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Everything posted by Danderman123

  1. I don't really like having 2 ladies come to my condo, because they tend to ignore me unless absolutely necessary. I always know one of the ladies, who asks to bring a friend. Sometimes the friend is hotter than the first lady. One problem is that ladies are often shy around each other. Sometimes not.
  2. If history is any guide, Trump will lose the popular vote for sure.
  3. Compared to your Leader Trump, anyone is an intellectual giant.
  4. So the police have equipment that supports online gambling now. What will become of it?
  5. It's obvious that the choice of JD Vance was a mistake. My understanding is that the deadline to replace him is August 7. I thought that Sarah Palin was the worst VP candidate, but Vance wins.
  6. I have pointed out some already. Project 2025 aims to reverse civil rights protections for minorities. Project 2025 aims to cut Social Security and Medicare. I don't have time to educate you on the threat posed by Trump's election.
  7. Trump is openly stating that the old system will be replaced with the President have full control over agencies. Civil servants will be replaced with political appointees. You are misrepresenting Trump's plans. Why would you do that?
  8. As a foreigner, I can't expect you to understand how the Executive Branch works. Suffice to say, the President cannot order prosecutions. Trump wants to change that.
  9. What are you smoking? The race is dead even right now. Why would anyone stay home?
  10. From the above link: "As The Independent previously reported, the plan would gut checks and balances to give Trump unprecedented, concentrated executive authority over federal agencies. An incoming Trump administration would roll out a blitzkrieg of firings across federal agencies to open the door for an army of loyalists to weaponize the government against his rivals."
  11. Political control over DOJ prosecutions, for a start. The Leader gets to decide who gets prosecuted, same as Nazi Germany.
  12. It's always a great idea to insult a significant chunk of the electorate. Seriously, you should try try the "he didn't really mean what he said" lie, like when Trump said we wouldn't need any more elections if he won.
  13. Cardi B has furiously blasted 2024 Presidential hopeful Donald Trump over his plans to grant police immunity. Police Immunity is a component of Fascism.
  14. Trump admits to being a Fascist: "I will be a dictator on day 1". And now he openly states he wants to cancel future elections. What policies of Kamala Harris are to the left of AOC?
  15. I am American. How do Communists engage in wealth distribution? What policies of Kamala Harris create wealth distribution?
  16. Vance was a darling of the Left back when he was bashing Trump. The Left hasn't changed, Vance has. Not sure about his position on couches and dolphins, though.
  17. Vance was handpicked by Peter Theil to run new companies. He failed. So Theil supported Vance in politics.
  18. Nope. We don't support Communists or Fascists. Unlike MAGA types who support Putin and Trump.
  19. You use that word, but you don't know what it means. Give us one Communist policy that Harris supports.
  20. Vance is a terrible candidate, and will cost Trump a couple of points in the election.
  21. Trump needed a new VP because he tried to have the last one killed.
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