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Everything posted by thecyclist

  1. Probably her 20 years ago.Or, it could be her daughter.
  2. Probably, but it's not saying much:Just like In the US of A ,anybody, even Mickey mouse , is better than the orange retard and his GOP ass kissers, in LOS anybody is better than the repulsive Shinawatra Mafia.
  3. Even without a retirement visa, Egypt offers great visa runs to Israel or the Gaza.
  4. Cannabis or no Cannabis, the attainment of maturity in this society is near impossible. Might as well keep it legal, so that mature a ND rational beings can blunt their sensitive minds when dealing with all that childishness around.
  5. Well,in the old Thermae , decades ago, you would occasionally get a freebie, that is to say "score ". Doubt that is still possible. This new generation of professionals is much more professional and mercenary than their mothers and grandmothers. But too old now to really do field studies and score. Strictly pay for play when you over 60.
  6. No Mamason, so not a brothel .
  7. Woodstock was one of the first bars on Nana, they got things started in the mid eighties. I was a regular back then, have a few beers at Woodstock, and then head to the Grace hotel or the Thermae. The Grace back then was mainly farang, in the late eighties the Arabs took over, the Thermae would remain farang for another decade. The attraction of the old Thermae was that it was owned by the police, and could stay open all night. Before 2 am it was deserted, but quickly filled after the go go's closed at 2.
  8. The monk can pass it on to the BIB for conversion into another smart car to hunt down overstaying Farang. Make Thailand safe again
  9. I will be arriving on that day.Any idea whether the duty free shops at Suvarnabhumi sell booze??
  10. You conjure up a nightmare scenario. Drinking with male Thais. The more drunk they get, the more aggressive and stupid they get. With inhibitions lowered.they show their true colors, how much they "love " farangs. You can have a more intelligent conversation with a 5 year old. Didn't take me 17 years to figure that one out. When you hear the you you whiseketi, you know they are bored out of their skulls ,and in dire need of some entertainment, and what could be better than a dancing circus bear in the shape of a farang kee nok. By all means, smile and youyou them back, but do not make a fool of yourself.
  11. You never know. There might be a hero or two among us. It isn't me though.
  12. Gets too crowded on weekends. Lots of Thai teens partying, and when drunk farangs become a target of verbal abuse and provocations.
  13. Yes, Prachuab is a nice, beautiful bay, much nicer than Hua Hin, and less touristy.
  14. If Manila wasn't way more expensive than Bangkok, I would prefer it any day. Anyway, in the Philippines you wouldn't want to live in Manila .There are far better places.
  15. Filipinas have become more similar to the Thai chick's in regard to their focus on money over the years. 30 years ago way better than their Thai counterparts, now a lot less so.
  16. Pattaya is perfect for vampires. Sleep during the day. Party at night.
  17. Obama was a cultural Marxist??555 You gotta go for an IQ test and have yourself checked in. Have you read any books by the founders of the cultural Marxist tradition, Adorno, Horkheimer, Marcuse, Lukacs etc ?I am sure you haven't . Your small mind wouldn' t understand them anyway. You'd better stick to Fox, it's made for nitwits like you. To call Obama a cultural Marxist is an insult to the genius of Adorno. Obama is very much within the neoliberal right wing corporate fascism tradition. The total failure of his administration brought us the orange one, so following the reasoning of the cultural Marxists, we have gone backward from the soft totalitarianism of the totally administered society back to the hard totalitarianism of outright fascism. Back to Fox for you . they will feed you more of these easy to digest ,easy to understand -even for the dumbest of dumb- soundbites that will get you all riled up , so that you can use concepts you don't have the slightest idea swhat they refer to.
  18. Why not a few Swastika tattoos on your forehead too? Sing a few Nazi songs when you walk down beachroad with your torch, give the Hitler salute to everyone passing by. Freedom is for suckers. Fascism is the new flavor, best version of it ever, led by the orange retard.
  19. They are doing that at the Savannaket border crossing too now.? They used to do that at the Lao/Cambodian crossing, asking for an exit fee. Corruption spreading.
  20. Not that different from Thailand. Lots of Indian tailor shops with virtually no customers. Half of the Indian restaurants in "Indiatown" in Pattaya Tai are almost always empty. How fresh is their food?
  21. Most of them are run by Thais, but in tourist towns some of them are run by foreigners. I know at least 3 in Pattaya, that are farang owned. But, knowing good old xenophobe Anutin, it's definitely about staying in the headlines, and there is nothing as satisfying as a bit of good old farang bashing. It's a Thai tradition.
  22. Scum of the earth or ,as Stormy Daniels refers to him , the orange turd. Flush ,flush, flush. But so far he has been a turd that won't flush.
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