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Everything posted by foreverlomsak

  1. So half drunk at 4 am closing time bar go to the waiting area, legless at a 2 am closing time bar no problem as it doesn't have to have a sobering-up area. Another half thought through idea.
  2. If your unfit to drive an hours sleep will do you absolutely no good, even after 7 hours sleep many will still be over the drink drive limit. Been there and done that, lucky not to have been caught.
  3. Do the Immigration staff who receive "tea money" for services rendered fully declare it in their annual assessments, I think not, target for RD investigators (getting at the Agents a different way) as per Al Capone they couldn't prove his illegal activities, so tax man got him for tax evasion.
  4. Before moving here (nearly 20 years ago) I used to spend 2-3 holidays (of 2-3 weeks duration) a year in Thailand and was questioned by both my banks regarding credit card expenditure in Thailand, and both of them suspended the account until I could satisfy them regarding where I lived.
  5. or phoned ahead to make sure the shop was open (free haircuts for life)
  6. Those with color printers, and anybody legally employed, i.e. teachers
  7. Nope, only when going more than 10/15 mins travel from the house. Carry laminated paper copy and copies on phone, but still get need passport.
  8. nor do the RTP to a major extent
  9. First member of the Chinese Police patrolling in Thailand maybe
  10. So I was informed by 3 uniformed and armed Immigration officers when I was stopped in the street in front of a local hotel (only 10 mins from where I live) and asked for my Passport, which I wasn't carrying, only a copy. Which was deemed to be unacceptable as easily forged, offered Pink Card and Driving License to back it up, waved away with "means nothing to us". Let off with a warning and told to carry my passport at all times outside the house. This wasn't recently, quite a few years ago in fact, and we are not on a heavily beaten tourist route/area either.
  11. Looking very much that way, Thai submissions are mostly taken at face value from what I understand (also mine from years ago when I was working), hopefully they will do the same with expats now.
  12. Yes, that the document I was looking at but some of the actual details appear to have changed, so I maybe had an earlier version of it or mixed up some of the details. I only have the state and private pensions so doesn't directly impact me.
  13. Yesterday I bought a bus ticket from Phitsanulok to Phetchabun and the ticket office would not accept any form of ID (pink card or driving license) from me, only my passport was acceptable, just as well I always carry it with me for inter-regional travel.
  14. There is an internal guidance document produced by HMRC (I think), that I took the info from I didn't save it, will try to find it again tomorrow.
  15. True, with no entry stamp in your passport you will not be allowed to leave until they investigate why, then your overstay will come to light, or they could just decide to ban you for life for entering the country illegally.
  16. Water guns cost money, most around here use bowls or buckets or even just a hose. A couple of years ago the driver of the car in front of me wouldn't roll his window down, so one of the drunks opened the door and threw a bucket full of water into the car guess most of it landed on the dashboard of the car, I locked my doors and got out of there as fast as I could.
  17. Just think of the additional alcohol sales and hospital fees from tourists being affected by bad water.
  18. Nobody really knows at the moment how this "Tax" is going to be calculated / applied / reported, so everything is still speculation. With the CRS exchange of information it is entirely possible that the sending bank, i.e. the bank the card is issued from, could report the withdrawal of monies in Thailand and the name of the name and other details of the card owner. And no I'm not scare mongering just being realistic regarding the possibilities with the exchange of banking information.
  19. What the F are you talking about?
  20. CRS most probably, Thai tax personally I doubt it, the Thai banks have no hold over Wise to ensure compliance with any request for information.
  21. Given the limited info, I would guess that the previous occupant was sub-letting 2 rooms, and the additional meters were for the sub-lets, 1 meter was standalone like the main supply and 1 as a branch off the main meter. But as I said a pure guess on my part.
  22. and not all offices accept the "combo" method, apparently my local office is one that doesn't, not that I've tried personally, but one of the local retirees I meet occasionally tried and said he was told if you don't have 800k in the bank go to Pattaya for your extension, which he has been doing for 4/5 years now. Another was told it wasn't acceptable to have the 800k split between 2 accounts (same bank 1 branch here and 1 Pattaya, the bank letters for both produced locally) go to Pattaya, which he did (permanently) 3 years ago.
  23. that's the job of the ladyboys
  24. The DLT normally need some proof of address, like a CoR from Immigration or the yellow book (which I've used ), as I've never moved or attempted to use a different office cannot comment on that part of the question, but knowing Thai attitudes to non-standard things I would doubt it.
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