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Everything posted by Danderman123

  1. The Democratic party platform will be released next week. I am sorry that you can't wait.
  2. Trump is crazy. He claims he crashed a helicopter with Willie Brown. He claims there were no people at Kamala Harris rally in Detroit. He claims he told Putin not to invade Ukraine, when no one in the Trump administration remembers that happening. Since Trump is clearly a nut job, no need for Harris to do much - go to the convention, debate Trump, just let the old fool self destruct.
  3. Harris didn't lock up pot smokers, since marijuana was decriminalized many years ago. She convicted dealers, not smokers.
  4. Harris convicted 1900 people for weed violations. This would be for sales, not smoking. Smoking weed has been decriminalized in California for many years.
  5. Trump loves Vladimir Putin, who is trying to put the USSR back together. And you are doing your best to help Trump and Putin, Comrade.
  6. Elon bans people on X if they call him "Sissy SpaceX".
  7. Actually, the opposite is true. TheJCPOA requires Iran to submit to inspectors.
  8. Please support your claim that California Attorney General Kamala Harris convicted 1,000+ people for smoking grass.
  9. Here's a simple solution: find a credible source backing your claim that, as California Attorney General, Kamala Harris convicted 1,000+ people for smoking grass. Or you can just demonstrate a lack of stability by posting more insults. Up to you.
  10. As vice president, she championed the Biden administration offering pardons for Americans convicted of federal marijuana possession and the landmark changes reclassifying marijuana as a less dangerous and addictive drug. There's even a strain of weed, Kamala Kush, named after her, which Jimmy Kimmel joked about during an interview with Harris last month.
  11. Trump lost the last election by 7 million votes. So, he's got some work to do to close the gap. That means he's got to win some days during these 80 or so campaign days left. Does complaining about Kamala Harris' crowds win Trump the day?
  12. So, your assertion is that AG Harris locked up thousands of people for smoking grass? Really?
  13. U.S. President Donald Trump, who once described climate change as a "hoax", has said he will take the United States out of the 2015 Paris Agreement to combat climate change and support greater use of declining fossil fuels such as coal.
  14. U.S. President Donald Trump, who once described climate change as a "hoax", has said he will take the United States out of the 2015 Paris Agreement to combat climate change and support greater use of declining fossil fuels such as coal.
  15. There aren't many posters here as easy to debunk as you. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Federal_Assault_Weapons_Ban
  16. You believe that Kamala Harris locked up thousands of people for smoking grass?
  17. I lived in California when she was state AG. Of course, California had decriminalized marijuana long before she took office, so your premise is based on a lie. Nothing new there. Try not lying when you ask a question.
  18. You are answering a question with a question. Bad form. Harris never promised to end illegal immigration. Trump did. And failed.
  19. Trump is a pretty bad debater. I suspect that most politicians could make a fool of him.
  20. So, Trump campaigned against illegal immigration, but let in 3 million. And you would vote for him again, if you were a US citizen.
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