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Everything posted by thecyclist

  1. Good riddance. Daddy, at least, was beautiful on the outside. Sonny boy is repulsive inside and out.
  2. Not a big difference. I have biked in both towns, HH is a little more relaxed, less gridlock, especially on weekends when half of Bangkok descends on Pattaya. Pollution is worse in P. ,and the constant roadwork is a pain in the neck.
  3. The party is full of crooks and sc.mbags. He is one of the worst of a rotten bunch. His lovely offsprings manage to even surpass their father in arrogance and entitlement, one killed an undercover cop in a nightclub for staring at him for a second too long, and got away with it.
  4. These are small businesses. This is a government of big business, so they don't really care.
  5. "Financial deprivation ".I feel that all the time.
  6. You totally made that up ?!
  7. The suite of the police hospital is bei ng prepared. Just what Thailand needs, the return of another corrupt kleptocrat.
  8. Certainly the duty free stores can sell.
  9. 1. Pattaya is cheaper. 2.The ladyboys are bigger and more aggressive. 3. More Indians. 4.The fascinating phenomenon of disappearing beaches during heavy rain-only in Pattaya. 5.Only in Pattaya do you feel like your are in an insane asylum for lunatics from far and near. 6.The sexworkers have more babies more stretch marks, more piercings and more tattoos. Pattaya no one.
  10. Traffic is much more concerning: average of 40 road fatalities a đâu compared to 18 Covid fatalities a week.
  11. Unless ,maybe, an extra 20000 gratuity is speeding things along.
  12. While you at it Joe get rid of the human sc m in the shape of repulsive specimens like Ted Cruz, de Sanctimonious , JJ the wrestler, Lindsey puke Graham. Marjorie Toilet Green.... Spare Lauren Boebert, have her shipped to Pattaya, she can do her hand routine on Soi 6.
  13. I heard in some schools they recognize so-called furies .Where do these self-identified cats and dogs pee? Heard of a case of a self-identified basketball. What is Stammer's stand on toilets for sports equipment?Urgent clarification needed. By the way, I don't like Katoeys in the men's room either. Let the women deal with them.
  14. Exactly, if they close it's because they are not selling anything. I only buy there when I arrive on an alcohol free day or after midnight. Don't want to go without a few drinks after a stressful flight. The booze there is just a few Baht cheaper than outside anyway.
  15. Not a fan. A tiny butterfly on the shoulder fine.Half a body covered a total turn-off. Belly tattoos to cover up stretch marks the worst.
  16. Spot on. If you go back even further to when there were less than 400k tourists a year, coming to Thailand was like entering a different universe. There were just a couple of bungalows on Phuket. Compared to now,there was Virtually no traffic in Bangkok. Then again, the celebrated night owl ,our own Bernard Trink, even back then was pronouncing Thailand spoiled , for the real Siam you had to go back to when he was the only Farang in the land.
  17. Like a 90 year old three year old: why, what, what for, who says, oh he says but why he says that..... Very easy to just ,why,why,why.much easier than reading medical journals like the professor certainly did. You probably,like a 3 year old or Trump, don't read at all, while being older than the combined age of Trump and the 3 year old.
  18. Are your doubts visa related or marriage per se related?Or both ?
  19. Supported by research is the very antithesis of anecdotal reports, my friend.I assume you have never taken a methodology course in an empirical science, or you would know that. That is not to say that there are no studies showing negative effects. Very few things in life are all good, or all bad. getting married for example, living in LOS, having sex with hookers...
  20. Keep going for how long? 1 hour, 2 hours...at some point you re going to collapse from exhaustion
  21. That was my reaction the first time I tasted it, but this fruit grows on you. Now it's my favorite. Truly the king of fruit.
  22. Wise approach, although once she has moved in with you, it's not that easy to walk away anymore. There are a lot of wily ones, whose toxicity transpires only slowly.
  23. And one died in jail, while the real crooks and kleptocrats are out and about amassing more fortunes.A total disgrace.
  24. Pattaya, minimal rainfall.Trat, if you love rain.
  25. But often provide additional services, so I was told by insiders, the technical term is happy ending. Never experienced it myself, but it sounds good.
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