani and Bangladeshi households were consistently the most likely out of all ethnic groups to live in low income households, both before and after housing costs - people in white British households were consistently the least likely to live in low income households, before and after housing costs https://www.ethnicity-facts-figures.service.gov.uk/work-pay-and-benefits/pay-and-income/people-in-low-income-households/latest/ The interesting aspect is that the one group who are most vociferous in trying to impose their values and political views on others are the Bengali and Pakistani communities. They are not particularly well assimiliated as other ethnic groups are.
  14. Garland followed the law. You call him timid. I call him responsible and professional. The bravery is not succumbing to the pressure of rushing to pursue Trump without credible evidence. The MAGA collective also attacks him, but should be grateful that he was unwilling to pursue a case without evidence.
  15. Perhaps another reason why Musk is such a staunch defender of China. Bannon has quite the Herculean task if he wants to stop the juggernaut of bullying. Let the catfight and hissfits continue.
  16. I am not a retiree and am still gainfully employed, although I have reduced my workload. I receive compensation as a direct deposit. 😄. Governments probably like the fact that I am still employed as they take a large part of my income. And while not as wealthy as Elon, I am quite comfortable. Unlike the Russian oligarchs, I did not make it from environmental destruction or corruption.
  17. In large part because the technology now exists to detect and diagnose the heart disease or defect. Combined with the negative impact of diet and sedentary lifestyles, we see the greater likelihood of a diagnosis of heart disease.
  18. Their thoroughness and the reliability of the toxicology tests. It can take weeks if not months to perform these tests in advanced facilities, in countries with the technology like Japan, South Korea, Singapore, UK. IMO, Thai investigations tend to conclude rather quickly.
  19. I don't think he is an engineering genius. He is good at using the abilities and skills of others. Tesla, Space X are not his engineering achievements. He is able to herd cats, which is an admirable skill. No denying his success, but he is an emotionally volatile and unstable man as demonstrated by his failed personal relationships and family dysfunction, as well as the need for his board to ask that there be a 3rd party presence when he deals directly with employees.
  20. Well it shouldn't be a competiton between who should have their diaper. changed first; Daddy or baby. No kid really needs or wants a father who can't be a father. It's not very helpful when a boy is 15 and wants to discuss a problem with his father, and the father is already in the throes of alzheimers and drooling spit. So many of the kids I see with foreign fathers are going to be without fathers by the time the child is age 15. That's the recipe for a troubled kid.
  21. The parade of ignorant white males is marching to and fro. They think they have been empowered, but just wait and see. 🙂 Their collective low cognitive capability combined with an absence of basic education in the sciences makes them easy to manipulate. They are going to march off the cliff into the abyss and not even know it. The vaccine dosing schedule in Thailand is similar to what is recommended in the USA. Doctors are not paid "big money" to inject as many vaccines as possible. On the contrary, the compensation for a vaccine dose is minimal compared to the treatment of preventable illnesses like measles and the resulting birth defects during pregnancy. What cushy jobs? You obviously have never been in a rural or inner city hospital where physicians are over worked. It's wonderful that you don't need the services of a physician. However, I know that once you succumb to your lifestyle disease, you will be in the doctor's office crying and begging for treatment. That's what the unvaccinated patients with Covid did. They ridiculed the Covid vaccines and then as they lay dying in the ICU were begging for the vaccine, even though it couldn't help at that stage. Rubbish. Who are the physicians being paid by big Pharma. The association of rural physicians is the reason why so many residents in rural America can still access medical care. Sure. is it because mumps and measles are harmless? With your logic, children would still be in iron lungs and crippled from polio. Truly dangerous and ignorant. You are protected because others are smart enough to be vaccinated. Truly, I do hope you are infected with one of the preventable illnesses you wish to spread, and you can then entertain us with the delights of your suffering. And suffer you will from the effect of varicella zoster if it erupts on your face. Maybe mumps induced menningitis will improve your cognitive ability. I don't know, but I'd be willing to let you try. There is a 30% likelihood of death from tetanus, so you needn't worry about cutting yourself ona garden implement or one of the jagged items that are found around Thailand. No need to worry about Rubella since you are an adult male. Who cares if pregnant women self abort or produce retarded children, right?
  22. If you have been in Thailand for a few years, you will come to the sad realization that what westerners see as gross incompetence or malfeasance, is actually the way things are done. I will illustrate; The city of Hua Hin is currently replacing sidewalks. Last night I watched the pouring of cement. It was a very watery mix with large amounts of water pooling on the surface. The cement depth is not particularly thick and is poured on the sandy base with thin metal reinforcement lattice and I doubt that it will withstand the vehicles that will drive or park on the cement. The surface is uneven. IMO it will crack and fall apart within the next few years. It is highly unlikely that a municipal civil engineer in any north Asian or western city would have allowed this, but this is the way it is done in Thailand. Some people will be proud of the new build, while some westerners will call it ncompetence etc. In any case, it has nothing to do with us as non residents, and is none of our business. Foreigners should not be meddling in the internal politics of a nation where they are non citizens.
  23. Why aren't the muslims of the western world protesting about these people's fate? At the very least, some of the forums most vocal critics of Israel should share some of their contempt/distress/indignation for these people's treatment.
  24. Who is the South African? Elon Musk is a US Citizen. Understandably, Steve Bannon is jealous of Musk's relationship with Trump, but using someone's heritage to persecute them is rather vile. Musk is no different than any other US citizen born elsewhere. Whether it was Bob Hope from England, or Zbigniew Kazimierz Brzezinski from Poland, or Senator Ted Cruz from Canada, they are all US citizens and have every right to participate in the US political process. Haha, your arrogance is showing. If Musk was not a US citizen his activities would be ILLEGAL. There is no political freedom of expression guarantee for a foreigner doing what Musk is doing. Musk disbursed US$277 million for Trump's election. Federal law prohibits contributions, donations, expenditures(including independent expenditures) and disbursements solicited, directed, received or made directly or indirectly by or from foreign nationals in connection with any federal, state or local election. This prohibition includes advances of personal funds, contributions or donations made to political party committees and organizations, state or local party committees for the purchase or construction of an office building funds under 11 CFR 300.35, and contributions or disbursements to make electioneering communications. Foreign nationals are also prohibited from, directly or indirectly, donating to an inaugural committee; and it is a violation of federal law to knowingly accept such donations from a foreign national. Don't feel bad though, because Airalee wins the most bigoted and clueless post prize of this thread (so far) to support the equally nonsensical comment about "Hungarians". I don't know if the motive was malicious bigotry or ignorance to post photos of Alex Soros. Alex Soros is not Hungarian. He was born in New York City and is a US national. His mother is the noted American Historian Susan Weber, who was also born in New York City and is a US citizen. Frankly, I could care less, if Bannon and. Musk go at it. The two of them deserve each other. Throw in Laura Loomer and a few others and you get the grand prix of bigotry.
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