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Everything posted by thecyclist

  1. 18 massage parlors in one shopping mall, really? What kind of shopping mall is this?
  2. Not that rare anymore. Nonexistent with bargirls though.
  3. Have you noticed that most Trump lovers are either idiots or characterologically deformed individuals, or both?
  4. You are obviously not a very smart person. The US of idiots is still unfortunately the biggest economy and most powerful country in the world American politics impacts the whole world. If the orange Manchild wrecks the American economy, he drags the world economy down with him. What happens in Britain, stays in Britain. What happens in America, spreads around the world. The second Trump term could turn out to be an unmitigated disaster for mankind.
  5. At least Pattaya is cheap.
  6. Total crap. Did you pull that out of your butt. You are an extreme ignoramus. Dumb as s.. t.
  7. What he also missed is the much more important fact that we have a retarded sociopathic fascist megalomaniac on the other side, a danger to the US and the world. Harris is indeed extremely underwhelming, but not because she is, according to the orange one, a radical Marxist, Communist, Socialist., but because she is the very opposite, a supporter of the transnational neoliberal plutocracy that rules and exploits humanity.
  8. Biden is right.
  9. Don't suddenly stop. You have to gradually taper off the dose. Very gradual. From 50 mg every 6 hours ,to either 50 every 7 hours for a week ,or down to 45 mg for a few weeks until maybe after 6 months your body can manage without the drug.
  10. You, with a second account.
  11. That's exactly the problem with the US of A, even a lot of the university educated are total idiots.
  12. Oh boy, you are lacking a sense of humor. I was responding to a tongue in cheek reply with another tongue in cheek response, and you are getting all serious on me with paintbrushes being too wide. Of course, sarcasm has wide brushes. Are you suffering from MDD? Lighten up.!
  13. Maybe not the first but nevertheless, who is a total ignoramus here, it's you much more than Harris, just repeating slogans here that you picked up on TV or the net. No thought put into it. that is if you are capable of rational thought. Parroting talking points that appeal to your petty grudges and prejudice. They say Harris is a Marxist on Fox, must be true then. Harris has absolutely nothing in common with Marxism. She is an advocate of a totally discredited system or ideology, neoliberal hypercapitalism, basically the mainstream BS we all have been suffering under for 40 years. She is right wing. But you need a brain and some education to figure that out. There isn't much good to say for Harris, other than that she is business as usual, and that she has some minimal ideology, while her opponent is just a wrecking ball. As a pathetic loser, at least in matters of intellect, you see yourself reflected in your orange hero, and together, you and the other millions of deplorables will wreck America and the planet. "Man is a failed experiment" Nietzsche
  14. Does the landlord check your dick when signing a lease at your place?? I hope it's a landlady.
  15. But they are prone to butcher/shoot/stab their girls when they perceive a loss of face due to the lass finding a "superior" male. Jumping from the balcony bloody mess outside, easily mopped up. Massacre on the premises, mopping insufficient.
  16. Not the Thais, they demand money.
  17. Have you ever read Marx? Have you ever read anything of substance?
  18. I totally agree with the first part about the orange whiner in chief and his entourage. Nobody whines as much as a half-witted wannabe fascist dictator. But Thais whine a lot too. Yes, they get on with their lives, we all do in the end. But they do whine, and they talk a lot about money and salaries, what they make compared to others. And their leaders are world champions at blaming others, at passing the buck.
  19. Readily available in Cambodia.? Really. I am sure you can get it, but it's illegal, and with the hypercorrupt police force there, if you get caught it will cost you big time to stay out of jail.
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