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Everything posted by foreverlomsak

  1. Your original comment related to the lack of an FTT marker when funds were deposited by Wise. As the FTT marker would only be of interest to the RD and Immigration, I answered on that basis.
  2. Interesting question, but you'd still be "caught" by being potentially asked where did the money come from and did you earn it working.
  3. As my postman rarely delivers mail, even though I know it exists e.g. monthly bills, I would be highly unlikely to receive anything from the RD.
  4. Wrong directions, you're supposed to look to the heavens and pray to Buddha or whoever
  5. Hope it's not the one we've just recently lost. Just a hassle going to the shop in my nearest town, getting the photo taken, stooging around for 30-60 minutes depending on how busy they are, and driving home again. Took my daughter to the shop a couple of weeks back, set of photo's + digital copy on her phone 170 Baht if I remember right.
  6. Solution with Bangkok Bank get two 6 month statements. SCB can produce a 12 month statement on request, but it will not have the "Transaction on the Day" listed.
  7. A few years back when doing my annual extension (retirement) the IO was having difficulty telling me what was missing so she turned to a filing cabinet behind her opened a drawer and produced last years submission in seconds, pointed out a sheet and said that. That was when I noticed another fault, I'd used the same photo 2 years running, she never noticed, or at least didn't comment, which would have been very unusual for her, she liked to nitpick and reject things for the slightest reason.
  8. Mine does the same but with very little info, the difference is the inclusion of their digital photo not the one I supply.
  9. You've been looking at inkjets, I've got a laser printer, less problems if it lies dormant for a while, think it was about 1,000 Baht did look at the same brand/model that prints color at the time 26,000 Baht, too expensive for poor old me.
  10. As happened before, hands it back with a new blank form and says "copy info here needs to be handwritten", why I stopped using the online blank. What I do now is accumulation of all the "issues" I've had, the application has sailed through the last 2 years, so I can expect to have problems this year.
  11. One year the IO on the way out placed the "Exit" stamp on the 2nd last page when the "Entry" stamp was on something like page 3. The next visit caused trouble on arrival as they said you haven't gone out so how can you come back in, I had to show him where the stamp was, to the comment of why did he put it there, I just shrugged.
  12. As is most things you do, like the need for a 12 month bank statement, when you've already given them a copy of your bank book and there not happy with pages covering the last 2 years they need the whole book which goes all the way back to 2014.
  13. Correct the TM7 download has no stamps on it, they are added by the IO while processing your application, there are 3 I think, as they are for the IO I've not paid much attention.
  14. On retirement too. 1. My office will not accept them, think they've lost the stamps & pads 3. Hand-drawn house map is definitely needed, had google maps printout one year which was rejected another year they insisted on the GPS location being added, I kind of forgot next year and nobody said anything.
  15. Henry Ford, you can have any color so long as it's black, or something like that. 364 days of the year I don't need color.
  16. Not allowed to do that, reasons 1) They have their own pre-printed forms with the color stamps already appended. 2) They insist on handwritten in blue ink, and I'm not spending money on a color printer that will be used once a year. 3) The house location map must be hand drawn too.
  17. Items 1 and 2 I'm going to let others answer, I'm married and live in our house, with a yellow book, have only left the country once and that was to change visa type, so anything I say would not apply. Item 3 in 18 years of extensions at 5 different offices, I've never submitted the day before always about 2/3 weeks before (admittedly never used Jomtien), I've never had the passport retained overnight for the Retirement stamps to be added, it's always been done at the time, as was Non-B extensions, married extensions take extra approval time (under consideration period). Given some of the requests I've had for additional paperwork, submitting the day before would have caused serious problems. None of my friends who live in Pattaya and use Jomtien have alluded to this problem. Maybe you just got the wrong IO at the wrong time.
  18. you've only done 1 of the 3 pictures, the 3rd was added by you.
  19. The red box on the 2nd page says your already registered to do the 90 day on line. On registering they will have sent you an e-mail with your password (which I believe you can change) and a link to the login page. After you have managed to do one, enter your passport no and nationality and click on the spyglass on the page which will complete most of the rest of the data for you.
  20. Your lucky all the local shops incl all the many 7-11's in my area stock at roughly 10 to 1 in favor of white, with the same problem i.e. by the time the delivery van leaves they've sold all the whole meal.
  21. My UK bank has my Thai address, always have had (I have no UK address for 20 years), since the account was opened by the bank during one of the periodic shuffling of ownerships, I don't use their CC due to the transaction charges involved. Recently they have started asking for my tax residency details and Tax ID numbers (UK and Thai).
  22. One thing comes to mind and that is job creation, I've not seen anything alluding to this, Thai Government is very good at that everything has got to be vetted at least twice by different people. So would the enlargement of the Thai Revenue staff to handle many more end of year submissions be a significant labor problem.
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