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Everything posted by thecyclist

  1. Have generals in Thailand ever been punished for a successful coup? They are never punished by subsequent civilian governments, because they stick up for each ,punishment just leads to another coup. They all do everything to stay in power, by hook or by crook.
  2. Have generals in Thailand ever been punished for a successful coup? They are never punished by subsequent civilian governments, because they stick up for each ,punishment just leads to another coup. They all do everything to stay in power, by hook or by crook.
  3. Have generals in Thailand ever been punished for a successful coup? They are never punished by subsequent civilian governments, because they stick up for each ,punishment just leads to another coup. They all do everything to stay in power, by hook or by crook.
  4. Now be trusted??? Were they ever trusted?
  5. She is probably a lot smarter than you are. Unfortunately she is not truly progressive/left wing, typical establishment Democrat, hard to differentiate from the corporate fascists on the GOP side.
  6. Have root canals really gotten that expensive in Thailand??10k? That would have been around 3 to 5 k not that long ago. Come to Vietnam, 2000 Baht for a root canal.3500 for a crown.
  7. Things have not changed. He's still very much in demand.
  8. That is exactly what it is. That's why my last Songkran spend in Thailand was 20 years ago. Never again.
  9. The more you plead, the more they splash. Pretend you don't care, they might refrain .
  10. I agree, you get mad and yell at a Thai, they lose face, and that drives them nuts. Apologetic , not impossible, but highly unlikely.
  11. Obviously, time travel was involved.
  12. Which is limited to twice a year, or is there any way around that, other than flying in after 2 land crossings?
  13. Never asked by the airlines for a onward ticket?
  14. Yes,once you make it to the top, you are more or less untouchableSo for him being exposed is the big surprise. Power play within the force is the only explanation
  15. Kind of hard to gather evidence on the extent of the corruption of this or that officers. All Thais know/ assume that virtually all police/ governments officers are corrupt. Then ,any investigation of the graft of an individual officer would be conducted by other corrupt officials, who possibly have an agenda beyond establishing facts and evidence. It's like the Mafia with its internal code of silence, difficult to penetrate from the outside. Even worse , there is no real outside, since the whole system is rotten. There was some hope with the MFP, a young generation fed up with politics/ corruption as usual. Tried twice, sidelined twice by the establishment.
  16. What happened to the neckbrace? Looked so sexy on square face.
  17. Yes, and those miracles happen only to saints (or billionaires)
  18. Of course not. No prostitution, no corruption either. It's heaven on earth.
  19. How much air do you get inside the condom?
  20. I agree, but it's never going to happen. There's a sadistic element to modern day Songkran. The real fun for many young Thais is to splash those that don't want to be soaked , if it's a farang that is even more hilarious. Some put chunks of ice in it ,or go straight for your crotch or face .Told a Thai once that he could splash me, but not my bag as there were documents in it .Of course, he went for the bag. Can't see how a mature adult can enjoy this for longer than a couple of hours.
  21. Very good is what they say when your Thai isn't good. Puht Thai chat (Speak Thai clearly) is what they say when it has become comprehensible.
  22. Them making fun of you when you mispronounce by repeating what you said with all your errors preserved, and have a whole group laughing at you , can be kind of discouraging for beginners. Can't remember to what extent the Thais do it ,because I took my babysteps in Thai decades ago, but ,man, do they love that here in Vietnam.
  23. The Vietnamese e-visa website can be tricky .You have to keep trying. The first time I applied for an e-visa it took me 9 hours and over ten attempts. They have since simplified the system ,and it's a lot faster now. I always pay with my Thai debit card .Never had a problem with payment. While there are some reports of it taking over a week, I have always received mine on the 3rd or 4 th working day after application.
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