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Everything posted by Danderman123

  1. I got a new Facebook friend, an older lady who professes her eternal love for me. She sends me messages on Messenger every day. Strangely, she sends the same photo of herself all the time. I wonder why she can't take a new photo to send to me.
  2. Have the Trump lawyers found any facts in the indictment that are false? They have had a week to go over it. A reasonable person would conclude that uncontested allegations are probably true.
  3. It's early in the campaign still. Wait until January to worry about poll numbers. This leads to the inevitable question of whether American media is stupid or evil. Because ..... When a political candidate gets caught doing something wrong, their poll numbers bump up. For a while. And then drop like a rock. Because early polls over-rely on name recognition. But that wears off if the name is tarnished. For an example, see Gary Hart, 1988.
  4. Oh wait, Trump just committed "technical violations" of the Constitution, per his soon-to-be-fired lawyer.
  5. Do you think that Jack Smith misquoted the Republicans who testified against Trump? If so, why aren't they complaining? Why aren't the Grand Jurors complaining? Or, did the Republicans testifying against Trump simply make stuff up? If so, why are you blaming Jack Smith? Ypu really haven't thought this through, have you?
  6. You lost the plot. The comment you responded to were a response to the question of Trump's sordid history before the current indictments.
  7. Thailand's geographic location makes it an almost ideal site for a spaceport. The next generation of orbital launchers will require a downrange landing site for the first stage. The current - interim - approach uses a barge sited downrange in the ocean, at considerable expense (or the first stage returns under its own power to the launch site). It is far more economical to land the first stage downrange on terra firma. For a Thailand launch, that would be on Malaysia or the Phillipines. Of course, its questionable whether the Thai government could pull off a spaceport.
  8. https://thepattayanews.com/2023/08/07/thailand-to-explore-spaceport-development/
  9. DOJ has a very high conviction rate for charged criminals, so either you are wrong, or thousands of juries are wrong.
  10. This comment did not age well. A question for you: when the Capitol Rioters sought to "hang Mike Pence", why didn't Trump stop them?
  11. Speaking of accusations, can you recall an instance when Trump has lied?
  12. I have to disagree on this. If you rob a bank, it doesn't matter if you truly believe the money is really yours. However, state of mind enters the picture when considering an insanity defense.
  13. Your beliefs don't align with reality. There was no coordinated effort to attack Trump within the law enforcement community.
  14. Even John Durham could not prove what you allege after years of investigation.
  15. You claim that Russia's support of Trump in 2016 was a hoax, which indicates you haven't been paying attention. Why did Trump's campaign manager hand deliver polling data to the Russians?
  16. because you are not worried about foreigners meddling in US elections.
  17. Not like the Russians did in 2016. Using polling data handed to them by Trump's campaign manager, the Russians micro targeted voters to, if not vote for Trump, stay home on election day.
  18. You are not concerned about Russians influencing US voters?
  19. The lady trying the Escalator borrowed another 3000 baht from me, and then paid it back. Some bargirls borrowed small amounts and are paying it back via services rendered. Only one lady borrowed and didn't pay back.
  20. Don't underestimate the gambling. They work long hours and sometimes there are no customers. So, to fill time, they play slots on their phone, slmetimes racking up huge gambling debts. Between gambling and Thai boyfriends, its common to find bargirls with sponsors, many customers and no money in the bank.
  21. You would be surprised. I often go with cashiers, and they are in high demand.
  22. I am saying that Rudy distributed what he said was a digital copy of the laptop's hard drive, and no one knows if anything in that copy was hacked. Interestingly, nothing on the laptop impacted Joe Biden.
  23. Very important to remember: a bargirl will never look better than when you first see her in the bar. From that day on, she will look more and more like her mother. And if you have even seen a bargirl's mother, they look like a different species.
  24. and yet, they go out to the bars, even while wifey takes care of the house.
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