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Everything posted by Danderman123

  1. This may seem unbelievable, but a company I founded, and ran by myself for a couple of years, is designing a successor station to ISS. The company has a fairly large contract with NASA, and has very large international partners. It's hard for *me* to believe.
  2. Since polling this early in the campaign is mostly name recognition, talking about Biden a lot might give him a bump in the polls. The Trump trolls here may be helping Biden.
  3. Illegal entries at the border are down 40% since Biden made his announcement.
  4. The people checking out Trump were also disappointed by some of the crazy stuff he said. We'll see how the polling reacts to Biden's bad night.
  5. Biden is going to have to do a press conference ASAP if he wants to be a viable candidate.
  6. Biden will make a bunch of public appearances over the next week to try to convince people that he is okay. I am assuming Biden had a cold, and maybe will need a couple of days to recover.
  7. You guys don't remember Reagan's first debate in 1984. He was confused and really bad. Won the November election in a landslide.
  8. Very disappointing, I was hoping that Biden's miracle drug was real and effective against Alzheimer's.
  9. I didn't watch, but everyone says Biden was bad.
  10. I didn't watch it, but many people are saying that Biden was bad.
  11. It's your assertion and your job to back it up.
  12. So, what's with pretending you are a woman with this username? And why are you constantly changing usernames?
  13. Do you have a link for that assertion? Or is it just one of your conspiracy dreams?
  14. What's the 2023 and 2024 inflation rate?
  15. Note that full time employment is still quite high, the economy is robust, and the stock market is way higher than when Trump was in charge.
  16. Do you have historical data on lag times for inflation, or are you just making stuff up?
  17. Here's an unpleasant fact for you: Trump is proposing massive tariffs that would significantly increase prices for consumers. Do you agree with him?
  18. You Trump fans really seem to hate America. Maybe that's why you want Trump to win.
  19. His alleged dementia will be on display for you to enjoy during the debate.
  20. Reports are that dozens of Russian troops are still trapped in the Vovchansk pocket.
  21. Tell us your opinion of the hundreds of Russian strikes on Ukrainian civilian targets.
  22. Trump conspired to overturn an election. Part of the conspiracy involved blocking the election certification vote in Congress. Your memory problems have returned.
  23. Remember, Trump fans: Your Leader says that Joe Biden is a doddering old man, doesn't know where he is most of the time. According to Trump, Biden is helpless without a teleprompter. The only way Biden wins if he uses a miracle Alzheimer's drug that only Biden's doctor has.
  24. If Trump's tariffs are enacted, what would be the impact on inflation?
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