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Everything posted by foreverlomsak

  1. Which point of sale are you referring to, as there are multiple points of sale and the application of taxes and duties long before it hits the shop shelves (it's not all calculated and paid when you buy it)
  2. Since the reductions in tax levies were announced, the only effect I've seen at some (not all) of my local "refreshment" stops, has been a 10 Baht increase in the price of bottles of local beer, I don't drink wine and very little spirits so don't really know about them.
  3. That's as maybe, but it is the logical step from the statement "violation of Thai law which forbids foreigners from driving passengers". Especially as I have already been issued with a warning by Immigration for being 9km away from my house in my local town and not having my passport on me.
  4. So my step-son or step-daughter arrives at the local bus station at say 2:30am and phones for a lift home as there are no taxi's available. Does this mean I have got to say "cannot". Would the same apply to my wife, son or daughter, by the way none of them can drive?
  5. I guess Xi might be asked to help fund it ? If they are of the same standard as the offshore defense islands the Chinese built, the airport will only last a few years. Until I read private jets I thought they were going down the line of seaplanes.
  6. And give up the pension? Pass! And more importantly your passport?
  7. Slight departure from the topic but similar type of problem. Bangkok Bank, I have 2 active accounts with them 1 is about 20 years old the other about 2 years. When I loaded the mobile banking app about 6 months ago the newer account went in with no problem and appears to work satisfactorily, but it would not accept the older account, have tried many times personally and failed, took the phone to my local branch and they failed. Tried the branch again last week, to be told that Thai's can have numerous accounts linked in the app but foreigners can only have one account, said she would try to get HQ to authorize the addition of the second. Don't have that issue with SCB, but they loaded their app on the phone and installed the accounts (1 existing and 2 new).
  8. In rural areas "very difficult" is a significant understatement, impossible would be nearer, the majority work for cash in hand on a casual basis, today for one farmer, tomorrow for another, maybe 2 days nothing as no crops to be picked or cleaned for market, next day maybe morning only, some on a daily rate and others on piece rates (eg by kg processed).
  9. does your Netflix subscription allow multiple sets from one location
  10. See it all the time, can't be bothered stopping for traffic lights, won't obey the no entry signs or the police officer indicating same, cutting across 3 lanes of traffic to turn right when the lights change due to lengthy queues in the right turn lane, walk straight to the bank teller / post office counter to get served first as they can't take a ticket and join the queue. Once seen a police officer with his back to the traffic (after stopping it) with his arm out to say stop get hit on his arm by a motorbike that flew through between the stopped cars and failed to stop for him and then kept going (of course as with about 30% of motorbikes here no number plate). Many times have seen motorbikes being flagged down at checkpoints, give a one finger salute and keep going. Yes, I'll agree many are like that, but as no real enforcement is carried out around me, they are getting fewer and fewer.
  11. entitled and believe they cannot be held responsible for anything, u-tube is full of clips showing that (you can't arrest me, your a public servant and have to do what I tell you) and also the effects of thinking that way
  12. That's probably why 2 of my local afternoon/early evening watering holes have put their prices up by 10 Baht on a 620 ml bottle, so that when the actual taxes are reduced they can sell at the original price again.
  13. I have collected 3 or 4 prizes over the years, all smallish sums I'll admit, and a friend collected a 60,000 Baht prize once.
  14. Does anybody know if this is going to have any impact on banks and Immigration closure days, or has that yet got to be decided?
  15. Good teaching or not, if it succeeds does it matter. Think about what you say, do you always use fully grammatically correctly sentences, the object as far as I was concerned was to get them comfortable with speaking English so long as it was understandable, e.g. correct is "Where is the train station", understandable is "Station train is where", which is a translation of the Thai question.
  16. He doesn't have to be good at punctuation, spelling or grammar, if his school is the same as the 5 I've taught at. The Thai teachers, at all levels, were responsible for all three, the foreign teachers were contracted to teach a subject called "English Conversation" only, in other words speaking in English which does not need to be correct in any of the three.
  17. easy enough to buy beer in bulk to take home and consume miserably on your own, but it's more enjoyable to drink and chat with friendly companions whatever the hour.
  18. I've had my Thai ID number for 22 years (pink card less as they initially were not issuing them to Westerners), and by the way in Thailand we're all aliens ID no or not.
  19. If banks, DLT, et al, would all use the pink card/yellow book number (which is an official government ID No), they wouldn't have any extra work to do when passports, etc., are renewed. This also applies to the likes of store cards e.g. Big C
  20. According to my local DLT office, Phetchabun, the Pink Card/Yellow Book ID No cannot be used for your driving license only your passport no can be shown, your office may be different of course, TIT, good luck. Also my local SCB branch used my passport and not my pink card for my accounts so every time I do anything in branch I must have my passport with me, not sure if local rules or not.
  21. I'm on the 800k in the bank and have been for years, I only bring in what I want to spend, the 800k stays in the bank year in year out, for example if I bring in nothing for the next few years I will still get my annual extensions, so saying every expat must bring 400k/800k into Thailand every year for a retirement extension and massive tax bills borders on scare mongering. Those on Monthly Income do not have to show that any money is actually brought into Thailand only that they receive that level of income (UK, US and AUS are different as they need to show the money arriving in their account as they cannot get embassy income statements). Note Thailand can only tax what arrives in Thailand not what stays outside. Just as matter of interest I expect that my tax bill for bringing in my all my 2024 income not would result in a massive tax bill, my calculations show it to be in the order of 1,200 Baht maximum for the year, only because the UK exchange rate is so high at the moment. As the rules are written just now (may be changed in the future who knows) you have a 100k deduction plus a 60k personal allowance, if married a further 60k spouse allowance, if over 65 or disabled a further 190k allowance (there are other allowances) and the first 150k of taxable income is rated at 0%, then the next 150k is taxed at 5%, the next 200k at 10% and so on. IMHO nothing looks massive unless you are bringing in over 3 million per year, even then???. And don't forget the Double Taxation or other rules/agreements that are applicable to the source country(s) of your income.
  22. Thanks for the comment, I have heard before that DWP will deposit to WISE, other pension is from Mercer (ex SIPS) good to know that they will also. Am going to try Standard Life again, It's only a smallish annual annuity, but enough for a few boxes of beer. My UK bank does not give any interest and needs 2,500GBP to be maintained in the account to keep it charge free
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