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Everything posted by Morch

  1. And...? Goes on and on and on about Israel, relatively little said about Hamas role in this, or the fact that Hamas could end this tomorrow. Same old.
  2. Yeah, I know that. What do you imagine this position implies other than a title?
  3. Wouldn't know that he's an 'official' anything. He's a Likud party member, not on the parliament, and don't think he holds a government position. Other than that, it actually was posted on here, but deleted as it's an RT piece. Nothing much to do with the topic at hand. You're grasping at straws.
  4. Mrs. says it came as a deal/package back then, and we don't pay extra. I had no idea...as usual.
  5. Car insurance includes a hot line for assistance. Used it once, they hooked up some mechanic-us-rep conference call, sorted in 20 minutes. Credit cards have something similar, never tried. If not too far from our area, Mrs. would call her elder brother. He loves playing superhero/savior (and actually does know how to deal with a lot of stuff: engines, cobras, fencing, or which policeman to talk to at the station.
  6. 🔴 Live: French warship downs drones headed from Yemen over Red Sea https://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/world/live-french-warship-downs-drones-headed-from-yemen-over-red-sea/ar-AA1lgEW5 Given that there's quite an international naval presence in the area, just a question of time before other countries will be involved (willingly or not).
  7. Why are you lying? It was actually condoned. As for wanting the war to continue - maybe take it up with Hamas. They can stop anytime they feel like it.
  8. What I find sad is that prolific trolling posters pretending to be 'pro-Palestinians' turn this topic into a circus. You have no idea how this will 'go down in history', and judging from your numerous posts on here, not even a clear grasp on the history of the conflict, or the region. As for 'consequences', I'm sure you could invent some. It's not like you're gonna address them when they fail to materialize or things turn differently.
  9. I do condone the USA's action. I think it's a shame that the resolution motion did not see fit to mention the hostages, Hamas accountability, The 7/10 attack and related atrocities/rapes. As for you trolling remark - No, one wouldn't have to be Israeli. He could be a US citizen, from the UK, or even hold Thai nationality. There is nothing such as you imply compelling people to fully identify with governments, policies, or political statements. Unless you missed it, the UK abstained.
  10. Yeah, that's where I am now, in terms of thinking. Plus all this hopping about is maybe more fitting for those who aren't married, no families here, no pets. house etc. Unless one is a very high earner, it doesn't make sense and would cost more (not to mention the trouble). Not happy about being forced to pay, but such is life. Even relocating to some other destination comes with extra costs, probably a few years worth of new tax requirement payments. As Roy Orbison said, 'You bite the bullet, then you chew it'. Anyway, if it would turn out to be a disaster scaring masses of foreigners away, it wil eventually be amended.
  11. As long as the drones/missiles coming from Yemen are intercepted, I doubt something major will happen. If they manage to hit something, especially if it caused loss of life - different ball game. Fair enough, I think, for now. If this comes about, it would probably be dealt with in a similar manner - missile and drone strikes (either from Israel, or Israeli navy assets in the area). When it comes to maritime traffic it's different. I think if they continue to attack ships based on owners' ties to Israel, and with ships flying other flags, they will eventually earn themselves a beating. Not necessarily from Israel, even. Going after ships this way is not something the international community and global business approve of or tolerate.
  12. @thaibeachlovers You just realized that the analogy was bogus, then? Or is this just a handy cop-out as you do not have an answer?
  13. @thaibeachlovers I don't know much about most posters lives, backgrounds, habits outside the forum and so on. I tend to judge posters on content and posting style. For example, I do not dismiss the notion that you might be a wonderful person in real life. As for my posts - whine as much as you like, but yes - I think I am more informed than most on here (regarding these issues, not on all matters), certainly yourself. Also, despite you and other posters going on about 'apologist' and 'propaganda' - many of my actual comments about Israeli policy and actions are not supportive. It depends on the context. Specifically, when it comes to this war, less issues. Topics relating to the West Bank, for example, different views. Compare that with your own all out support for Hamas and the Palestinians. Then look for a sock.
  14. @thaibeachlovers Links were provided. That you insist on denying this, or deny the details doesn't mean a whole lot, considering your obvious bias and blinkered reliance on AJ for information. As for links - no, you don't. More often than not you either claim to have seem something on AJ, without a link. Other times you just make up stuff. Supporting comments with links is not the hallmark of your posting style. Not on these topics, not the Ukraine war ones, not on USA politics discussions or pretty much anything else.
  15. @thaibeachlovers Sure. Two armed men coming out from an underground shaft, shouting in Arabic, while soldiers shouting at them in Hebrew - this could happen anywhere and could be anyone. Next thing you'll claim it was filmed in a studio. Your comment about the tunnels is intentionally misleading, and the clip shows more than one of these, anyway.
  16. @thaibeachlovers More of your assumptions that are based on nothing whatsoever.
  17. @thaibeachlovers What's pathetic is to adhere to a single news source, insist on it as being reliable, while in fact it is a government-controlled operation. And more to the point, same government playing host to leadership of Hamas. Considering AJ never reports things in a critical way as far as Qatar interests go, your comments are either blinkered or contrived. Seems like you are perfectly willing to believe everything you see on there, without checking anything much. As for making up stuff - you over-active imagination is on full display on across many topics. I get it that you support Hamas's resolve to keep fighting to the last civilian killed.
  18. @thaibeachlovers And yet, when it suits you, Trump's words are solid....
  19. @thaibeachlovers The way the UN works, I'm pretty sure some countries were voting for it, secure in knowing the USA will veto it and take the blame. As for your faux emotional nonsense, mind reading attempts and the rest - apparently no issues whatsoever with a motion that did not mention the hostages, Hamas accountability, the 7/10 attack and related atrocities, rapes. Don't recall you being up in arms when Russia blocked resolution motions regarding the war in Ukraine.....
  20. He said knowingly.... Maybe the 'big guys' are too smart to actually challenge the USA. How many wars do you imagine the USA is fighting right now? I mean actual wars. I will bet that China would seat back and do absolutely nothing. Your sky-is-falling act ain't gonna happen. Also, what war against Iran would that be? The one you dreamed up support the hyperbole argument? News Flash: There is no Iran-USA war. Even if the USA was to carry attacks against Iran's proxies in Lebanon and Yemen there wouldn't be an all out war with Iran. That's because the Iranian leadership is not suicidal. Go back to earlier topics on this right after 7/10. The scaremongering about a major regional conflagration, the talk about WWIII. None of that happened. Some people seem disappointed. I'm not.
  21. I don't like putting my hand and fingers anywhere near them when they are alive. Plus if you're in a city it's more difficult finding somewhere to release them. It's one of them critters I don't feel bad about killing, but not enjoying it either. Thankfully the dog got a knack and a passion for it (and doesn't eat or play with the corpses), so all's well.
  22. I think he just picked a shape and went for the troll. Could have been octagonal....
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