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Everything posted by thecyclist

  1. Yeah, go figure. Unfortunately for you, you do not seem to figure out much. The balancing of the budget is only a slogan for the GOP to attack the Democrats when the Dems are in power .When the corporate fascists are in power they proceed to break all records in deficit spending by massive tax cuts for the super rich.Reagan ,Bush and at the very top of the pile, the orange one. Common sense might work in your household, but not in science. Several Nobel laureates in economics have shown that deficit spending is often necessary to spur on a sluggish economy, as long as the spending is done at the grassroot level, and not at the top. Trickle down does not work in developed economies. And now to the most foolish ,most naive, and in a way most dangerous assumptions in your 'common sense treatise". Why are we still here after 4 years of Trump?? 1)Trump is a moron. 2)It takes time for wannabe autocrats to dismantle the check and balances of democracies. Hitler tried several times(beer putsch in 1923),took him over 12 years to absolute power, and America of today is a stronger democracy than the Weimar Republic. 3)If Trump gets back into the WH,he will put totally incompetent lackeys in all offices, will bring back 'clean coal ' and other fossil fuels, will disassemble all windmills, because they kill the birds and mess up his beautiful hairdo, inject bleach into Covid patients..... Unfortunately there are millions of Halfwits like you ,who believe the common sense propaganda of the fascists and might put this total clown back into the WH..,which shows that ignorance is not bliss. We live in very dangerous times because of fools like you.
  2. It really looks like the only way to stop the orange fascist is to do an JFK on him. He has to be stopped before he totally wrecks not just the US, but the whole planet. The most dangerous person in human history i,leading the most dangerous organization in human history, the GOP.
  3. Yep, the word "core " cracks me up. The facade is Dharma, the core is greed and corruption.
  4. Very little cannabis tourism, lots of sex tourism though, which goes much more against so-called Thai cultural values. The world-wide trend is towards legalization, so really no clarion call whatsoever needed. Thank God that stick in the mud people like you are in the minority. May I suggest a move to Afghanistan or Iran. No clarion calls there.
  5. Priorities, that's doesn't seem to be a concepts Thais make much use of.Thousands of young people Thai die every year in the killing fields of Thai roads, and they worry about minor side effects of ganja.
  6. 5555 neither actually. Are you projecting? How do you get from my semi tongue in cheek remarks to queerness and lack of funds? I hope it's not some Floridian Ron De Sanctimonious paranoid pseudo masculinity reasoning.
  7. I kind of agree. But if the Shinawatras start another great plunder of the nation, it could happen again. If they keep their corruption to the "normal " level, the military will probably stay in their barracks. I hope Square face takes guidance from his religion, and stays on the middle path of corruption, not too little, and too much.
  8. Well. more and more countries are drifting towards a MAGA like, dumbed down version of fascism. Maybe smart people should start a colony on the moon or Mars. Or collective suicide of all smart people, and leave planet Earth to the Trumpian/Thaksinian/Boris Johnsonian morons .????????????????
  9. Yes, myself included. My IQ probably dropped by 10 points during my time in LOS.It has slightly recovered since I left.
  10. Easy. First time visitors are exempt. You come for the first time, you realize what a huge clown show LOS is, and you are smart and don't want your brain to shrink, you never come back. Granted, maybe you are smart, but you are also an unattractive sex addict. Then it's possible that your Libido wins out over your brain, and since you don't get laid much in farangland dueto a lack of sex appeal, the clownshow is your only option, and you are willing to put up with some shrinkage of the thinking organ in order to keep the other organ from shrinking It's a question of priorities.
  11. Yes, it is.Most visitors to Thailand, especially repeat visitors, aren't too bright.
  12. Well,it looks like Vietnamese immigration has gone back to the old website. Probably gotten too many complaints .I applied during the couple of weeks when you had to use the long and complicated new system which was one big pain in the behind.
  13. Did you apply on the old or the new website?If on the new one, that took effect on Aug 15,and you managed to get through it in 10 minutes, you are a genius, your PhD is well deserved. The Facebook Vietnam group forums are chock-full with comments and enquiries of people despairing over the application process .A lot of them threw up their hands and gave up.I persevered ,and after trying over and over and over again, I finally succeeded. 10 minutes, for a first time applicant, no way in the mortal realm. There are, of course, other immortal dimensions.
  14. I often drink tap water straight from the tap in Bangkok. Never got sick from it .in regard to microplastics, if you are like a Thai, and buy boiling hot soups "sai thung" in a plastic bag to take home, or eat a lot of microwaved ,in cheap plastic, food from 7/11 ,you will be ingesting a lot more microplastics than you will ever get through tap water. That's only my guess. Some experts might confirm my suspicions.
  15. The new application process for the Viet evisa on their new website is anything but simple. It looks like it was designed in a madhouse. It took me 9 hours of trying over and over again until I finally got my visa. Hopefully the OP is from a visa exempt country.
  16. Spot on ,I remember Thaksin's promises of only the best people in my government. Talking about a clean break with the corrupt past. And then he did the exact opposite, hiring the worst instead of the best. Trump did the same in 2016. It's what fascists always do.
  17. johnny come lately" falang sheep. ???? Sheep to what sherperd?? Education, reading books and papers, rational reasoning, not blindly following and idolizing somebody who gave me candy and handouts. Yes, then I am a Sheep. You might call it smugness, and it probably is smugness, but not of the lately kind, because I was here long before the rise to power of the square face ,starting as a police officer, amassing his first millions ,a couple of business failures, until he cut a deal with the military junta granting him a monopoly in the intial development of the telecommunications network. (Talking about going to bed with the devil)He was never about serving the poor people of Northern Thailand and Isan ,he used and manipulated them in his relentless rise to power..Keeping them stupid and uneducated is part of the plan. Have you ever talked to people in Kalasin ,Roi Et,Mukdahan. They are not to blame, put their reasoning capacity and knowledge is that of 6 year olds. Call it smugness, call it realism.,whatever, but you give them candy you have their loyalty for the rest of their lives. Pivot to the US, which is almost worse:,because with these bumpkins, you don't even have to give them candy, you just have to promise them candy (and fill them with hartred).How is it possible that tens of millions blindly folkow a hyper narcissistic, totally self absorbed, pathologically lying, retarded,orange ,wannabe fascist dictator, and see him as their savior. Well better be smug and a sheep to rational thinking than a stupid sheep.
  18. Thaksin didn't do all this because he didn’t have any tanks at his command. He would do all the things you mentioned, and more,for power and money.He is no better than the generals, maybe worse. I am no apologist for Prayut and the coup crew, but ,at least, he can let go, much too late, but he got the message. Thaksin just cannot let go. Only I can fix it. Just like Trump he sees himself as the savior of the nation. These two are among the most hideous, most despicable human beings I have ever seen.
  19. Well, your sense of humor must be fundamentally different from the rest of humanity. Each to their own.
  20. That is one of the most asinine replies I have ever read.
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