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Posts posted by stevenl

  1. 6 minutes ago, jayboy said:


    I'm not sure there is a "right wing" position on this issue.In fact many "right wingers" have argued that it is wrong to deny this woman her rights and privileges as a British citizen.It doesn't mean they have any sympathy for this woman but they dislike the concept of a powerful state which ignores ancient constitutional principles.Actually the proponents of a powerful interfering nanny state are usually to be found on the "left."

    The comments here don't support your assessment.

  2. 13 minutes ago, Bkk Brian said:

    Begum's legal challenges are thought to have cost the taxpayer about £5million already, and if her case ever reached the Supreme Court, this figure could soar to more than £7.5million, according to legal costs expert Paul Fulcher


    From the sun, https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/26147959/shamima-begum-cost-millions-legal-bills/

    "Her fight to return home has already cost more than £250,000 in legal aid, with experts estimating that could hit as much as £7million if she now takes her case to the Supreme Court.


    Paul Fulcher of The Legal Costs Experts told The Sun: “I can see this reaching £7million.


    “It can only get higher with the way this case it going. It’s a huge cost to the taxpayer.”"


    From your link, which is from 2022 so costs will have risen,

    "Legal experts believe that the cost of the case – in which Begum received legal aid – has already cost more than £2million.'


    The text you're quoting I don't see in your link, which would be impossible anyway since your link is from 2022. Your article has been updated a few days ago, but nowhere does it say what has been updated.

    • Like 1
  3. So how about the Life on conception act from the Republicans? No IVF exception there.

    https://www.congress.gov/bill/118th-congress/house-bill/431?s=1&r=67#:~:text=Introduced in House (01%2F20%2F2023)&text=This bill declares that the,an individual comes into being.


    "Introduced in House (01/20/2023) This bill declares that the right to life guaranteed by the Constitution is vested in each human being at all stages of life, including the moment of fertilization, cloning, or other moment at which an individual comes into being."

  4. 54 minutes ago, retarius said:

    Who are the vile monsters? In my book they are Israelis. In your book they are Hamas. I disagree with you and think you have no morals or scruples. 

    That's because of the reasoning the Hamas attack happened in a vacuum and should be seen as unprovoked and the start of the war.

    If it is placed in context one is labeled a vile Hamas supporter and anti-Semite.

    • Agree 2
  5. 3 minutes ago, retarius said:

    Despite the negative tome on this forum, the girl was 15 when she made a mistake. 15 year olds should have a chance at redemption after a mistake. Her 3 children have died, and she has lived for years in a guarded refugee camp. Cancelling her citizenship was simply an act of vile inhumanity. I hope she thrives in the coming years.

    And I hope she will use her status to prevent others from making the same mistake.

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