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Posts posted by stevenl

  1. 2 hours ago, RobU said:

    Charity is big business throughout the world. Usually less than 50% of donations are actually used for the purpose of the charity. Charity executives are probably the best paid people in the world  compared to private companies of similar income. He is definitely taking money from the  Elephant charity to fund his lifestyle, unfortunately it's quite legal. There are professional charity fundraisers who sell their services to charities and receive 50% or more of the funds they raise, again this is quite legal. <snip>

    Agree with this part of your post.

    In addition, I have big doubts about  those elephant rehab centers where tourists are allowed in to bath and interact with the elephants. On top of that, on Phuket land is a really expensive commodity. Anyone serious about animal rehab will not do things like that on Phuket.

    • Agree 2
  2. 5 hours ago, STALINGRAD said:

    This article is about a traffic accident with serious injuries. Police are shown with the suspect,and celebrate the arrest. But when a 19 year old woman from Luxembourg and a 21 year old American man are run over and killed in Rawai in November no photos of the driver,arrest,nothing…But CCTV showed the horrific accident ….Laughable. 

    You don't know nothing happened to her 

    • Agree 1
  3. 36 minutes ago, expat_4_life said:

    Swiss guy lost his cool, should have gotten the security guards to handle the problem.

    I suspect there is always an uneasy tension between the locals and the tourists that occasionally boils up in incidents like this.  There are way too many tourists for me in Phuket, can imagine how locals sometimes might feel.

    Swiss guy will probably regret having acted impulsively and putting himself on the radar of government authorities - we'll have to wait to see how this all ends.

    What tourists?

    • Confused 3
  4. 9 hours ago, KhunLA said:

    Only to idiots, (most voters), who haven't a clue of the issues, the laws, the Constitution or who they are voting for, or if it even matters.  Who ever has the best commercial, that a voter relates to, gets their vote.


    Most people have a hard time knowing who their local, district, state reps in their local & state legislature are, let alone on federal level, or know their voting record.  Or even how the president is appointed.


    Trumps opinion on 2022 midterm, along with most things he states, if fairly irrelevant to reality.  Since Roe vs Wade reversal, should only affects state legislation.  

    Didn't you object to Clinton calling Trump voters deplorables?

  5. 12 hours ago, grain said:

    They're always calling the police. I've seen people having sex on secluded beaches late at night in Thailand and in Australia, I've seen people naked in hotels and apartments because they haven't closed the curtains, I couldn't give a hoot. They're not harming me and it's none of my business. But Thais are forever getting their knickers in a twist. 

    Nothing to do with Thai. There's always someone having issues with something. Add social media and there you go.

  6. 7 hours ago, josephbloggs said:

    Where are you getting this "one after the other" fantasy? She was married off to one Dutch member early on, they had three kids together (which all died from malnutrition and pneumonia as they literally had no food or care) and she only left him when she managed to escape and the caliphate fell. He was abusive and controlling - do you think she was just a party girl there sleeping around for fun? Watch the documentary (I know you won't).

    For the record, if an adult decides to go off and join ISIS and fight then strip them of their citizenship. But she was a vulnerable 15 year old child who was recruited by a school friend, groomed, and went on the journey. Do I believe everything she says? No. Do I believe a child can be groomed, manipulated, and cajoled in to doing something they later regret? Absolutely!

    Do I have basic human standards of decency towards children who were manipulated, who have lived in poverty, have had three children die, who have been living in a refugee camp for several years in atrocious conditions and are now rendered stateless? Yes. Do I believe a knee jerk populist decision by a right wing politician sparked by the mainstream gutter press is the right thing? Absolutely not. And people like you are the problem. No independent research, not interested in learning what happened, just keep repeating your fantasy of this 15 year old girl getting gladly "rogered".

    A child made a mistake (albeit a big one). The government should have no arbitrary right to strip her of her citizenship. Let her come back to the UK and face trial in a court of law, and if guilty be punished appropriately. What is your problem with that? Leave out the childish rogering thing and perhaps try answering as an adult. Why can't a child who was groomed be given a trial in the UK? Why should a decision made as a child lead to being made stateless? Just use normal adult words, give it a go, I'm all ears.


    "Leave out the childish rogering thing and perhaps try answering as an adult. "

    That would require an adult thinking process.

    • Agree 1
  7. 22 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:


    Would you take the chance because you 'don't know of......'  ??? -


    An IDP is necessary in Belgium if your license isn't in English or you're from a non-EU country, as experienced by a forum member in another thread recently who needed an IDP with his Thai License to drive in Belgium...


    Thus: its only Wise to have an IDP, at least the 1968 version.... But double check each country, just incase they require the 1949 version ( think most (or all) of the EU nations are a signatory of the 1968 convention. 



    Better not make statements you're not sure about.


    Driving with a 5 year Thai license IDP is not required in the EU.

    • Confused 2
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  8. 43 minutes ago, proton said:


    That's why Time printed her on the cover as Madame President then? :cheesy:

    Despite all this, however, nationwide polling was not far off from the actual popular vote result, and in fact very few states had results that deviated from the margin of error in the polling average. In a FiveThirtyEight article, Nate Silver defended the performance of the polls in 2016 as historically average, and argued that "Media organizations need to do a better job of informing their readers about the uncertainties associated with polling".



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