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Everything posted by Morch

  1. They are. Quite often, even. One may ask where is all that caring and goodwill on a weekday, but eh.
  2. How could it be ascertained who was a witness and who is not? Who's credible and who's not? As for your fantasy investigation - Hamas usually does not allow full access to foreign investigators. Notably, the only mention of 'culprit' in your post references the IDF.
  3. What is factually known is that there was an explosion at a hospital, resulting in mass casualties. As far as I'm aware, Hamas did not provide any proof it was an Israeli attack. There's bound to be something - video footage, bomb shrapnel, or even a crater where the explosion supposedly happen. From what I've seen, there's none of that offer. On the other hand, Hamas was able, within the hour, announce 500 deaths. There is no way they could have actually cleared and counted bodies, verified death, care for the wounded and so on within an hour. This part was obviously dodgy and PR move, rather than fact based. Now, as for Israel deliberately doing this - slim chances. Not policy, and a bad move with Biden exactly on the way. Perfect timing for Hamas to blame Israel for it, though. Then again, it could have been an error, a mistake, whatever. Could be. But in the many times Israel bombed the Gaza Strip over the years, there weren't actually many times hospitals were directly hit - and that with thousands (maybe more?) of sorties flown. So again, slim chances. Israel claims the explosion was the result of an Islamic Jihad rocket misfiring, exploding prematurely, dropping on the hospital etc. While some of the usual suspects will have trouble accepting it, this happens all the time. On each and every occasion the Palestinians fire rockets at Israel, a significant number malfunctions, sometimes with very bad results. Last time Israel and the Islamic Jihad had a go, about 300 rockets misfired. During the present situation, the last figure I saw was 400. It's expected that Arab countries will automatically embrace the Palestinian narrative on this, nothing new there - and even if it turns out Israel's claim is true, most won't budge. Some posters on here the same, probably. So far, it would seem that Western countries are more reasonable about this, waiting for findings and facts. I'll add that at least as far as the USA and the UK go, they have enough surveillance assets in place to get a clearer picture of what happened. This underscores (again) the issue of Hamas being embedded within its own civilian population, while denying them any protection (as in bomb shelters, or launching in a manner less risky for Gazans). Further, it is not unknown for Hamas and the Islamic Jihad to use hospitals and schools as storage facilities ('caught' at it by UNRWA even, on the previous round), place rocket launchers nearby and so on. Somehow, even though that's a clear violation of them international laws some here tend to disregard, minimize or excuse it. I'd say wait and see, but expected that regardless of facts, the meme will stick.
  4. Despite your attempts to deny it, the destruction periodically and currently visited on the Gaza Strip does have something to do with Hamas actions and policy.
  5. Count your blessings. It means he only responds to some. Imagine the alternative....
  6. Arafat became the Palestinian leader. Palestinian carried many terrorist and massacres since as well. Some of the current Fatah leadership are old-school (former) terrorists. Hamas leadership is terrorist. Do you have an actual point other than keep bringing the same pointless anecdotes over and over again?
  7. How is it more difficult to address a regional threat than an international one? Further, I did not imply something like 'eliminate'. My posts on this remain within the bounds of reason - dealing a serious blow, crippling capabilities, blocking funds, getting a long reprieve - that sort of thing. I do not think that is 'impossible'. Hard, yes. What other options are there, though?
  8. There were bombing attacks before the evacuation order. I don't recall hospitals directly targeted. Same goes for civilians. Hamas started the current mess, with a massive barrage of rockets. Hamas officials bragged about launching thousands of rockets on Israel before the Israeli response.
  9. How do you mean 'it'? Not clear what you imply. Did Israel prevent the Palestinians from holding new elections since 2006? Or was this long hold up the product of the Palestinians' own home grown political divide? As far as I recall, Israel did arrest many Hamas candidate prior to the elections, but most were released after a short while. Post elections, there were no similar mass arrests, though Israel did cancel passage permits of some Hamas representatives. About 6 months or so after the elections, Hamas took an Israeli soldier hostage - and following that there were many arrests of Hamas members, including politicians. Israel certainly did it's share of obstructing thing, but citing it as the only reason, or even main one, is incorrect.
  10. How long are you going to pretend there's only one side to this conflict?
  11. There was no targeting as you claim, as far as I'm aware. Of course, the fact that Hamas places itself among civilians is taken in step, by you. Hamas original charter included just what was claimed here, and more. Pretty much Elders of Zion stuff with how to solve it points. The 'amended' charter tactically dropped some of the more obvious stuff, but retains the underlying religious pronouncements used in the first, and some of the rest. Either way, as is Hamas way - the 'old' charter was not, in fact, cancelled. There's just another version, that's easier to market for outside consumption - while the ideas and rhetoric of the older version are often used in Arabic.
  12. Was at the camera/photo shop in town last week, turns out the wife's cousin actually does just that, in Israel. Then again, their son is a pilot, and his sister just graduated from med school.
  13. Hmmm....no always, though. If they really want you, that's one of the first perks to pop. Even makes it easy to sift through job offers/requests.
  14. Try not to derail the topic, or at the very least offer a more balanced take.
  15. The Hamas does not accept that, though. The 'apartheid' bit is expected, not into your off topic bates. As usual with some posters, no expectations whatsoever from the Palestinians. The problem with the Israeli government is Netanyahu. Hopefully, the aftermath will also spell the end of his political career.
  16. Yeah, the vast majority in agricultural jobs, I think. Nepali the same. Nursing, cleaning is more a Philippines thing. Chinese in construction, Turks as well. Palestinians with work permits are usually in construction, agriculture, and factory work.
  17. This 'discussion' is taking place following the wanton killings of Israeli civilians by Hamas.
  18. Not even all the extreme loons are into it, just some. And they are not a majority even in current government. What they want doesn't make it policy or anything. The Israeli public sentiment is very much against reoccupying the Gaza Strip. You're 'move-the-border' nonsense continues - look at the maps, there is no way to move the border anywhere that would markedly change anything. Maybe you should just come out and say that you're against Israel's very existence.....would save you making a whole lot of daft comments.
  19. Happened to me ages ago, my second night in Turkey. American tourist, of all people. Gave chase, he looked back and stumbled, then some local construction workers stepped over. I retrieved, the bag, we gave him a hiding, and that was that.
  20. I think at least some of the comments from Israel were aimed at regional players. The message is one thing, whether it's perceived as credible is another. Israel's strategic and tactical assessment of Hamas status and intentions was based on intelligence and analysis communicated to the government by cabinet minister, generals and intelligence chiefs. Reading the briefs is one thing, what's in them is another.
  21. There were comments made in the same spirit by Israeli leaders, politicians, generals and commentator just two weeks ago. Also, I'd love to know if higher ups in the Pentagon really feel the same. Not underestimating USA might, just like the speak softly and carry a big stick approach more.
  22. Indeed - "It will be beautiful wall...". Oh...wait.
  23. Not a cricket fan. Nothing against it, just don't get. And that's even after spending a few years in India. Same with baseball. Maybe something to do with not being able to his a ball with a stick even if my life depended on it. What I do recall is that cricket matches can drag on and on, sometimes stopped and resumed on the next day. How will it be handled? Or am I getting something wrong, again?
  24. I expect that Israel's bombings will go down a notch, so as to avoid the risk of an incident when he's present. I also think that the visit (a major sign of support) would likely be payed for in some sort of diplomatic coin (like reaching some working agreement on evacuating foreigners from the Gaza Strip, and letting supplies in). Wonder what represent better PR for Hamas - disruption of the visit (as happened a few days ago with the Senator delegation), or showing some restraint. I don't think the USA will take kindly to rockets launched at the POTUS, regardless of his politics and leanings.
  25. Yes, Master.
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