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Everything posted by thecyclist

  1. We must have been in different Vietnams. Fruit more expensive in Vietnam 5555. Clothes, yes. Electronics no idea. Juice, Tipco imported from Thailand, obviously. Milk, exactly, the same. Maybe when you talk about food, you mean dog or cat food. I eat human food, and that is definitely not 50 % more expensive in Vietnam. Dog food might be 50 % more expensive, but never bought any in either of those countries.
  2. While Danang is a great place to visit, for living/retirement Vung Tau is better. The weather is more like Thailand, hot all year round , and minimal chance of Typhoons hitting it. 5 years ago, I would have said that prices in Thailand and Vietnam are approximately the same, with Vietnam having a slight edge. But post pandemic that has changed. Prices in Vietnam haven't changed much, but was shocked to see how expensive Thailand had become over the 3 years I was stuck in Vietnam due to the pandemic. No retirement visa, but if you marry a Vietnamese, you get a temporary residence, and you are even allowed to work. Corruption here is ,as incredible as that sounds, way worse in Vietnam.
  3. Can these clowns ever make up their minds about anything? This constant back and forth. The Shinawatra 's only drug is money and power. Zero empathy for the rest of us ,who don't have enough money to spend the whole day counting it.
  4. The immigration officer was fluent in Russian or did immigration hire a Russian as an uncover agent?
  5. You are right. In Pattaya during off season you can get a very nice room for 500 Baht. 700 pesos in Angeles gets you a dump.
  6. In general the low class and lower middle class Thais are friendlier. The further up the scale you move, the more arrogant and distant they become. At the top ,the Chinese Thai elite feel so entitled and superior.
  7. Definitely not cheaper than Thailand. Was significantly more expensive 10 years ago, but the Peso has lost a lot of ground against the Bahti, so might only only be marginally more expensive now. we would have to hear from someone who has been to both countries post pandemic.
  8. Nope, it's on Negros Island. Cute little town, but not much to do there. Good for biking the Visayan.Short ferry ride to Cebu Island, which has a very scenic coastel road to Cebu city.
  9. The inspector couldn't be bothered to really inspect.Easier to just sign his name, confirming that the boat was seaworthy. Or for a little donation look the other way. Life is cheap in Thailand.
  10. Hotel booking for entire stay?Who does that, book a hotel in advance for 2 months?
  11. Thanks for all the input. I also posted this on the Cambodia expat forum. Two recommended, from personal experience, a Do Saiha in PP. Additionally I got this reply: "The foremost and most advanced total eye care centre in Cambodia is not in Phnom Penh, it is in Battambang, and most people have never heard of it, and it does not have a website as it was set up in 2007 to service the total eye care needs of the poorest of the poor in northwestern Cambodia (but in fact people from all over Cambodia and from all walks of life now come to the BOC, in increasing numbers, instead of going to Thailand or further afield)- it is the Battambang Ophthalmic Care - BOC at # 378 Street # 3, Battambang. About a two minute walk from the Psar Nat, the central market in Battambang, and directly opposite the Piphetthearm Pagoda. Behind that nondescript building façade is to be found several floors of wonderful optometry, ophthalmology and an excellent modern operating theatre. Unlike any other centre for eyes in Cambodia, it has won two International Awards for excellence in total eye care. Last month it was awarded by the APAO - Asia Pacific Academy of Ophthalmology and pre Covid-19 it received international recognition from the ACOIN - Association of Community Ophthalmology of India." I will be cycling from Vietnam through Cambodia to Thailand, so I can check out both options.
  12. Wouldn't have considered this 10/15/20 years ago, but Cambodia has come a long way, and in Thailand private hospitals are just too expensive, while government hospitals either have a long wait or 2 tier pricing. In Vietnam, where I spend most of my time now, a lot of the hospitals are not allowed to operate on foreigners. So I am considering Cambodia. Anybody has any information about the quality, pricing etc at eye hospitals in Cambodia.
  13. Wasn't Abdullah the name of the Tuktuk driver?Hailing from Yala ,maybe.
  14. He is Thai. Can't be deported.Should be incarcerated.
  15. Their are root canal dentists ?? I thought that is standard treatment, that just about every dentist can perform. Implant specialists yes, but a standard root canal. Never been to a dentist, that wasn't able to perform one.
  16. Good point. That's the Thai way, whining, blaming others, don't address the issues. They are all guilty to some extent, doing a deep dive into their professional conduct is the last thing they want. Even if they happen to be innocent of what they were just accused of, there is always plenty of dirt that would be exposed.
  17. They can't make up their minds. On the one hand they do everything possible to increase tourism revenue, which can't be done with only "quality " tourists, on the other hand they want only the big spending " quality" tourists staying in luxury hotels, which is a tiny minority. Have your cake and eat it too.In the end, it's saying we want your money, but not you. By the way, Pattaya is only really crowded on weekends, especially long weekends, and that's mainly because of Thais from Bkk visiting. If you want crowded, try the center of Bangkok, Siam Square for example.
  18. They can't make up their minds. On the one hand they do everything possible to increase tourism revenue, which can't be done with only "quality " tourists, on the other hand they want only the big spending " quality" tourists staying in luxury hotels, which is a tiny minority. Have your cake and eat it too.In the end, it's saying we want your money, but not you. By the way, Pattaya is only really crowded on weekends, especially long weekends, and that's mainly because of Thais from Bkk visiting. If you want crowded, try the center of Bangkok, Siam Square for example.
  19. Don't you have to be a citizen or resident of Malaysia to be eligible for a METV? They not gonna give you one if you are in Malaysia on a TV or visa exempt.
  20. Fox was created for idiots like you. Tailor made. The dumber you are, the more you will like it. Enjoy. CNN ,communist 5555.They are part of the right wing establishment.
  21. It's a fascist propaganda network that created Trump and Maga, pays their hideous, retarded anchors millions to propagate hateful narratives , designed to infuriate the uneducated ,undereducated and miseducated white working class, a class neglected and left behind by 40 years of neoliberalism , a class already very angry at the "system ". It redirects that anger from where it belongs, a billionaire class and their lackeys in politics, to an ill-defined, nebulous woke deep state made up of lizard people, pedophiles, brown immigrants, Muslims and other non true believer Christians, a hodgepodge of all their prejudices and biases, it reinforces that fury in a feedback loop, exponentially enhanced by social media , a love to hate in unison with your fellow cultists, venerating the most unlikely of gurus, a retarded, slimy ,psychopath and Narcissist.
  22. Pretty sure what the answer to your second question is :Who didn't do anything at all? NOBODY
  23. Really?You got an unblurred picture???
  24. Have generals in Thailand ever been punished for a successful coup? They are never punished by subsequent civilian governments, because they stick up for each ,punishment just leads to another coup. They all do everything to stay in power, by hook or by crook.
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