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Everything posted by Danderman123

  1. Your post indicates you don't know what Communism is.
  2. Your post made no sense at all. Please don't sniff airplane glue when you post. Yes, I know it makes you feel better after your Leader was convicted 34 times.
  3. Russian TV has featured lots of threats of invasion of more countries. are they lying?
  4. Just for once, I would like to hear about some new weapon transferred to Ukraine *after* it's first use. Instead of "we're planning to send a missile with a 200 km range to Ukraine next week".
  5. Ukraine has few casualties precisely because they don't attack that much. The Ukrainian side is mostly content to have Russia incur mass casualties to make small territorial gains.
  6. Russia can't beat Ukraine, how are they going to beat NATO? Get real.
  7. Au contraire, most people will internalize the conviction by November. Look what happened with the Access Hollywood tape after 30 days.
  8. It sounds like you are copying @Yellowtail: Demand to have the charges against Trump explained to you. If nobody explains them, claim this means that Trump is innocent. If somebody explains the charges, forget the next day, and demand that someone explain the charges to you. Groundhog Day Trolling. @Yellowtail did that almost every day during the trial. I told him that his trolling was pointless, because everyone would forget about it once the verdict was announced. But .... @Yellowtail belongs to the troll school that teaches that "winning" every day is important, even if the win is later forgotten. IMHO, the wins don't matter now that Trump has been convicted.
  9. Poll: 49% of Independents think Trump should drop out post-guilty verdict For the poll guys. I personally think much of the impact of the conviction will be forgotten by November, unless there is another event that reminds people of it.
  10. The Russian army today is nothing like the army of the Soviet Union. The current Russian approach of employing human wave attacks would result in millions of Russian casualties. The best historical analogy was the US attack on Iraqi defenses the first day of the first Gulf War. The much vaulted Iraqi defenses crumbled the first day, with casualties of 250,000+. The carnage was so bad that the video has never been shown.
  11. No. I guess you haven't been paying attention to the trial. Trump was found guilty of falsifying business records to conceal and underlying crime.
  12. One in 10 Republicans less likely to vote for Trump after guilty verdict, Reuters/Ipsos poll finds By November, those Republicans will fall back in line
  13. Trump's reaction to the election of Obama was to claim that Obama was not a US citizen.
  14. I am going to post something that is not widely recognized. US point defense has been excellent at intercepting Russian missiles in Ukraine. But we don't give the best defensive missiles to Ukraine. It's possible that Russia would have to "flood the zone" to hit a target in the US. Probably such an attack would result in some of the missiles landing in Russia, reducing those must be intercepted by US missiles. At any rate, Putin would dead within a couple of hours of ordering an attack.
  15. You don't seem to understand much about Russian and US military capabilities. Russian advances are usually based on human wave attacks, and variations thereof.
  16. Early polls don't have a lot of predictive value. They mainly measure name recognition.
  17. Donald Trump’s felony conviction now means he’s banned from a host of countries including Canada and UK
  18. I don't know if Ukraine can win. If Russia loses, it will happen quickly.
  19. Unless you observed the entire trial, how would you know? Your talking points come from Trump, and he missed half the trial while sleeping.
  20. Any criminal could say that after they are convicted. I prefer the legal system as is, flaws and all. You guys want to tear it down, so that Trump gets away with his criming.
  21. Going into the trial, I thought that Trump had a good chance of being acquitted. The Prosecution put on a good case, but what really sunk Trump was his bad defense. @jerrymahoney would have put on a better defense. The only worse defense was @Yellowtail's amnesia defense: "What are the charges? If you haven't memorized the charges, Trump must be innocent". I don't think that would have worked in court.
  22. Trump won't be able to visit you in the UK. Because of the convicted felon thing.
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