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Everything posted by NONG CHOK

  1. I am a former major league baseballer in Australia, so I'll carry a stick. I won't be trying my luck to put one over the top but I'm sure a Texas leaguer on the dogs nose will do the trick. The problem was probably I was loaded up with shopping and the dog seen me as easy prey.
  2. I totally agree with you NDN, I've been using auto debit for my power and water accounts for the past 22 years, not one problem. Just to be on the safe side my auto debits are from a bank account I use for this purpose only. So if I was scammed I would lose only a minimum amount.
  3. Every time I walk to my local super market I get attacked by dogs. What devices are recommended to get these walking flea bags to back off. The problem is the tour buses are parked there and the drivers give the dogs their left overs. If this were to cease the dogs would move on.
  4. Easily fixed just move to another shop where you're welcome shoes or not. I must say many of the current Russians in the Naklua area are easily the rudest people I've come across living in that area for the past 22 years.
  5. I worked for the Australian Department Of Defence in a Naval Shipyard for more than 20 years. We built 12 frigates and performed many refits and repairs. The Navy were under the strictest of of orders to be certain that all explosive devices were safely stored prior to docking. I don't believe these things can happen, especially when docking. It appears that those in control didn't give a ratz for safety including their own personel.
  6. When I first met my wife to be we went to several festivals in the Korat area with her Thai friends. She wouldn't let me go to the toilet by myself. She explained to me when these local cretins are drunk, especially on Lao Khao they are feral.
  7. I'm an Aussie and I totally agree with you but are the Asians in Australian casinos betting with their own money?
  8. Get out into the real World and you'd be shocked.
  9. It's not confined to my family, you have no idea the how many Thai people gamble with other peoples money. Of course if they don't win the person lending the money is never going to see their money again. At least in other countries people are a bit more careful who puts the bite on them.
  10. Unless you married into a Thai family you probably don't really understand my question. It all stems from the Government lottery. So they go through all their mumbo jumbo. Buddhist crap, fortune tellers etc. So now they know the lucky numbers. Unfortunately they are total losers, maybe a consolation prize here and there. Come the next draw they need cash which they haven't got. So they get loans from anybody who will listen to them. My step daughter owes maybe 2 million baht to people with no chance of paying it back. She's changes where she lives at least every month, then she's on the bite again. My sister in law lost her home in Pattaya using her property to get a loan to gamble. Of course she lost the lot. Thankfully my wife is very tight with money and probably buys 5-6 lottery tickets per year. If Thailand ever get casinos there's going to be serious consequences. I've owned racehorses and greyhounds for the past 50 years. I always bet with my money and in moderation,.
  11. Several years ago I seen the Dalai Llama being interviewed. His views were quite interesting. He answered all the questions put to him but then came the dreaded question. What's your thoughts on Thai Buddhism? He replied, next question please as I've got no intentions of answering that question.
  12. I think he renamed it Asia Pacific.
  13. I had the original ABC Asia when I was living in Bangkok and it was perfect. Overall it was ordinary but I got the AFL, NRL and also rugby union which satisfied me. Then along came a real Asian hater in Tony Abbot, not only he changed the name but all the overall content it was absolutely useless.
  14. Thanks for your advice, I believe there's a scam going on in my condo. I went back to Australia for 12 months and when I came back I made enquiries in the office and I was told I could only use the the TV that they recommended. So I went along with that and I found out after it was installed and paid for that it is total crap. It doesn't even have a name. So it appears that mine was disconnected whilst I was away. Maybe someone is using mine which had a long subscription. By the way the Aussie Rules officially starts on Thursday March 7. Cheers.
  15. In my 22 years in Pattaya I've never heard an Indian person say one word in English. Even most of the European tourist speak some English.
  16. Hi there, I have paid TV in my condo and it's not worth a shower of $hit. Of all the channels I found one speaking English and even that channel doesn't interest me. Has anyone got any suggestions for a subscription and costs which includes some sports including Aussie rules football. I'm just short of 80 years old, I'm going ok but these days I don't go out very much as I prefer the comfort of my condo. Thanks
  17. Seriously why should people have to go through all this bull $hit just to renew a license. If a person is on a valid 5 years license why not just pay the fee and receive a new license like most other countries do. I've held a Thai drivers license for 22 years, I've never had an accident and not even one fine over that period. I still get treated like a beginner come renewal time.
  18. Maybe normal alcoholic beverages don't really need the suggested lablelling. An easy fix would be to totally ban Lao Kaow, it's the reason that people up north die on the roads. Just give it a try and see how it affects you.
  19. After living in Thailand for 24 years, married for 22 years I've had enough of their antics. For the past 10 years I've used the same agent with not one problem. Previously when I was applying for marriage visas annually the rules always contradicted the previous rules even though they all used the same rule book.
  20. My late mother inlaw was the victim of regular B&B ( Bonking & Bashing ) for many years. My wife told me that it happens regularly up North especially when the males are $hit faced on Lao Kaow. I've never slapped my Isarn wife of 22 years as I fear the consequences if I were to miss.
  21. I was a professional cyclist in my younger days and I wouldn't ride a bike at anytime in Pattaya.
  22. A good friend of mine has 2 sets of twins. He maintains that its not the size of the weapon but the quality of the shot.
  23. Several years ago I seen a documentary about Buddhism including an interview with Dalai Lama. He was very cheerful answering questions regarding Buddhism. Then comes the question, what's your opinion of Thai Buddhism. He replied let's leave that one alone, next question please.
  24. I've been living in Thailand for the past 22 years and from past experiences I use Krungsri as my general account and Kasikorn as my back up and for power and water auto debits.
  25. I live next door to a Catholic organisation in Naklua 25. They say it's a refuge for women from broken relationships. They also say they teach them skills especially improving their English. I lived there for 8 years and I've never heard one word of English spoken. Instead of training to be good Catholics they make more noise than pre pubescent girls. Maybe I'm lucky because if God is taking good care of them, then he's only next door so he can take good care of me.
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